BJJ Recipes: Pancakes For An Easier Weight Cut

BJJ Recipes; Weight Cut Pancakes
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Losing fat has never been tastier! Weight cutting is the plague of weight-class-based sports, and BJJ is no different. Actually, cutting weight for grappling tends to be more difficult, due to same-day weigh-ins. This means that you can’t really re-hydrate yourself. nor can you get fuel to help you with your upcoming 5-10 matches. Now imagine that you can use classic comfort food to both stay sane while cutting weight, and even provide fuel on match day. Are you imagining it? Well, you can stop, because we have the answer. As far as BJJ recipes go, pancakes that help with fat loss are definitely right on top of the list.

Weight cutting is a hard thing to do, both physically and mentally. It’s enough that you’re about to step on the mats against people equally motivated to crush and submit you as you are. But for the last couple of weeks before that. you also need to starve and dehydrate yourself in order to gain at least the slightest edge against your opposition. Or, at least, that’s what most people think. In my opinion, weight cuts that get you more than 5 lbs down are redundant, dangerous, and give you absolutely nothing over your opponents. But that’s a subject for another day. Weight cuts can also be enjoyable if you just throw in a few carefully picked BJJ recipes into the mix. Linke fat-loss pancakes for example.

It is rare that you’ll see the words fat-loss and pancakes in the same sentence. Even when you do, most of it is a scam. Most of it. Lucky for us, there are some pancake-loving scientists out there that decided to look for the variety of everyone’s favorite dessert that can help you shed weight. Now, just as a disclaimer, do not expect to do a full weight cut on protein pancakes only and reach your goal. nope, weight cuts are still going to suck. Either compete at your natural weight or suck it up. What are protein pancakes area all about is sanity. They’re the missing link that’ll bring satiety, taste, and the feeling of reward to an otherwise bleak couple of weeks.

Who Doesn’t Love Pancakes?

Seriously, si there anyone who would say no to a stack of fluffy warm, sweet pancakes? They’re the ultimate American dessert. What’s actually surprising is that packs aren’t an American recipe. As far as recipes go, they’re not even modern ones. There’s evidence that starchy grains were used to make a pancake-like flatbread as far as 30.000 years ago. In the USA, pancakes were originally known as hoecakes, flapjacks, or johnnycakes. Back then they were made with buckwheat and cornmeal.

BJJ Recipes; Healthy PancakesToday, pancakes come in plenty of varieties. Most of them definitely do not fit in a grappler’s nutrition plan. However, there are a few pancake versions out there that are perfect to use as BJJ recipes. The trick is, keeping them both tasty and healthy at the same time, which is no easy feat. However, thanks to scientific research and all the ingredients we have at our disposal today, there are a few pancake recipes that defy the odds. A few of those can even take you in a direction opposite of most pancakes – fat loss.

Just remember, that no matter how clean and fat-burning your pancakes are, if you overdo your toppings, you’re better off buying them at the nearest diner. After all, the point is to make the weight not pig out, right?

The Science

So, how did science come up with pancakes that help you lose weight? It is nothing groundbreaking nor involving GMO mutants ingredients. On the contrary, these are just a few ingredients that you need. And they’re extremely easy to find.

A research team at Skidmore College decided to try and find the best pancakes formula. However, they weren’t just looking for taste – they wanted something more. So they decided to give a few combinations a try. They used regular pancakes with starch, protein powder and starch pancakes, resistant starch pancakes, and resistant starch and protein pancakes. Before you wonder what resistant starch is, it is starch you can find in most supermarkets. TI’s the stuff you’ll use instead of flour.

The results, summed up, demonstrated that the last combination (protein + resistant starch) help with fat loss. The entire group consuming them had an increased feeling of fullness, a better insulin response, and increased fat burning. All of these are crucial traits in cutting weight for Jiu-Jitsu.

Speaking of which, Geroge Lockhart has weight-cutting down to a science. His “Nutrition And Weight Management System” bundle is a crash course on nutrition for grapplers. it includes a few DVDs as well as a comprehensive E-book full of essential information. Check it out and treat yourself to more than just pancakes! 

BJJ Recipes: Protein Pancakes

If you try to search BJJ recipes concerning pancakes you’re going to get plenty of options. Some of them are truly tasty (I’ve probably tried them all in my quest for pancakes) but none can really help you drop a few pounds along the way. Luckily, combining the above-mentioned research with a few staples of healthy eating we managed to put an end to the painstaking search. AS far as BJJ recipes for pancakes go, we have the ultimate solution!

Thanks to the study, we have the first two ingredients – a resistant starch and your favorite protein powder. What we need now is something to bind them into a batter and a careful selection of tasty toppings. Let’s check out a few options:

Banana Pancakes

BJJ Recipes; Weight Cut PancakesFor the first (my favorite) of our pancakes BJJ recipes, you’ll need equal parts of protein powder a resistant starch. A half a protein scoop of each is plenty. Add to that a couple of egg whites and a ripe banana and you’ve got yourself a fat-burning batter.

Cottage Cheese Pancakes

For this, you simply switch out the banana with cottage cheese. Also, increase the protein a bit. do you’ll throw in 1/2 a cup of resistant starch and cottage cheese and a full scoop of protein. Since we’re measuring in cups, use half a cup of egg whites as well.

Your Favourite Recipe

You can also always skip our suggestions and go to your favorite recipe. just remember, the more sugar you add, the less fat you’ll use. regardless, if you like American pancakes or crepes, simply without your starch with a 2:1 ratio of resistant starch and protein powder. Keep all the other ingredients the same and you’ll be ok.


Finally a word on toppings. leave the cream and chocolate/caramel dressing in the cupboard for this one. instead, opt for things that’ll give you flavor without sabotaging your cutting. Fresh fruit (banana or berries) is your best bet. Liven it up with a bit of natural peanut butter or even a light drizzle of honey. Or, go for a pinch of cinnamon on top.

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