The Best Closed Guard DVD Instructionals and Digital Releases

The Best Closed Guard DVD Instructionals and Digital Releases
FREE Gordon Ryan Instructional

There’s nothing that screams “Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu” quite like the closed guard position. If they could figure out how to use it as a logo for the sport, I have no doubt it would’ve been there instead of the triangle symbol. The closed guard is the one position that has been effective throughout the existence of BJJ, without ever falling out of favor. That means that you absolutely have to have a closed guard game, even if you’re not a huge fan of the position. In any case, everything you need to learn about it is right here in our guide to the top Closed Guard DVD instructionals.

Since we are using BJJ DVDs to learn everything these days, from leg locks to Berimbolos, why wouldn’t you do the same for the closed guard? Just because it is an old-school BJJ position it doesn’t mean there aren’t some highly effective closed guard DVD instructionals out there. In fact, people have been evolving the position along with the evolution of the sport coming up with some incredible variations of the closed guard that are capable of beating all aspects of modern Jiu-Jitsu. Of course, we feature the most successful ones in our list below, which begins with the top ten best BJJ closed guard DVD instructionals.

The Best Closed Guard DVD Instructionals Collection

The closed guard is truly a powerful position. And no, it is not something that people can deal with easily just because it has been around since the inception of the sport. It just works, whether it is self-defense, BJJ, MMA, No-Gi grappling, or anything else you can imagine where you’d utilize it.

The closed guard works because of two things. The first one is the fact that you have your legs wrapped around an opponent’s waist. This means they can in no way kick you, in self-defense or MMA situation. In pure grappling, it means you control how much they can move the legs. Next up, you control the upper body via grips. It is pretty simple actually – if you can control both wrists, whether it is via Gi or No-Gi grips, you can control an opponent whichever way you want.

The grips and leg positioning means you can control distance, you can set up sweeps, or enter into submissions. Moreover, against skilled opponents that have a strong passing game, you can use the closed guard to transition to other guards or positions, and always fall back to it as your safe spot.

There’s also the security of guard retention that the closed guard offers which is hard to match by any open guard. Simply put, if someone wants to pass your closed guard, they’ll have to open it first, which can be a highly annoying and painstakingly hard thing to do.

Let’s face it, whether it is retention, attacking, or both, you need the closed guard. In other words,s you need to look into the closed guard DVD instructionals we have for you and pick the one (or more) that will fit your game perfectly.

The Top 10

The first ten releases in our top BJJ closed guard DVD instructions are all complete systems that will teach you how to develop a killer closed guard game. They are perfect for beginners, intermediate and advanced grapplers, and contain in-depth curriculums to mastering every aspect of the closed guard.

1. Connected Reaction: Clinch Closed Guard by Paul Schreiner


Paul Schreiner is a really scary grappler that is usually feared for his top game pressure. However, his guard is also the stuff of legends, and in particular, his closed guard. His take on the guard is conceptual and highly effective – cinch up and then look for a connected reaction. It is simpler in practice than it sounds and it won’t take you long to master and start incorporating in your game!

2. The Complete Williams Guard by Shawn Williams

Shawn Williams DVD review the Complete Willimas Guard Brand New ReleaseThe Williams guard is by far my favorite closed guard variation of modern Jiu-Jitsu. While it is intended for No-Gi use initially, it works just as well (if not better ) with the Gi. Williams has brought the best out of the old-school closed guard and the crazy rubber guard to develop a closed guard variation in between these two. Trust me when I tell you, this one will completely change your outlook on BJJ guards.

3. Special “K” Guard by Neil MelansonSpecial-K-Guard-by-Neil-Melanson

No-Gi guys just love to experiment with the closed guard, given how much control it offers without having to rely on cloth grips. Neil Melanson is another one with an awesome variation on the closed guard, called the K guard. This one is a submission oriented guard that people won’t be able to pass simply because they have to tap if they try.

4. No Gi Fundamentals Bottom Game by JT Torres

jt-torres-bottom-gameIf you want to become a BJJ World Champion, you should probably look at what JT Torres is doing. In the realm of the closed guard, his is a highly refined version that is aimed at nothing but efficiency. This is one of the best-closed guard DVD instructionals for competitors, and even though it is NO-Gi most of it will work with the Gi as well.

5. Side Closed Guard Attacks by Xande Ribeiro

Side-Closed-Guard-Attacks-by-Xande-RibeiroXande is a legend of Jiu-Jitsu and hands down one of the best professors to ever teach. While his fundamental principles behind the closed guard are old-school, his complete closed guard game is a perfect blend of the old-school and the modern aspects of Jiu-Jitsu. In this three-part DVD he shares it all, explaining how he came up with connecting things along the way. This one is a Gi instructional.

