Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD Review [2024]

Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD Review

Key Takeaways

  • A Gi BJJ DVD that takes the art of lapel choking to a different level.  
  • Contains lapel choke finishing and setups from top and bottom positions. 
  • Includes variations to classic moves and innovative new chokes developed by Miko. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 9 out of 10.


Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD Preview
WATCH THE FULL TRAILER: Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD

What is your highest percentage lapel choke finish? If you can’t name one, then the Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD is a resource you need to acquire today!

Even if you are among the few people who can immediately name a highly efficient lapel submission you use daily, getting your hands on this instructional is going to benefit you immensely. Miko delivers a whole collection of lapel chokes from every position, some of which are his original inventions, offering you more than one way of getting that tap!

Never Forget About the Lapels! 

Whenever I roll with the Gi I constantly see people forgetting how useful the lapels are. For some unexplained reason, people tend to grab anywhere along the Gi, in most cases without any purpose or effect, rather than focus on utilizing an incredible piece of the cloth that cannot be defended and has multiple end-range or controlling purposes.

While I am not at all a fan of lapel guards, the fact remains that they are effective, or at least some of them. However, the lapels in BJJ do not end with lapel guards. Before these guards emerged, the lapels were already used as a very powerful weapon from both top and bottom and even standing.

you don’t have to only focus on the lapels after reading this, as that will expose you to countless counters and vulnerabilities., However, wherever lapels present themselves, try to make the most out of them, whether they belong to your Gi, or your opponent’s. The Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD can provide you with some general ideas on where to begin.

Choke Expert Miko Hytonen

If you see Miko Hytonen you’ll probably expect him to choke you out. Heavily tattooed, with a wide array of grimaces to use for every occasion, the Matno-sponsored black belt is the real deal in every sense of the word.

Most people probably recognize Miko from his sensational social media channels, where he posts really captivating and, above all, useful content on a daily basis. If there was ever a submission hunter you should follow on Instagram it is Miko Hytonen.

That said, he is a lot more than just a submission specialist – he is a true choke aficionado. Paired with his aggressive and dynamic style, his affection for strangling people knows no bounds. As a coach, Miko is exceptionally precise, delivering exactly what you need to hear, regardless of your belt level or experience.

Currently teaching at VBeachFront BJJ, Miko is also very active in the digital BJJ realm, with his latest effort available now in the form of the Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD.

Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD Review

The Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD is a 2-hour-long instructional that consists of four volumes, each lasting near the 30-minute mark. All the material is demonstrated in the Gi. Check out our detailed Miko Hytonene DVD review:

Part 1 – Closed Guard Lapel Traps

My first BJJ coach had a real knack for playing the “Brabo guard”, which is a lapel-based closed guard variation that is extremely difficult to get out of, and frustrating as a result. Based on the many years spent trying to get out of it, as well as mastering it, I can confirm that all the stuff Miko shows from the guard in his Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD is legit!

While you may not associate the closed guard as a position that offers lots of lapel-strangling options, this is not the case. From more obvious finishes like old-school cross-choke lapel variations and lapel Ezekiels to innovative sneaky combo attacks, Miko covers them all in just over half an hour!

Part 2 – Lapel Chokes from Side Control

Remember the Brabo I mentioned above? Well, it makes an appearance as a lapel choke in the second volume of the Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD, as a very useful weapon from top-side control. Miko shares a couple of variations of the choke and uses it perfectly with the baseball choke to create a cyclical mini-system.

He also diversifies his attacks to include a few more creative uses of the lapels in strangling, such as introducing elbow pressure for a very painful choke. My personal, the step-over choke also gets an upgraded lapel finish, as Hytonen concludes with a super-tight bow and arrow lapel choke variation.

Part 3 – Half Guard Lapel Madness

The previous two volumes were highly methodical and can be used both as stand-alone mini-systems or in combination with one another. This third part of the Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD instructional is focused more on providing different top position options geared towards lapel choking threats.

The half-guard top offers the crazy but highly effective Ninja choke, while bottom half-guard players will benefit immensely from the intricate baseball lapel choke setup Miko has come up with.

A few lapel-based turtle attacks round this part off, offering a very slick Peruvian necktie variation using lapels, as well as a few attention-grabbing rolling setups and finishes.

Part 4 – Lapel Stangles From Mount & Back 

The most dominant lapel attacks come at the tail end of the Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD through the mount and back control setups. The first few are mounted attacks and include simultaneously attacking both side switch lapels, which immediately introduce a dilemma for the bottom person.

The back gets a bit more attention in this volume, with Miko offering one-of attacks, pre-organized combos, and yet another variation of the bow and arrow that ties in perfectly with the top-side control setup. The Pena choke concludes this masterpiece of a choking DVD that truly only uses lapels for each and every finish presented.

When Your Limbs Aren’t Enough? 

Can you guess the real value of introducing lapels into your BJJ game? Since I already gave the answer in the heading above, I’ll simply reiterate it – they act as an extra limb, giving you an advantage in numbers over your opponent once you utilize a lapel or lapels correctly.

Let’s go back to the Brabo choke since that somehow appears in today’s article and the Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD.

The Brabo is essentially a Darce choke done with the lapel. What it does, though, is releasing the arm that you’d otherwise place behind the opponent’s head in a Darce so that you can grab the biceps. Instead, your choking arm holds the lapel, leaving you with an extra arm to post, or even reinforce the choke.

There is also another side to this story. Instead of giving yourself an extra limb, like in the example above, you can take away one from your opponent. Trapping their arm from the mount, or even from the bottom closed guard will end up leaving you in an advantageous position again, rendering one of your opponent’s sides useless.

Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD Free Sample
FREE DVD SAMPLE: Closed Guard Lapel Choke Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes DVD


Wrap ‘Em Up!

I think it is safe to say that the summary of today’s article is that you don’t use lapels nearly as often as you should to finish chokes and that the Miko Hytonen Lapel Chokes From Everywhere DVD is exactly what you need to rectify this. Once you go through it and try out a few of the moves from each position you’ll quickly realize what you’ve been missing out on and how these threats will improve your positional control without effort as well.

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