Brand New Roberto Cyborg Abreu “Flow: Top Game” DVD *UPDATED

Cyborg Abreu DVD Flow-The Top Game
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Ah, those blue belt days. If there is one thing that marks my blue belt period, it is the tornado guard. Somehow, I came across a Roberto Cyborg Abreu DVD and that was it. It was actually one of my first BJJ DVD instructions. It did me a world of good If I’m being honest. My guard became unpassable very quickly, and I had absolutely no trouble sweeping people. Even when I started enjoying inversions a bit too much, I had great success with the tornado guard. Now, years later, there’s a brand new Roberto Cyborg DVD out. And I went out and got, for history’s sake if nothing else. 

Roberto Cyborg Abreu – Flow Top Game

Cyborg Abreu DVD Flow-The Top Game
Techniques List

Roberto Cyborg is one of the old school heavyweight grapplers that is surprisingly mobile for his weight. He manages to get the most out of his flexibility and strength by exploring some rather unorthodox avenues of Jiu-Jitsu. However, one thing is for sure – Cyborg’s stuff works! It worked for me as a blue belt, and, though I have some injuries that prevent me from using it now, it does work later on as well. After all, Cyborg has been using it for years against top-level grapplers of all generations. The Brazilian is one of those grapplers that have World titles in everything, from the IBJJF to the ADCC. This is exactly why you need to make the new Cyborg Abreu DVD a priority!

Roberto Cyborg Abreu

Roberto Cyborg Abreu is a super heavyweight grappler that was born in Campo Grande, Brazil. The 38-year-old came into the sport by joking around wrestling with his friends. The thing was, that one of the kids was way skinnier then Cyborg, yet managed to finish him a few times. The skinny kid knew BJJ. From that moment on, Cyborg made it his mission to pursue the Gentle Art. As we all know, he succeeded in his quest.

Roberto Cyborg Abreu DVDCyborg today leads the Fight Sports Academy, based in Miami, Florida. His nickname is a result of a very serious car accident he had like a blue belt in the early 2000s. Despite the doctor’s prognosis that he wouldn’t be able to use his left arm ever again, he managed to get silver in the Brazilian nationals only 4 months after the accident. He still carries the glass in the arm to this day, which is why his teammates named him Cyborg. His ‘godfather” was Isaias, a Carlson Gracie black belt.

If there’s one thing you need to know about Roberto Cyborg Abreu, it is that he enjoys the competition. This means that any information you get from a Roberto Cyborg Abreu DVD is going to be 100% legit for use in tournaments. Cyborg is actually a Francisco Albuquerque black belt, which only strengthens his pedigree as a top competitor. Cyborg got his black belt in an impressive 5 years. Afterward, Cyborg teamed up with Buchecha and Cavaca to form a deadly competition team. Even though the team fell apart after a few years, Cyborg still went on to compete everywhere he could, and still does to this day.

Cyborg’s Grappling Career

Overcoming a lot of adversity and harnessing his fierce competitor spirit, Cyborg managed to conquer a lot in the world of BJJ. Even before he earned his black belt in Jiu-Jitsu, Cyborg managed to get the world and national titles. However, it was the decade or so after getting the black belt that he truly excelled.

Some of Cyborg’s most notable titles include IBJJF European champion, Pans Champion and multiple IBJJF No-Gi World Champion (five times, to be precise). He is known for competing in both his weight class and the absolute. Actually, Cyborg has some of his most impressive competitive achievements precisely in the absolute division. The first thing that springs to mind is his 2013 ADCC performance. Ending up a runner-up in his weight division, Cyborg came back strong for the absolute. he defeated his former team-mate Buchecha in the finals, conquering the highest accolades possible in Jiu-Jitsu.

To this day, Cyborg is still an active competitor. Just recently, he won another world title, this time at the IBJJF World Masters. This time, however, he conquered the title with the G. Roberto overcame 5 very tough opponents in an impressive performance where his Tornado guard featured heavily. Seeing as his trademark stuff works at the highest level to this day, I’m certainly extremely excited about the new Cyborg Abreu DVD and the innovations it will bring!

“Flow: Top Game” Roberto Cyborg Abreu DVD Review

A defining trait of Cyborg as a grappler is his ability to move. At 38 and weighing somewhere in the neighborhood of 240 lbs, Cyborg moves like he’s 150 lbs and 20 years of age! This is down to how efficient and experienced he is in the sport, but is nonetheless impressive. Still, the way Cyborg flows from one position to another, threatening with submissions and never releasing pressure is something only high-level black belts can do. Until now.

This brand new Cyborg Abreu DVD explores exactly this breathtaking aspects of the Brazilian’s game – flowing. Moreover, he focuses on how fast-flowing BJJ works from the top. Basically, this is a DVD instructional like no other before it. Most people focus on moves, sequences or concepts and principles when they’re filming a DVD. Cyborg, unlike most, focused on an aspect of BJJ we’re all after but we have no idea how to train. Once again, just as he did with his original Tornado guard DVD years ago, Cyborg is changing the landscape of Jiu-Jitsu.