6. Old School Efficient BJJ by Chris Haueter

Old School Efficient BJJ Chris Haueter DVD

This one is actually completely old-school. However,r it is Chris Haueter teaching, which is as close as you can get to the old Gracie Jiu-JItsu teachings. Normally, Chris understands what modern games bring to the table, but the cool part about this DVD is that all his solutions remain old-school. A unique DVD that everyone should watch at least once.

7. The Falcon Guard By Joel Bouhey

Best BJJ Closed guard Instructionals Joel BouheySomewhat unusual, but very very useful. Joel Bouhey’s Falcon Guard is yet another original take on the closed guard, this time in relation to playing it with the Gi. If closed guard retention is at the top of your list, this instructional will help you master it. It is one of those closed guard DVD instructionals that fly very low beneath the radar but are pure gold in terms of value.

8. Flower Power by Malachy Friedman

Flower-Power-by-Malachy-Friedman“The Mad Professor” knows how to pick his instructionals’ subjects, and this one is no different. Malachy focuses on the one sweep from the closed guard that everyone thinks hardly works – the flower sweep. After you’re done with this incredible DVD, you’ll be changing people’s minds about it in no time.

9. Closed Guard Domination by Tom DeBlass

Closed Guard Domination Tom DeBlass DVDTom DeBlass has not had his guard passed in ages. Why is that? Because he understands the layers of the guard and how they work together. In one of the best closed guard DVD instructionals ever, Tom goes over his take on the closed guard, and why it is the perfect solution for anyone looking to play a bottom game.

10. The Closed Guard Compendium by Matt Thornton

The-Closed-Guard-Compendium-by-Matt-ThorntonConcluding our top ten list is Matt Thronton, the man behind SBG. A Chris Haueter black belt, Matt is known to build highly effective, albeit complex, conceptual systems around key positions. His knowledge is indisputable, as this closed guard instructional clearly demonstrates. This one won’t just teach you techniques, it will teach you to understand why the position works so well.

List Of All Closed Guard DVD Instructionals Out There

Apart from learning all of the fundamentals of different closed guard systems, from the old-school to all the crazy new variations out there, you can also choose to specialize in certain aspects of the closed guard. Those could be sweeps, submissions, transitions, or anything in between. The following few dozen closed guard DVD instructionals are all of the DVDs you can find that can actually help make a difference in your game.

1. Closed Guard: BJJ Fundamentals – Go Further Faster by John Danaher

John Danaher NEW Closed Guard DVD "Go Further Faster" ReviewJohn Danaher, of course, has a highly complex and long (8 volumes) instructional on the subject of how to play the closed guard with the Gi. If you want to know literally everything there is about the position, this is instructional for you. It will take you a lot of time to get through it, though.

2. Systematically Attacking From Closed Guard by Gordon Ryan

Gordon Ryan: Systemizing Closed Guard DVD ReviewGordon Ryan takes the closed guard a step further from Danaher and does so in No-Gi. highly focused on submissions and ways to the back, this is a great DVD for No-Gi competitors.

3. Advanced Guard Systems by Neil Melanson

Neil Melanson DVD CollectionAnother interesting Neil Melanson release, this time covering more than one guard – in fact, it covers several of his guard systems and how they tie in together. Absolutely perfect for older grapplers.

4. The Ground Marshal Guard by Neil Melanson

Neil Melanson DVD CollectionThis one is probably Neil’s most famous guard instructional. His Ground marshall guard DVD has everything you’ll ever need to become unpassable. Oh, and there are a lot of submissions as well.

5. The Closed Guard by Bernardo Faria

Best BJJ Closed Guard Instructionals - Bernardo FariaLooking into the best-closed guard DVD instructionals and not mentioning Bernardo Faria would be like trying to drink beer out of an empty pint glass. Bernardo’s DVD is four volumes long and filled with details about the closed guard with the Gi that no other DVD, even the ones on our list, offers.

6. The Lethal Closed Guard by Rudson Mateus

The-Lethal-Closed-Guard-by-Rudson-Mateus-The-Lethal-Closed-Guard-by-Rudson-MateusOne for submission hunters. Rudson Mathesu shows nothing but ways of tapping people out from the closed guard, including some highly innovative ones.

7. Closed Guard Yin Yang Series by Roberto Jimenez


Roberto Jimenez is one of the top future stars of BJJ. His take on the closed guard is simple – Yin Yang. Let’s just say that his system only ends up in success for you, whether you’re sweeping or submitting.

8. Attacking The Back Every Match by Roberto Jimenez

Roberto Jimenez DVD ReviewTHis Jimenez DVD is geared more towards back attacks and finishes. However, if you’re one that specializes in back takes from the closed guard, you’ll find plenty of innovative entries in this one.

9. Closed Guard Arsenal: Sweeps & Back Takes by Giancarlo Bodoni


One of the specialized closed guard DVD instructionals that offer a series of sweeps and back takes which are easy to combine with one another, and next to impossible to defend.

