Defensive Connection Chain: A Marcos Tinoco BJJ DVD Review

Defensive Connection Chain: A Marcos Tinoco BJJ DVD Review
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For those out in the BJJ World attempting to introduce defense to their game, first of all – Kudos, that is brave! Second, you’re in for some rough hours on those mats, but do not give up! The more you decide to allow people to torture you, the easier it will become to feel at ease when they’re doing it. 

Of course, you’ll need a plan. That is where going for the Defensive Connection Chain Marcos Tinoco BJJ DVD might prove to be a smart move. Despite not offering the latest helpful insights into BJJ defense, the instructional is solid at organizing the defense most people are already aware of. In fact, I think it may prove to be highly effective exactly because of this. 

Key Takeaways

  • Two-hour long Gi BJJ instructional containing four volumes of instructions. 
  • Covers the principles of defense, mostly focusing on different guards.
  • Explores both top and bottom aspects of defense, exploring defensive chains. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 8 out of 10.


Marcos Tinoco DVD Review: Defensive Connection Chain
TRAILER: Marcos Tinoco DVD Defensive Connection Chain

When To Move and When to Be Still

How do you set up your defense/? If you are doing anything but arranging your defensive system similarly to your offensive one, then you’re picking the more difficult and complicated road. It will work, but you’ll never end up feeling comfortable while defending if you base your defense on what your opponent does in attack. 

Organizing your defensive efforts around positions that allow you to deter differnet types of attacks, while compromising the attacking person’s superior position is what you’re after. These safe zones should be the foundation of your defensive game, but you must not forget that having each of them alone is far from enough. 

How, and more importantly when you move between them is where the true skill of an expert defensive grappler lies. If you ever want to have a hope of becoming a high-level grappler, you’ll need to attain it as well. One option that lays out a very simplistic defensive system you can use, is the Defensive Connection Chain Marcos Tinoco BJJ DVD.

Marcos “Lekinho” Tinoco

As a Marcelo Garcia black belt, Tinoco is a name associated with a level of Jiu-Jitsu and the Brazilian does not disappoint in delivering exactly that. His competitive record, which includes at least one title in almost each of the toughest competitions in the world (except for ADCC), speaks for itself. 

Marcos has been with Marcelo Garcia since brown belt, representing the army of modern-day black belt assassins that have come out of MG Jiu-Jitsu in New York. Initially, Tinoco started training with Juarez Soares and the GFTeam in Brazil. After meeting his wife and swapping Brazil for the US, Marcos ended up at the MG Academy, a year before he got his black belt from Marcelo. 

Tinoco’s competition record is more than impressive, with the 35-year-old already claiming nearly 80 victories. Popular as a deadly effective points fighter as opposed to his mentor;s submission-heavy style, Tinoco made a name for himself in the highest levels of BJJ. 

Some of the victims of Marcos “Lekinho” Tinoco’s style throughout the years include grappling titans such as Tommy Langaker, Romulo Barral, Murilo Santana, and Oliver Geddes. In the Defensive Connection Chain Marcos Tinoco BJJ DVD he demonstrates exactly why he was able to be so dominant in world-class BJJ tournaments.

Full Marcos Tinoco DVD Review: Defensive Connection Chain

In this Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructional, Marcos Tinoco shares just over two hours of material, divided between four volumes. The Defensive Connection Chain Marcos Tinoco BJJ DVD does not offer too much in terms of innovation, but it does help connect some well-known BJJ concepts and positions. 

Part 1 – Bottom Positions

In the opening salvo of this instructional, Marcos Tinoco goes over a variety of different escapes, mostly focusing on how to move when on the bottom. His system revolves around defensive checkpoints which help him take a break as he moves through grappling defense. 

The starting focus in the Defensive Connection Chain: A Marcos Tinoco BJJ DVD is side control, with chapters covering reversals, elbow escapes, and guard recoveries. Marcos also covers side control follow-ups you may end up in, such as knee on belly and mount, with a bunch of defensive options that tie into the original side control/North-South escapes. 

Part 2 – Dealing with the Closed Guard

Arguably, the most useful section of this Marcos Tinoco DVD is the second volume, which covers how to position yourself side the closed guard so that you’re invulnerable to attacks. Strong defense inside the closed guard is the best way to force the opponent to open it, making it easier to pass. 

The list of movies Tinoco shows how to defeat starts with the Kimura, taking us through hip bump sweeps and addressing the sneaky scissor sweep with direct counterattacks. Most of his tactics are nothing new, he just connects them all into a logical system. 

Part 3 – Half Guard 

In terms of the half guard, I appreciated that Tinoco goes over both top and bottom tactics to deal with it. He addresses sweeps as well as wrestling up from guard with sneaky moves that end up with even sneakier submissions, like lapel armbars. 

Throughout the deconstruction of the dangers of half-guard and how you can defeat them, Tinoco also covers the deep half-guard, a subject many instructors fail to recognize as dangerous. 

Given how close the bottom half guard is to the mount position, Tinoco offers ways to connect some of the previously used mount defenses. In this part of the Defensive Connection Chain DVD, though, he expands on it to include armbar and choke defenses. 

Part 4 – Open Guards

The final part of the Defensive Connection Chain Marcos Tinoco BJJ DVD continues where the last volume stops, addressing the dreaded head and arm (a.k.a. Arm triangle) choke from the mount and how to defend it. 

Before concluding his instructional, Tinoco goes over the spider guard as one of the timeless threats from the bottom in Gi Jiu-Jitsu, offering hope to those suffering from triangles, Omoplatas, and sweeps. Dealing with the lapel guard also finds a place in this portion of the instructional. 

Defense As a Flow Concept

Everyone raves about flow in Jiu-Jitsu, but when you ask people about what they mean by it, you get either idea about effortless transitions between top positions or fluid guard juggling. But what about defense? Can you even think about ‘flowing’ when you’re trying to fight from a bad spot in BJJ?

If you organize your defense around checkpoints, which allows you to transition back and forth, then you’re building a system that allows you to move when you want, rather than being hopelessly pinned. The more checkpoints you introduce to the system, the more you can move since the distance between the two is generally shorter. That’s how defense begins to flow.  

Having checkpoints ready, and being able to stop direct attacks is not enough. You want to be able to move towards a position that allows you to attack and for that, you’ll need to figure out when to move in between positions. 

This is where the crucial concept of timing your movement comes into play. The Defensive Connection Chain: A Marcos Tinoco BJJ DVD is a solid resource to help you get some ideas.  

Marcos Tinoco BJJ DVD Review: Defensive Connection Chain
Free Technique Sample: Defensive Connection Chain Marcos Tinoco DVD


Become Fearless on the Mats! 

The best way to become attack-proof in BJJ is to be comfortable being in the bottom of a mount, having your back taken, or being deep on the receiving end of an Ashi Garami. Achieving requires you to spend a lot of time in all those situations, but also have a blueprint that is proven to work at all levels of the game. 

The Marcos Tinoco BJJ DVD “Defensive Connection Chain” can help you with the second aspect of this conundrum. It offers several different positional tactics, and, even though the focus is on defensive positioning, but rather on how to break up offensive ones, it is a helpful resource to start you on the path to an effective defense. 

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