BJJ DVD Review: Mount Dominance By Rayron Gracie

BJJ DVD Review: Mount Dominance By Rayron Gracie

The moment you get to mount, you probably feel safe and secure, ready to ride it out until the end of the round. Well, modern defensive BJJ is a rude wake-up call to those taking the mount position as a means of absolute control for granted.

Dominating the mount means being able to stay in it once you get to the position, something that requires a lot of experience and finesse. It takes years to become comfortable in the mount and develop a mindset that keeps you in it no matter what. That, or getting Mount Dominance by Rayron Gracie.

If you’re interested in developing the mount from hell, then there is a shortcut – using a proven mount system utilized at the highest levels by competitors. While there are many mount instructionals out there, there aren’t many that fulfill these conditions. One that does is the Mount Dominance Rayron Gracie BJJ DVD.

Key Takeaways

  • A Gi BJJ DVD, lasting over two and a half hours, spread across 4 volumes.  
  • Covers all mount progressions, from low to high with many positional details. 
  • Submission finishes and intuitive chains to flow through mount progressions.
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 9 out of 10.


Mount Dominance By Rayron Gracie BJJ Instructional
Preview Mount Dominance By Rayron Gracie

Conquering the Mount(ain)

The mount has been the favorite pinning position in BJJ for everyone for at least a while. If this is not the case, you’ve not been training long enough yet. It will happen.

When it does, you realize the power of a position we often take for granted. It is not just about the tactical game of not having to worry about stalling once you reach the mount, since there is no better position.  It is more about the possibility of dominating someone so much with your weight distribution, that you force them to quit.

The key aspect of the mount positon in BJJ is that it allows fairly easy top-position control, while also offering plenty of submission attacks and the possibility to chain them together.  As such, though, it has been used so much that there are many different ways to defend against it, and even escape it.

Solving lots of these problems when you’ve mounted your opponent and are looking to go old-school Gracie-style on him, is the Mount Dominance By Rayron Gracie BJJ DVD. Go through outer detailed review below to learn exactly what it contains and why you need it.

Rayron Gracie, the New Gracie Family Hope

The name Rayron Gracie might not be an immediately recognizable one for you, but that is bound to change in a few years. The 23-year-old Kyra Gracie black belt is all about showing the BJJ world that the Gracie family is still producing champions.

After winning the Worlds and the Pans title as a purple and brown belt, Rayron got his black belt in 2023. In his first attempt at conquering a world-class tournament just months into his black belt career, Gracie won bronze at the IBJJF Europeans in 2024, one of the toughest BJJ competitions in the world. It is evident that we might have another Gracie gem right there.

Style-wise, Rayron is reminiscent of Roger Gracie, being very patient and methodical in his matches. He spends his training time very intelligently, spreading it between Rogar, Renzo, Kyra, Igor, and Rolles Gracie. I guess we’re waiting to see if Rayron ends up being a mash-up of all the best from all the world champion Gracie family members teaching him.

Detailed Mount Dominance Rayron Gracie DVD Review

The Mount Dominance By Rayron Gracie DVD is a Gi instructional containing 4 volumes. Each volume covers a different mount variation, plus a volume dedicated to mount entries. The total running time is slightly over 2 hours.

BJJ DVD Review: Mount Dominance By Rayron Gracie

Part 1 – Getting to Mount

Mount Dominance By Rayron Gracie starts out of the mount position, covering several different ways to win the battle for it. Rayron opens up with a side control transition we all know full well, before covering a key modern BJJ aspect of mount acquisition – the quarter guard.

Rayron demonstrates how to slowly and methodically progress up your opponent’s body until you sit comfortably on their hips. There is no flying or rushing moves here, just immense pressure which increases constantly, as Gracie shows how you can kill all of your opponent’s defenses, such as bridging or kipping.

Part 2 – Low Mount Chokes & Mount Progressions

In the second volume of the DVD, Rayron Gracie begins in the low mount, using the most efficient tactic available – dilemma attacks. He shows how to set up and finish the Ezekiel choke, but also shows how you can ride the opponent’s Ezekiel defense al the way to high mount.

In fact, most of this part of the Mount Dominance DVD is about moving up through the mount progressions, starting with the low mount. Most transitions are based on the opponent’s reactions, offering improvement control the higher you go.

Part 3 – Mid Mount Attacks

At the halfway point of the Mount Dominance By Rayron Gracie instructional, it is time to look at the mount variation we spend most of our time in – the middle mount. Mid mount offers very efficient dynamic control as well as several key submission options, with Gracie favoring collar chokes.

Following in the footsteps of one of his mentors, Roger Gracie, Rayron opts to go deep into the cross collar choke, offering different variations, including a one-hand finish. Unlike most other offensive instructional, Rayron takes in to account that the opponent won’t just lie still and offers ways to work against common defenses, like head posts and frames.

Part 4 – High Mount Dominance

Saving the best for last, Gracie works off of forearm frames and stacks to achieve high mount, one of the most torturous forms of mount available in BJJ. He keeps up with the collar choke threat, showing how many Gracie family members kept winning fights using nothing but basics.

The armbar, as expected, plays a big role in this volume of the BJJ DVD,  with an innovative wrist pin entry removing a lot of the guesswork during rotational entries. Rayorn also covers several counters to common armbar defenses.

He also covers back mount transitions, mostly based off of an opponent’s bridge attempt. Before wrapping up with an in-depth analysis of the mount position, Gracie also covers several choke threats to prevent the bottom person from bridging at all.

Getting Mount is Just the Beginning

The one thing to remember about the mount in BJJ is that it is not enough just to get to it – you’ll have to work very hard to stay there and impose your control. Namely, mount retention against the bottom person’s attempts to get out is where the battle is, rather than arriving at the mount position in the first place.

While there are a bunch of different weight distribution concepts and body positioning mechanics to ensure optimal mount control from the top, there’s nothing like keeping your opponent busy to stop them from getting away. That is where submission threats play a major role.

Imagine you’re in mount, head and arm control and you’re dead set on keeping the bottom person pinned. Eventually, they will escape. If, on the other hand, you decide to relentlessly attack, let’s say Americanas from Mount, you will find that you have a low percent finish rate on the submission, but you’ll comfortably retain the mount for as long as you want. You see what I am getting at here>

Plenty of great resources exist out there to provide insights into other complicated world of the BJJ mount position. If you opt for Mount Dominance by Rayron Gracie you’re getting a competitor’s way of using nothing but he most effective concepts and techniques to utterly dominate the mount.

Mount Dominance By Rayron Gracie BJJ DVD Review
Free Mount Dominance By Rayron Gracie Technique


Mount Up!

I liked this instructional. Mount Dominance by Rayron Gracie covers every key mount variation, sticking to proven mechanics and progressions that will not just win you fights, but championships! If you compete in the Gi, you need to get your hands on this DVD, if nothing else, then to figure out what in the best in the world are doing!

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