10. Pure Jiu Jitsu by Luis Heredia

Luis Heredia BJJ DVD

Luis Heredia has a very flow l-like style of Jiu-Jitsu, which includes a smooth and dangerous closed guard game.

11. The Lazy Closed Guard by Rodrigo Artilheiro

Best BJJ Closed guard Instructionals Lazy Clsoed guardOne for older grapplers, and those nursing injuries. Don’t mistake being lazy for being ineffective though!

12. The Masters Guard by Daniel Beleza

Best BJJ Closed guard Instructionals The Masters Guard

On the subject of closed guard DVD instructionals for older grapplers, this one is perfect for those still looking to compete. Everything you’ll ever need to be proficient from the closed guard in the masters’ divisions is in here.

13. Giant Killing by Claudio Calasans

Claudio Calasans Killing a Giant DVDHow do you deal with those giant grapplers when you are a small one? Using the closed guard of course. But bot just any variation! Claudio Calasanas’ version has been proven to work best when it comes to slaying giants from the bottom.

14. The Lightweight Guard by Matheus Gonzaga

The-Lightweight-Guard-by-Matheus-GonzagaThe lightweight guard by Maheus Gonzaga is another instructional that is aimed at female and male competitors from the lighter weight classes. This one is a Gi DVD.

15. Wiseman BJJ by Rodrigo Cavaca (Footlocks, Closed Guard Attacks & Stopping The Guard Pass )

Rodrigo Cavaca Wiseman BJJ DVDCavaca is the “Wiseman” of BJJ, and for a good reason – he knows all the secrets of positions like the closed guard. In fact, in this instructional, he’ll connect the closed guard with footlocks, open guards, and pass prevention like nobody else!

16. Competition Closed Guard by Jake Mackenzie

Competition-Closed-Guard-by-Jake-MackenzieJake Mackenzie shares another version of a closed guard for competitors in the Gi, this time highly based around sweeping people to end up on top.

17. The No Gi Formula: For Masters Competitors by Mario Delgado


Another representative of the closed guard DVD instructionals aimed at masters competitors, this time covering the No-Gi aspects of the competitive closed guard.

18. Closed Guard Beyond The Basics by Thomas Lisboa

Thomas Lisboa DVD: Closed Guard Beyond basics Full ReviewThomas Lisboa has a highly effective and unorthodox closed guard game. This instructional covers it in great detail, from the fundamental aspects of it to some highly advanced concepts and techniques.

19. The New School Closed Guard by Vinicius Ferreira

The-New-School-Closed-Guard-by-Vinicius-FerreiraI already spoke of connecting the old-school closed guard principles with modern Jiu-Jitsu techniques and tactics. This is a Gi closed guard instructional that does just that, and then some.

20. The Flower Sweep Basics To Advanced by Ante Dzolic


Another DVDfocusing specifically on the flower sweep for GI grapplers, this time by ANte Dzolic.

21. The Heisen Guard by Malachy Friedman

Best BJJ Closed guard Instructionals The Heisen GuardMalachy Friedman’s take on the closed guard from a highly unusual perspective, as the Heisen guard suggests. Very efficient and easy to learn though!

22. Nogi Sweeps DVD with Chris Brennan [DVD]

Nogi Sweeps DVD with Chris Brennan

Chris Brenan teaches osm old-school NO-Gi sweeps from the closed guard that will blow your mind!



Tanquino’s guard game uncovered – one of the closed guard DVD instructionals you can’t afford to miss out on. particularly if you enjoy competing. There are some crazy combinations of move s in this one that will catch most people by surprise.


Best BJJ Closed guard Instructionals Agressive Closed guardIf you’re not one to wait and bait from the closed guard then this is the DVD for you. This instructional is all about attacks, attacks, and more aggressive attacks from the closed guard using the Gi.


ABRAHAM-MARTE-AGGRESSIVE-CLOSED-GUARD-VOL2 The second installment of the aggressive closed guard series, offering even more hard to defend attacks from the bottom.



Ambar Barbosa has one of the best closed guard DVD instructionals for Gi competitors who are not just about techniques and mindless movement but love to employ tactics in their game.


DAN-COVEL-BLACK-MAGIC-CLOSED-GUARDWe’ll wrap up with a real hit – Dan Covel’s black magic closed guard DVD instructional. ti si as dark as it sounds, and at least double effective!

In Conclusion

Thinking you can be effective in Jiu-Jitsu without the closed guard is setting yourself up to fail. Look into our top list of closed guard DVD instructionals and pick the aspects of the closed guard that best suit your game. Then, just pick up a DVD or two and become a real wizard from the bottom. You can thank us later.

FREE Gordon Ryan Instructional
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