Jaine Fragoso BJJ DVD Review: World Class Legal Leg Locks

Jaine Fragoso BJJ DVD Review: World Class Legal Leg Locks
Free John Danaher Instructional BJJ DVD

Time to look at another leg ock instructional, and not skit that, but another one targeting only legal leg locks. Legal or not, your leg lock finishes will only be as strong as your entries and control are, so learning from a World Champion is going to help you, regardless of your real or perceived grappling experience.

Leg locks are definitely a staple of the modern competition game in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and they have become an integral part of Gi and No-Gi grapplers alike. The Jaine Fragoso BJJ DVD we are looking at today targets World Class Legal Leg Locks based on the experiences of a professional Gi competitor with a career on the rise and tested at the highest levels of the sport.

Key Takeaways

  • BJJ DVD with 6 volumes, featuring the Gi and containing 2 hours of material.
  • Covers only legal submissions to do in Gi BJJ tournaments. 
  • A competition-clad way to attack legs from top and bottom positions. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 7 out of 10.


World Class Legal Leg Locks Jaine Fragoso BJJ DVD Review
Preview The World Class Legal Leg Locks BJJ DVD by Jaine Fragoso

Why Are Some Leg Locks Still Illegal?

The legality of leg locks is an issue I thought was being debated somewhere around 2016, maybe 2017. Yes, the IBJJF was late to the party (as usual) lifting the bounty off heel-hooks after 2020, but still imposing a bunch of conditions for people to use them.

At the end of the day, there is no change whatsoever to Gi BJJ rules, which in my opinion holds the sport back a lot. We are far past the dummy claims that leg locks destroy people and will maim them for life – it simply isn’t true. So why run from leg locks in this day and age of grappling evolution?

I will say what I have said over and over again – learn all leg locks, and learn them as early as you can, preferably starting your very first day on the mats. Of course, if you want to compete in certain tournaments, you’ll have to abide by the rules. It is easier, however, to know all types of leg locks and choose which ones to use than get caught by someone who does.

I appreciate instructionals like the World Class Legal Leg Locks Jaine Fragoso BJJ DVD, which covers the subject of legal leg locks, providing people with a filter as to what they can use. I just find the restrictions pointless and detrimental to the sport at its point.

A Lightweight to Watch: Jaine Fragoso

The name Jaine Fragoso is one that has been sending ripples in the lightweight divisions for the past few years, and those ripples are about to turn into waves. Jaine has been tearing the competition scene, primarily in the Gi, collecting prizes across the board, from IBJJF to AJP.

The 26-year-old black belt representing Serao Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu blew up in the last year, conquering the IBJJF worlds and the IBJJF No-GI pans, among a bunch of other open-style tournaments that include IBJJF, UAEJJF and ADCC events. For the most part, she has been hunting for submissions with other particular expertise lying in the leg locks department.

The Brazilian has a very aggressive competition game, comfortable with her opponents knowing exactly what she’s going to do, and doing it anyway. Fragoso is extremely skilled in getting leg locks from everywhere, top, bottom, standing, and even on her way out of bad sports.

The most impressive thing is that she sticks to legal leg locks as she prefers to battle it out in the Gi. The World Class Legal Leg Locks Jaine Fragoso BJJ DVD covers the entire system that she has used to get a BJJ World Champion title.

World Class Legal Leg Locks Jaine Fragoso BJJ DVD Review

The World Class Legal Leg Locks Jaine Fragoso BJJ DVD is a Gi instructional on the subject of competition-legal leg locks. It contains six volumes, each covering a specific subject, but all amassing to a disappointingly short running length of barely 2 hours. All the material could easily fit in a two-part DVD.

Part 1 – Closed Guard

While the closed guard does not pop as the main position to set up leg locks, there are some options available, albeit they are viable at best. Jaine’s take on the subject is to utilize the closed guard to force her opponents to stand up. This is an effective approach that she has pulled off in world-class tournaments.

With the legs exposed versus a standing opponent, this volume of the Jaine Fragoso BJJ DVD offers several ways to capitalize, both when they’re facing you and turning away. The best part is that she also has an entry that doesn’t require the top person to be standing. It makes sense, although I haven’t tested it yet on the mats to see whether it will work.

