Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD Review

Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD Review
FREE Gordon Ryan Instructional

“Just hold him there!” How many times have you heard your coach yell that from the sidelines as you’re struggling to maintain top side control over your opponent in a tournament? Well, there is an easy way to fix your top side control pressure, and, you guessed it, there is a BJJ DVD to teach you how.

The Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD covers an interesting perspective on making you a lot heavier during pinning without going through a masterclass of physics, biomechanics, and anatomy. It is a good No-Gi instructional, with particular value for white to purple belt students.

Key Takeaways

  • 3-part Gi BJJ DVD with roughly two hours of side control torture hacks.
  • Techniques that allow you to feel like you weigh a ton by leveraging limb placement from side control.
  • Contains footage from a complete fundamentals side control class. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 7 out of 10.


Review Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD
TRAILER:: Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD

The Dark Side of Side Control

What is the most disturbing thing about side control? I can wager that most of the people who’ve trained, at least for a few months, are going to say pressure or a different explanation that boils down to it. And you’d be right.

Side control can be now of the most brutal pinning positions in grappling and combat sports if the top person knows how to inflict pain by distorting your body so that you can’t adjust to bear their weight. The discomfort in the pin comes from the weight, but it is what the top person does with their arms, legs, and head that makes it impossible for you to offset that weight.

Here’s the best part – you don’t need to wait until you’re an “efficient brown belt” to develop these crushing skills. All it takes is a few well-executed placements of your limbs that will allow you to position your body in a way that makes the bottom person feel as if a boulder is crushing them.  And we all know that everyone hates pressure more than they hate leg locks, wrist locks, and takedowns together.

The Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD promises to teach you such hacks and tactics in just a couple of hours. Too good to be real? Let’s review the content.

The Yoga For BJJ Guy

If you’ve ever tried to find anything along the lines of flexibility for BJJ, Yoga for BJJ, and similar mobility stuff, you’ve most likely come across the name Sebastian Brosche. The Swedish-born BJJ black belt became a staple name in the conditioning for BJJ world while he was a brown belt when he launched his Yoga for BJJ instructionals.

While Brosche is absolutely a master in Yoga (or whatever titles they have there) he is no less proficient on the BJJ mats when it comes to grappling. While no accolades stand to his name after he got his black belt he did win medals at all major tournaments, including gold at the Euros and Worlds as a purple belt.

A black belt under the ultra-skillful Eduardo ‘Teta’ Rios, Sebastian is one of the hoards of students to represent Teta’s famed Frontline Academy, such as Tarick Hopstock. Brosche discovered Jiu-Jitsu in 2007 and has been hooked since, both in terms of exploring how to best torture and submit people and how to teach them to fix their bodies.

Known as a top player who brings tremendous pressure to the mats, which makes his Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD a promising one, at least if we judge it by the title.

Full Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD Review

The Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD review revealed a 3 part instructional that contains two volumes of standard BJJ DVD material – each has several chapters focusing on different techniques within the scope of the subject. Brosche makes the instructional different by including a complete class he teaches as his last volume, giving a perspective of reality to the entire instructional.

Part 1 – Pinning

As Sebastian begins his instructional, he doesn’t waste any time on lengthy introductions and unnecessary fluff. All his BJJ instructionals so far contain a number of chapters covering different techniques, sometimes even unrelated to each other.

In this case, he lays a foundation by talking about the opponent’s center and how to best pin it. Building form there, he involves the legs, and arms, covering leg engagements and the Shoulder of Justice, a.k.a. crossface that has “retired” many a BJJ white belt.

As the opening part of the Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD progresses, so does Brosche’s positioning, as he moves towards the half knee on belly, which I find to be extremely useful. He finishes by explaining how to build yourself back up when you lose the position.

Part 2 – Causing Pain and Misery

The second portion of the Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD instructional takes a step back (literally) and uses the foundation of pin control from the first volume to demonstrate how to enter from passing.

If you expect a series of Danaher-esque instructions in this DVD, you’re sorely mistaken. You will, however, learn all about executing brutal stuff that won’t win you any friends, such as Mother’s Milk, reverse knee on belly, scarf holds, and the innovative Reverse Bear Hug.

Part 3 – Full Fundamentals Class

The final part of the Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD contains a full-length fundamentals class taught by Sebastian which covers plenty of the stuff he demonstrated before but adjusted to the needs of people who are more or less new to BJJ.

The Art of Pinning in BJJ

Pining in BJJ is an awkward business, unlike other grappling martial arts. The goal of submissions makes pins secondary, which means that the bottom person often accepts them, even though that means conceding points. In the great scheme of things that is BJJ, the advantage of points is easily reversed by a well-placed submission.

That places the top person in a conundrum – would you focus on pinning flawlessly, which might leave you open to some unorthodox and wicked counterattacks, or do you bled in submissions of your own, taking away from the pin’s effectiveness? This Shakespearean grappling dilemma often leaves people confused and ends up offering neither a pin nor a submission that’s going to work.

So, when you’re looking to improve both, improve your pins. However, approach pins from a different perspective. Instead of trying to stop the bottom person from moving completely, stop them from moving you – that will introduce the weight factor.

Once you’re torturing them just by being there, you can slowly, methodically, and malevolently set up any submission you like. See the Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD for ideas.

Sebastian Brosche DVD Death From Side Control Review
Free Technique: How to do Mother’s Milk by Sebastian Brosche


Downright Nasty (But Legal) BJJ!

There is some merit to the idea behind the Death From Side Control Sebastian Brosche DVD. The instructional will definitely make lower belts utilize weight better by taking their mind off chasing weight distribution – it is ingenious. However, apart from a few interesting brutality-based hacks, it doesn’t offer much for those who have mastered side control pressure the hard way. Still, a good way to spend a couple of hours.

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