Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD Review

Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD Review

You’ve probably heard both Gordon Rayn and John Danaher talk about scrimmage rounds during their training sessions, but neither one rally went too deep in explaining what these are. That is all about to change now with the Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD.

In a brand new 6-part instructional, Gordon covers the concept of scrimmage for BJJ, demonstrating how they set it up and offering a really useful and crucial blueprint for approaching the standing game. In a DVD where Ryan does not show a single takedown, he sets you up to succeed at all of them. His best-organized instructional to date, by a country mile!

Key Takeaways

  • 6-volume No-Gi BJJ DVD containing over three and a half hours of material.
  • Lays the foundation of any effective standing game plan development for BJJ.
  • Contains over an hour of rolls and rolling commentary and breakdowns by Ryan. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 9.5 out of 10.


Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD Trailer
TRAILER: Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD

What’s Scrimmage Wrestling?

The term scrimmage is not something you often hear in terms of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. In team-based sports, scrimmage refers to playing “mock” games during practice, which are not scored or officiated but replicate exactly what the athletes encounter during a live, official game.

In wrestling terms, this means you’re playing the “who scores first” game, setting it up to mimic the official scoring goals of the sport. The same is true for BJJ, with the New Wave team preferring to set up their scrimmage rounds following the ADCC ruleset format.

In the first of what I expect is going to be a long series of instructional Ryan explains how exactly they set up this popular aspect of training. The Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD outlines his experiences in learning wrestling by aiming to score a point using ADCC rules, and starting from standing.

Learning From Gordon Ryan Instructionals

There is no point talking about what Grodon Ryan has done in his grappling career. He is such a staple name at the moment that even people who have never trained know who he is and get pulled into BJJ because of him.

Apart from his stellar no-Gi grappling performances that positioned him as the best competition ever in the history of the sport, Ryan has been very active in sharing his knowledge and understanding of Jiu-Jitsu through instructionals.

When he first started, Ryan approached BJJ DVDs as seminars, offering way too many details and no real way to follow his train of thought unless you watch the entire instructional. With his early DVDs lasting more than 8 hours, this was no easy task.

I am glad that Gordon proved that he is an incredible student of the game in every possible way, learning and adapting to start issuing way better-structured DVDs that offer a lot more information that will benefit those that mostly watch BJJ instructionals – white to purple belts.

his latest instructional marks the start of a whole new era, with the GOAT addressing his standing fame for the first time ever in the Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD.

Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD Review

In this No-Gi (no surprise there) Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD, the “King” introduces his approach to the standing aspects of the BJJ game. With his trusted uke Nathalia Santoro, Gordon demonstrates how to set up a winning approach to wrestling on the feet for the specific goal of winning BJJ matches.

Part 1 – Introduction to the Concept of Scrimmage Wrestling

Gordon begins his instructional in a very Danaher-esque manner, going through an entire 40-minute-long volume of theory regarding the standing game in Jiu-Jitsu. He first defines the goals of the instructional, making a careful and precise comparison of the scoring goals in wrestling and BJJ, focusing on the differences.

This sets the tone for setting up a tactical approach that wins you matches, and organize training in an efficient manner. Ryan talks a lot about time limits and pacing, as most people know that standing exchanges are the physically most demanding aspects of grappling.

As this part of the Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD draws to an end, Ryan also covers the role of posture, common submission risks, and the scoring criteria in BJJ. I liked that he included the beginner’s theory as well, providing clear instructions on how new students should approach the standing game.

Part 2 – Stance and Motion

When I first started learning wrestling takedowns, the first two out of 5 crucial steps to any takedown were stance and motion. While it may seem like practicing katas, stance, and motion are the vital precursor of any successful takedown.

Gordon goes really deep in this one, covering stuff such as line of sight, how to align your own body, attacking the legs and the dominance that locked arms have over unlocked ones.

He also demonstrates some basic setups in this part of the Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD. These serve as a foundation for the introduction of distance management, and the concept of smartly using the 3 zones at your disposal.

Part 3 – Grips

Grips are a tedious subject to study in grappling. yes, I know they’re very important, I tooth the same horn, but I still do not enjoy experimenting with them for long periods of time. Gordon’s third volume does not make things easier.

In this part dedicated solely to grips, Ryan goes over the general gripping theory they utilize at New Wave Jiu-Jitsu and talks a lot about the inside position. He introduces a few interesting concepts in his chapters on asymmetry which are only going to excite black belts, if we’re being honest.

If I had to only watch one part of this volume of the Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD over and over again, it would be the one with chapters on creating ties, particularly collar ties, as the opening configuration.

Part 4 – Defense

As the instructional portion of the Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD draws to a close, Gordon foes over staple defenses that are crucial to allow you to set stance, motion, and grips up in the first place.

He really does go basic here, which I appreciate. there is no place for fluff in wrestling, so Gordon sticks to comparing early and late defenses, and portraying how to keep your legs safe using both methods.

Parts 5 & 6 – Rolling Footage and Commentary

The customary rolling commentary is the centerpiece of the final two volumes of the Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD. In the fifth part, he does four rolls with different people, totaling 20 minutes of material.

In the final volume, Ryan does a commentary on those four roles, spending a lot of time on each, explaining exactly what he did, though, and how he adjusted to his partner. his analysis more than doubles the length of this part, which runs for almost 50 minutes.

A Different Approach to Standing

This Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD is not going to teach you everything about wrestling for BJJ. I expect there are other titles to follow in this Gordon Ryan standing DVD series, but until such time, the truly crucial aspects of wrestling are all at your disposal.

If you can figure out a way to get close enough to someone to establish a locked arms position, you can set up any wrestling, or to an extent, Judo game that you want, while not losing control over the opponent. With this as your main goal, stance, motion, and grip fighting will emerge pretty naturally.

Instead of focusing on the final outcome, which is the takedown, and practicing how to do it over and over again focus on achieving dominant control over your opponent during standing, and keep them there. This opens up a lot more than just one takedown, which, oftentimes, in BJJ, ends up blocked or with you in a submission hold.

Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD Sample
Free Technique: Gordon Ryan Demonstrates the Locked Arms Concept


Let’s Wrestle!

I think that I will call the Gordon Ryan Systematically Attacking The Scrimmage DVD my favorite instructional so far out of all his work. take this as you wish, knowing it comes from a black belt with a Judo background who has spent so much time scrimmaging that his neck now forces him to pull guard.

Unless you want the same thing to happen to you, now is the best time to pick this Gordon Ryan DVD up and set yourself up for success. This one is truly worth every penny!

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