Key Takeaways
- A No-Gi DVD on Ashi Garami entries by the best female up-and-coming grappler in the world.
- Goes over strategies to get Ashi against kneeling and standing opponents, and expose legs from top positions.
- Covers innovative ways to escape back, mount, and side control straight into leg locks.
- BJJ World Expert Rating: 9 out of 10.
Get the Ashi, hold the Ashi, and finish the leg lock. Simple, right? Yeah, I’ve you’ve never tried it before. Those who know leg locks, understand that getting to a clean Ashi Garami position is the most difficult part of the process.
If you take a look at the instructions, you’ll see that most of the content has to do with entries rather than finishes. Well, the Leg Lock Entries Helena Crevar DVD is 100% focused on entries, covering every possible scenario you can encounter in BJJ and offering more than one solution for each. Not one that you want to miss, since the instructor is the girl who just pulled off THAT crazy calf slicer finish at UFC FPI 10.
Getting the Bite
What’s your end goal when you’re trying to get to an Ashi Garami position? If you say a leg lock, you need to read the question again, this time carefully. If you said anything that is related to hip control, you’re on the right track.
The one thing that will make or break your leg-locking efforts is how well you can hold an Ashi Garami position for an extended period of time. The one thing that makes it possible to stay in an Ashi is to have your opponent sitting on the mats with their butt, a.k.a. at least one of their hips on the ground.
A hip on the mats and grips that keep their leg straight all but ensures you can control for long enough to start digging for a heel or an ankle. Since this is made possible by using your legs to get a ‘bite’ on the opponent’s hips, the goal of every entry into Ashi Garami is to get a bite on the opponent’s hips. It is essentially what every chapter of the Leg Lock Entries Helena Crevar DVD is about.
Leg Locker in the Spotlight: Helena Crevar
Yeah, it’s Helena with leg locks. Yeah, she is training with Danaher and Ryan, we all know that hence nobody is surprised that she’s pulling highlight reel leglocks on people twice her age and with years more experience than her.
There’s little about the biggest up-and-comer in women’s Jiu-Jitsu that people don’t know. Promoted to brown belt just a few months ago, New Wave’s Helena Crevar has been literally reaping submissions this past couple of years. The teenager (18) is on a streak of 6 wins, half of which she decided via submission.
Totaling a record of 23-2 since she turned pro in 2023, and boasting 15 submission wins over much more experienced opponents, Helena has been showcasing an affinity toward leg locks that are guaranteed to make Danaher salivate in training. Her Leg Lock Entries Helena Crevar DVD clearly shows that she will be the next big thing in leg locks if she is not already.
Leg Lock Entries Helena Crevar DVD DVD Review
What you get in the Leg Lock Entries Helena Crevar DVD is almost three hours of high-quality material focused on nothing but ways into Ashi Garami, spread over five different volumes:
Part 1 – Kneeling Opponent
We wouldn’t expect anything less than perfection from Danaher’s only female protege, and that is exactly what we get in the Helena Crevar Leg Lock Entries DVD. The instructionals begin with an overview of butterfly attacks, as Helena’s focus is on kneeling opponents.
She sticks to the outside Ashi at first, entering via the straight Ashi, but quickly diversifies her options to include 50/50, and cross Ashi options. Most of the attacks are elevation-based, creating the all-important Kuzishi and Crvar easily captures the key points behind all her entries, making her actions very clear.
Part 2 – Half Kneeling Opponent
The second portion of the teenage prodigy’s instructional is all about getting legs exposed against people who are half kneeling, or split-squatting, as she calls it in the Leg Lock Entries Helena Crevar DVD.
The Shin-to-shin features as the main road to Ashi Garami here, which is somewhat expected. Straight and cross-Ashi options emerge in a series of classic entries, propped up with a few extra details. A bit more value comes in the chapters addressing the RDLR guard as the main entry point, ending up with interesting backside 50/50 options.
Part 3 – Standing Opponent
The bane of all leg lockers is the standing opponent that just won’t fall. Well, I doubt that anyone will have much trouble with that after going through this portion of the Helena Crevar Leg Locks DVD. I’d even say she explained it better than anyone on the New Wave team has before.
The Shin-to-shin is called upon again, offering the anchor required to look for Kuzushi and subsequent Ashi openings. The Reverse shin-to-sin also features a lot, offering almost a mirror version of entries, mostly into the 50/50. As Crevar goes over yet another new (looks cool, though) X-guard entry into Cross Ashi, the bottom entries in this instructional come to an end.
Part 4 – Top Position
Even guard passers like leg locks these days, so Helean makes sure they’re not left craving in the fourth volume of the Leg Lock Entries Helena Crevar DVD. In all honesty, I enjoyed this one the most.
Leg drags, knee shield counters, knee cut passing and split squat pressure all feature, providing more options to diversify your guard passing with leg locks, than you’ll ever truly need. The cross Ashi is the destination of choice here, and the one move you simply can’t miss is the half guard roll entry.
Part 5 – Counter Leg Locking
Part five of the Leg Lock Entries Helena Crevar DVD sees her provide instructions on an aspect of leg locking that is becoming increasingly popular these days – defense. Not leg lock defense, but rather defending by escaping straight into Ashi and creating finishing options from tough spots.
This might be a subject for an entire instructional, but in the short span of this volume, Helena provides ideas on escaping back into cross Ashi, turning any mount into a straight Ashi Garami, and getting the backside 50/50 with ease when you’re in bottom side control. She even throws in an updated take on a classic – a closed guard opening to Ashi.
Improving Sweeps and Passing with Leg Locks
If you can get to a leg lock, go for the finish. If you can’t finish, look at what you have just by clawing your way into a legit Ashi. For the most part, you already have a route to the back, past the guard, or a three-quarters swept opponent in front of you.
I’ve been using the Ashi Garami positions as guards for a while, and I’ve seen grat results from it. However, what I discovered is that you can actually achieve more in terms of sweeping, passing, and back takes if you connect these threats with leg lock entries, rather than fully achieved leg locking positions.
What you’ll gain is free access to sweeps or back exposure from the bottom, as off-balancing is inevitable when you’re trying to get to an Ashi. You’ll also find passes to be easier to deal with since you’re already past the knee line. Moreover, thinking about bailing on leg lock entries for passes or sweeps also keeps you safe from any leg lock entry counters people usually use.
The Leg Lock Entries Helena Crevar DVD takes care of the entries problem for you, and if you use it you’ll probably end up in Ashi a lot more than other positions. But while you’re getting the hang of her tactics and techniques, keep an open mind so that you can recognize when to bail and capitalize for doing so.
Into the Legs!
Leg locks are optional in BJJ, but mastering entries to leg-locking positions is not! If you truly want to become a world-class grappler, particularly in No-Gi, the Leg Lock Entries Helena Crevar DVD is one of the essential sources of information you have at your disposal. Even if you stick to sweeps and passes, you’ll get a lot of useful ideas out of this DVD.
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