Most of the submissions throughout the instructional focus on kneebars, with the occasional ankle lock and toe hold here and there.

Part 2 – 50/50 Leg Locks

The second part of the World Class Legal Leg Locks instructional explores a very well-known leg locking position that doubles as a guard and an Ashi Garami – the 50/50. The attacks available here are not too plentiful, and Fragoso offers only three options in this part, covering inside attacks, outside attacks, and options versus standing opponents.

This part reminds me of old Dean Lister leg lock DVDs where he categorizes things as inside and outside relative to his legs, and goes on to explain entire systems in one chapter. It is exactly what Jaine does in this volume.

Part 3 – De La Riva Guard

I really do not like people claiming they can set up leg locks from the De La Riva. Apart from the Caio Terra ankle lock, you’re not really getting leg locks from the DLR, as it is impossible to do since it is an outside guard. You simply start in it before going to other guards more suited to leg locks.

Honestly, nothing new or overly impressive appears in this part of the DVD, with half dedicated to DLR as the starting position and another half exploring the Reverse De La Riva. A bit underwhelming.

Part 4 – Half Guard Leg Attacks

The half guard is a position with lots of leg-locking options as a result of its mechanics. This is reflected in this portion of the Jaine Fragoso leg locks Legal Leg LocksDVD, which is the longest one in the entire set. In it, she goes over bottom and top leg lock setups in relation to the half guard.

Jaine begins by talking about underhooks going under both the armpit and the leg. She then covers every direction available for leg locks. focusing on the Jegue as her main position. She also covers the deep half guard offering some interesting ways of introducing leg lock attacks to the BJJ classic position.

Part 5 – Leg Locking Open Guards

A volume mainly exploring leg lock entries and finishes against common open guards used in Gi competition. The main culprits are the spider guard, over-under, and the lapel guard. Most of the setups and attacks are straightforward and make great use of the guard’s grip placements and mechanics to open up leg attacks.

Part 6 – X-Guard Attacks and Counters

As the Jaine Fragoso BJJ DVD concludes, the focus is on one of the most common leg-locking positions – the single-leg X guard. She attacks both legs which I particularly enjoyed, as a former leg lock enthusiast.

The best part about this volume is the section on counter leg locks, and how to defend them while you’re going for your initial submission. Counterattack awareness sis huge for leg lockers, and I was glad to see it covered in such a smart way in an instructional.

The Legal Equalizer

Whether you are a seasoned black belt, a small framed person, a huge ultra-heavyweight, or just the recreational school teacher looking for some fun, leg locks will help you be better on the mats. They remain one of the best techniques in the submission department for all types of grapplers which is a rarity in the BJJ World.

How many submissions can you think of that everyone can understand fairly easily, can pull off against peers and more experienced grapplers alike, and result in a high percentage of success? There was a reason why the DDS built their entire game around leg locks and still use them heavily to this day. They just work.

That brings us full circle, back to the elephant in the room once again – legality. Providing that leg locks can be done safely and effectively has not changed the minds of the powers to be, particularly when it comes to traditional Gi Jiu-Jitsu.

So, it comes down to you. Will you pick to grapple using just one bullet in your leg-locking six-shooter, or fill that barrel up and shoot off your hip at anyone daring to get near you? The World Class Legal Leg Locks Jaine Fragoso BJJ DVD will help, but it only supplies some of the bullets you need to be a true leg-locking outlaw!

BJJ DVD Review: World Class Legal Leg Locks by Jaine Fragoso
Free Technique: World Class Legal Leg Locks by Jaine Fragoso


Leglocks From Everywhere!

If there is one thing I like about the World Class Legal Leg Locks DVD it is that Jaine covers both top and bottom entries into leg locks. She really offers solutions that easily take care of some of the most annoying guards in Jiu-Jitsu such as the spider and lasso guard.

The bottom line is whether you want to limit yourself to the legal leg locks demonstrated in this Jaine Fragoso BJJ DVD or you want to be able to go for the highest percentage of lower body finishes. Honestly, the entries demonstrated here will help you with either, so picking this DVD up as a Gi competitor is likely to provide you with a very important edge.

Leg Locks 101: A Guide to Positions, Submissions, Dangers, And Rules

Single Leg X Guard: ALL DVD And Digital Instructionals

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