Purple Belt US Attorney Takes Down Phone Thief in New York [VIDEO]

Purple Belt US Attorney Takes Down Phone Thief

28-year-old US attorney from New York expertly handled a would-be phone thief at Taco Bell during lunch hour. The purple belt BJJ practitioner reacted calmly when attacked and easily brought the mugger to the ground. Security Camerra Footage of Purple Belt US Attorney Taking Down Mugger in Taco Bell

Purple Belt US Attorney Delivers Quck Justice

During an unlikely altercation at a Queens Taco Bell restaurant, security cameras caught a moment where an attempted mugging was thwarted by the victim, who never really looked victimized at any point.

As he calmly ate his hamburger, US attorney Kyle never expected a man to approach him from behind and try to grab his phone right out of his hand:

He came up behind me and asked me for money” said Kyle, explaining the altercation on Reddit after the video started circulating the Internet. “I told him no and he came back to steal my phone“.

What was not at all apparent to the assailant, was that he did not pick an easy mark. With years of experience in BJJ, the purple belt US attorney made quick work of his would-be mugger after all the grip fighting proved to be more than useful.

It is apparent in the video that Kyle was calm and grabbed the attacker in what resembles a Russian tie initially, as he was still seated. Once he stood up, he changed to a wrist and collar tie, easily getting the attacker to the ground.

BJJ Works!

Kyle’s case is yet another proof that BJJ works perfectly for self-defense in real life, particularly in one-on-one situations. The altercation ended quite peacefully, with Kyle allowing the attacker to stand up, and leave, looking discombobulated while trying to keep the grappling attorney at arm’s length as he went for the exit.

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