“Flow- The Top Game” is a Gi based instructional containing four volumes. Each volume covers an area of the top game in BJJ where you can apply the principles of the flow. Open guard passing, half guard passing, side control and mount philosophy, the ability to surf, a back taking masterclass and more are featured across the volumes in this Cyborg Abreu DVD. All in all, as a fan of Cyborg and his work, I can say that this DVD is miles better than any of his previous work. Furthermore, it is one of the best DVDs to ever come out, and certainly, a contender for the best DVD of 2019, even though we’re only less than a month in!

VOLUME 1 – Flowing Against Open Guards

Cyborg kicks things off right from the opening minute. The man is built like a tank, so no wonder his opening move is named “the under over missile pass”. Not to be confused though, as the move is all about flowing, seamless movements as opposed to brute force. It’s a great variation to the usual over under pass we’re all used to.

Following closely are some great options for dealing with common open guards, like the De la Riva and the butterfly guard. The best thing about it is that you can connect all of them into one flow, basing your directions on the opponent’s reactions or lack of them.

Cyborg spends the second portion of Volume 1 on outlining his philosophy of controlling side control when on top. He starts with a long-winded explanation of his concepts and principles, which are the base of his flowing style. He also has revolutionary detailed concepts on the 100-kilos position, explaining exactly how to smash someone while you’re flowing on top. A knee block and some windshield wiper details round off the perfect start to a perfect BJJ DVD instructional.

VOLUME 2 – Top Half Guard Flow

In the second portion of this Cyborg Abreu DVD, the gears shift towards the half guard. it is also a distinctly longer DVD than the first one, filled with many more positions and flow concepts. The half guard smash is the opening move, flowing directly into things like a backstep half guard pass and once again, a missile pass variation. There’s also a very neat straight jacket to side control flow that’ll really help you up to your back talking game.

The DVD continues to connect the dots, now referring back to some of the open guards passes. He also covers how to make them work together with the half guard ones. Moreover, Cyborg connects side control to both passing sequences and back control. he does everything by showing you a very important concept- moving in both directions. Cyborg’s flows are not just one directional i.e. pass to side control to the back, but also work in reverse, in case you need to re-adjust and attack again. The point is to remain in control all the time and keep pressure while staying mobile.

VOLUME 3 – Side Control, Mounting, And Unmounting

Cyborg Abreu DVD FlowA common thread of the “Flow-The top Game” Cyborg Abreu DVD seems to be the increasing length of every volume in the set. The third disc is once again a masterpiece, this time focusing me on positions. The opening concept is one that is crucial to a successful top game flow – surfing. The ability to use your opponent’s body to constantly shift your weight while pressuring them relentlessly is something that takes a long time to learn. In his DVD, cyborg offers a “shortcut” by explaining the principles behind the concept in-depth.

A few more passing sequences, in the form of leg smash pass variation, follow the surfing principles. From there on, Cyborg goes deep into the knee on belly, continuing the flows from previous volumes. The details here are about controlling knee on belly, getting it from side control and switching sides. There are the inevitable flows in every direction, with options for mount or the leg smash position.

The main goal of the knee on belly position is to open up the mount, of course. This is exactly what Cyborg covers next, again in a very unique fashion. First, he covers the usuals of staying on top and maintaining mount. What’s new here is that he also covers unmounting, which as a concept is not something most grapplers have in their arsenal. The unmount flows both backward (to leg smash) or forward (to S-mount). The closing sequence is all about transitioning to the back from the already established S-mount.

VOLUME 4 – Flowing Back Attacks 

Once again, a larger than before volume that helps you put everything together. However, Cyborg first goes over some slick back attacks and methods of dealing with turtled up opponents. Here, the flows have the task of opening up the turtle, whether via a forced roll, knee ride or some other innovative moves. Speaking of innovative moves, the crane back take is going to have you holding your head in disbelief. Good and bad side back attacks wrap up Cyborgs flows by showing you how to choke everyone.

As this amazing Cyborg Abreu DVD comes to an end, Cyborg goes into a very important subject – mindset. Here, he explains the principle of connection and the mindset behind creating connections in your game. There’s no flow without the ability to connect moves and techniques, regardless of how well you move. To reiterate what he explains here, Cyborg finishes the DVD with 5 connection flows that put everything together. His trademark style of going back and forth, spinning, rolling and turning while constantly being a treat really comes out here. the best thing about it is that he explains every step. If you’re after a free-flowing top game that nobody is able to stop, this is the DVD for you!

Roberto Cyborg Abreu – Flow Top Game

Cyborg Abreu DVD Flow-The Top Game
Techniques List
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review-new-cyborg-abreu-dvdAh, those blue belt days. If there is one thing that marks my blue belt period, it is the tornado guard. Somehow, I came across a Roberto Cyborg Abreu DVD and that was it. It was actually one of my first BJJ DVD instructions....