Total Domination Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD Review [2024]

Total Domination Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD Review

Key Takeaways

  • A No-Gi BJJ DVD instructional on top pins and submissions that lasts 1 hour.
  • Super-useful material on setting up submissions without compromising top control.  
  • Covers side control and mount, as well as transitions between the two pins.
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 8 out of 10.


Total Domination Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD Preview
FULL TRAILER HERE: Total Domination Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD

Staying on top of someone in grappling martial arts, especially after you pass the guard is no easy feat. Unless you’re going up against someone half your size, you’re going to struggle, especially if the bottom person can bench press you, or worse, Turkish-get-up you off of them.

That is where the brutal art of catch wrestling can help. The Total Domination Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD shows you how to rely on proven ways to improve pins by providing tight, ultra-quick, and very powerful submission holds. Since you get to make these submissions without leaving your top pinning position, you’ll automatically improve the success of your pins. Read on.

Why People Fail at BJJ Pins

You’re rolling again and somehow, you manage to beat your partner’s guard and arrive in side control. But now, the real work begins. You’re trying to hold on remembering everything you can about head and arm control, hip blocks, alignment, etc. It is working and you manage to stop your partner from coming back to guard.

With your newfound courage and confidence in your grappling skills, you attempt a submission, believing you got them exactly where you want them. The inevitable happens – you fail your submission while losing control at the same time and have to do it all over again. Or worse, you’re now on defense.

The main issue with pins in BJJ is that we often train them on their own, rarely leaving space for submissions without having to compromise the pin. While this approach is great at perhaps gathering points, it gets you stuck in a position because it takes away all your limbs, which are employed in holding the opponent pinned.

While I am not suggesting you only hunt for submissions without any positional control whatsoever, you should not get lost in positional dominance only. The best grapplers in the world balance these two to perfection, and your first step on that journey might as well be the Total Domination Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD.

Mariusz Domasat – Poland’s BJJ Pionee

If you haven’t been paying too much attention at the ADCC, you might have missed Mariusz Domasat, even though he is a constant fixture. The Polish-born martial artist got into BJJ in 1996, which by European standards, is as early as humanly possible.

On top of being a BJJ black belt under Professor Marcello C Monteiro, Domasat is also the founder of Husaria Fight Team in Ireland, where he resides. He is also an ADCC ‘A class’ referee, after playing a major role in just about every ADCC event in Europe and the world, and is the president of ADCC in Ireland.

Mariusz also has a strong MMA background, getting involved in the sport before the turn of the century, and is recognized as one of the best international MMA coaches and an MMA referee. Also, the holder of a Judo black belt, Mariusz Domasat has a wealth of experience in combat sports, a fraction of which he shows in the Total Domination Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD.

Total Domination Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD Review

The Total Domination Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD is an old-school instructional, which you’d expect from an OG combat sports veteran who’s seen it all in the last three decades. Everything in this instructional is in one volume, which, even though it initially appears lackluster, actually helps in terms of flow and understanding the entire system.

The DVD begins with Mariusz covering the essentials of catch-wrestling-inspired pinning, which always leaves space for submissions. He starts in side control, covering basic positioning and how to dominate the grip fighting so that you leave the arms and neck exposed for attacks.

After a sizeable chunk of fighting the arms from side control, Mariusz goes over the scarf hold position, which is the go-to catch wrestling pin from the position. A flurry of shoulder locks follow, some even done on both sides at the same time.

In a particularly useful section of the instructional, Mariusz shows very cunning ways of turning mount defense into leg locks, as he covers side control to mount transitions. Once in mount, it is torture time again, with one particular chapter standing out – how to deal with opponents who defend the mount passively.

A mounted head and arm series of control and submission combos, which include an uncomfortable amount of neck crank submissions, brings this highly entertaining and potentially very useful Total Domination Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD to an end.

When in Doubt, Turn to Catch Wrestling

Lately, wrestling has been opening doors and options in BJJ that people never really thought of in the early days. Given that there are a couple of millennia of experiences to draw on in wrestling, the only strange thing is that people didn’t turn to it sooner.

However, if we only explore the area of pins, we will run into a dead end. A pin, defined as both the opponent’s shoulder blades touching the mats at the same time for a predetermined period, is a match-winning tactic in wrestling. In that sense it is just like a submission in BJJ – achieve it and you win.

Fast forward to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and pinning is just a part of the game – you might even lose on negative points / DQ if you only hold someone in side control, to use as an example, for the duration of a match. So, how do we incorporate the power of wrestling pins into the modern BJJ competition scoring system?

The answer lies in catch wrestling, which is essentially a hybrid of wrestling and BJJ. It possesses neither the tenacity of wrestling nor the fitness of Jiu-Jitsu but when it comes to blending pins and submissions, nothing comes even close to catch.

So, for those looking to improve pins in Jiu-Jitsu by using wrestling without getting stuck, a resource such as the Total Domination Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD hits the spot perfectly.

Free Sample: Total Domination Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD Review
FREE SAMPLE: Scarf Hold Shoulder Lock Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD


Dominate The Top! 

Never allow yourself to lose the top position, unless you’re completely certain you’re substituting it with a submission that is going to work! Even better, use the catch-wrestling approach from the Total Domination Top Control Mariusz Domasat DVD to build a game that allows you to pin and submit people at the same time. That is what true positional dominance is, and mastering how to achieve it from the top is going to make you a very difficult grappler to deal with.

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