Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD Review [2024]

Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD Review
Free John Danaher Instructional BJJ DVD
Key Takeaways
  • A 3-part No-Gi instructional that offers different ways to deal with guards. 
  • There is variable content inside, offering concepts and directions over techniques and sequneces. 
  • Features a few different options that blend together perfectly and is organized in a way that helps you pick things up immediately. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 8 out of 10.


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“Just pass already!”

How many times have you heard your coach yell this in separation at a tournament? If it is more than once, your passing “skills” need a complete rahaul! Luckily, the Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD can help you fix this in record time, but only if you use it in a smart way.

For most people, passing is the most difficult task in BJJ, particularly in the Gi. however, if you look at the big picture, passing is one of the most logical and ordered things in the sport – there is a clear pattern of “dos’ and “don’ts” that, when followed, will land you past any guard in BJJ, Gi or No-Gi.

Why Does Your Passing Suck? 

If you’re looking at this instructional, your passing must be a pain point in your Jiu-Jitsu game. While the Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD can help you improve your passing, the same can be said for just about any other passing DVD out there. So, is there anything that you can do yourself?

You can’t get past the need for technical and conceptual frameworks that DVDs offer, but you can develop an understanding to help you better utilize the information you come across in instructional. And in the realm of guard passing you need to understand one big truth – you can’t pass guard.

What you can and should be aiming to pass, are the legs. As long as they are in a configuration we recognize as guards, you’re not going anywhere. So, before you pick this DVD up to learn about different passes, take a moment and understand this – you pass the legs, not the guard – so break the guard first.

No-Gi Standout Jay Rodriguez

Did you know that Nicky Rod has a brother? Many people seem to overlook young Jay Rod, even though he is following closely in his brother’s footsteps. Another key member of the B-team, Jay already has huge accomplishments such as a silver medal in the 2024 ADCC – as a blue belt with just a couple of years of training.

Jay might not be as popular as his brother, but that’s mostly because he never got entangled in all the DDS vs B-team chaos a couple of years back.  That doesn’t make Jay any less proficient in BJJ, as plenty of the footage coming out of B-team, along with his competitive grappling performances can confirm.

The 22-year-old started grappling during high school when he got deep into wrestling and ended up racking a bunch of different regional championships earning him a 136-19 record. He went into BJJ in 2020, learning the basics from Jay Regalbuto at Studio 84, before joining the B-Team as a full-time grappling athlete in 2021.

The Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD is the latest in a series of instructionals that the brown belt has issued so far, and they’ve all been solid releases. Let’s see how this one fares.

Full Breakdown: Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD Review

The Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD is a short and to-the-point instructional that goes over different guard passing directions in No-Gi over the course of three volumes. There is almost an hour and a half of material in it, which offers a solid blend of principles and specific techniques.

Part 1 – Rumble Passing

Jay Rod’s attempt with this DVD was to simplify guard passing. To a certain extent, he managed to achieve this, by introducing how to use different styles of passing against different guards, rather than focusing too much on technical passing sequences.

The opening segments of the Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD cover the concept of ‘rumble passing‘, Jay’s take on pressuring guards until they break. He mostly focuses on the butterfly and half-butterfly guard in this section, covering key aspects such as wrist control methods, directions, and follow-ups that ensure there is no guard recovery.

Part 2 – Going Around

All of the volumes in this Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD are fairly short, but let’s say that is intentional, given that simplicity was the point here. The second volume covers a different way to deal with guards this time taking the long route around the legs.

Jay Rod boils down this commonly used method to two main passing concepts – the high step and the leg drag. Both work very well against all kinds of open guards, particularly supine ones. Rodriguez really focuses on distance management in this part, which is a fundamental priority in passing.

Part 3 – Stapling

The final part of the Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD insturctional is all about a different kind of pressure – leg pressure. Bu utilizing shin-on-shin passing, Rodriguez provides examples of knee slice passes and staple passes, focusing on the scoop grip as his preferred method of securing an entry into these positions.

A Few Passing Staples

By this point, you should already have an ‘aha’ moment in terms of what I shared earlier about passing the legs and not the guard, and a better overall understanding of different ways to achieve it thanks to the Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD.

In that sense, let’s try and simplify things even further:

  • Manage distance to kill guards – opt to be closer rather than far whenever possible.
  • Neutralize the dangers of the guard next: sweeps and submissions.
  • Grips win fights – A good grip will help you break any guard.
  • Mix passing directions – When pressure fails, go around or mix in stapling and stacking.
  • Stabilize the pin – There’s nothing worse than passing the legs and ending back in guard, Think about where you’ll end up before you start passing.

This little list is all you need to make sense of passing in BJJ. Regardless of what guard you’re up against, the end goal remains the same – you need to pass the legs and there are only a few effective ways to do it.

Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD Free Sample
FREE TECHNIQUE- Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD


Just Pass Already! 

Next time you’re at a tournament, it is time to only get praise from your coach, rather than the usual facepalm when you’re on top and trying to deal with someone’s guard. The Just Pass Jay Rodriguez DVD will take you there very quickly, but only if you also turn on your brain and understand the goal you’re trying to do, and what’s preventing you from getting there. Now, just pass!

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