Jeff Glover DVD Bundle Review: Chokin’ Around With Uncle Jeff [2024]

Jeff Glover DVD Bundle Review: Chokin' Around With Uncle Jeff

Key Takeaways

  • A four-part bundle containing a set of Jeff Glover’s DVDs that cover chokes.  
  • Features triangles, RNCs, and guillotines in detail, as well as an overview of all other major chokes.
  • Contains 7 hours of choking instructions in Gi and No-Gi and rolling footage.  
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 8.5 out of 10.


Jeff Glover DVD Bundle Review: Chokin' Around With Uncle Jeff Cover

You know you need chokes to be even remotely competitive in BJJ. So what are you doing about it? Chokes are easy to understand in theory, but when it comes to finishing one people run into all kinds of different issues and obstacles. An easy way to remove them is to learn from someone who’s already been there.

The Jeff Glover DVD Bundle dubbed “Chokin’ Around With Uncle Jeff deconstructs all major (and important) BJJ chokes, placing particular focus on three he really likes: the triangle, rear naked choke, and guillotine.

After going through this bundle (it will take you time) you’ll definitely be able to come up with choke variations and combinations that will give you a real edge in competition.

Learning From Jeff Glover

Jeff Glover is the most unorthodox and volatile (in a positive way) character in the BJJ world. Nobody has contributed so much to the sport without actually trying to change stuff in an organized and methodical way.

Instead, Jeff is the master of chaos – he does stuff because he thinks they would be cool, work, or both. In most cases, they do, and what’s even stranger is that they work for almost everyone. Let’s face it, no move works for everyone in Jiu-Jitsu, which is the main challenge coaches face.

Jeff might be retired as a competitor at the moment, but that is a blessing in disguise for every grappler smart enough to benefit from his knowledge. While we can’t enjoy his competition shenanigans anymore, we get to learn from him directly through his instruction, which has been coming steadily and frequently in the last few years.

In fact, we have reached a point where there is now more than one Jeff Glover DVD Bundle. With Jeff being a particular expert at choking, and one of the best early resources on D’arce chokes, his Chokin’ Around With Uncle Jeff collection is a must-have for everyone.

Jeff Glover DVD Bundle Review: Chokin’ Around

What we have on the schedule today is a Jeff Glover DVD Bundle Review covering his  Chokin’ Around With Uncle Jeff collection. This bundle has four different DVD three of which are 3-part instructional, while the final offers one volume more. Over the course of all 13 volumes, Jeffo offers over seven hours of material delivered in both Gi and No-Gi (mostly No-Gi):

Choke Artistry DVD – AVAILABLE HERE!

Jeff Glover DVD Bundle Review: Choke Artistry DVD

Subject Matter: First up in the Jeff Glover DVD Bundle we have an overview of Jeff’s favorite chokes, which is quite a collection that features both Go and No-Gi strangles.

Key Points Covered: Every choke you’ll ever need in BJJ. I am serious, Jeff really kept it simple in this insturctional, spreading chokes over 3 different volumes and covering everything, from the RN to the 7-year-old choke.

Some of the highlights in the instructional are the nasty forearm choke, Golver’s take on the bow and arrow choke, and everything arm triangle related, from the Kata Gatame to the Darce and Anaconda. Also, there are some details on the Gogoplata you might not find anywhere else. I know I haven’t

Technical DVD specifications: The DVD has three volumes, each containing an array of chokes, with chapters named after each choke. Every volume lasts around 30 minutes, which makes this instructional an hour and a half long.

Back To The Finish DVD – DOWNLOAD HERE

Jeff Glover DVD Bundle Review: Back To The Finish DVD

Subject Matter: Jeff gets more specific in this BJJ DVD, showing all his methods and tactics for obtaining and finishing chokes from the back. Control also features heavily, along with follow-ups if back control fails.

Key Points Covered: Second in the Jeff Glover DVD Bundle is an unorthodox back control and choking instructional that is completely different from all the Danaher-inspired philosophical DVDs we’re used to seeing.

That takes nothing away from the quality of this DVD, with Jeff using the better part of the instructional to cover key ways of staying on someone’s back safely while exposing their neck for singles. He uses simple terms and moves, which you can tie together yourself since they make a lot of sense.

Chokes feature throughout it, demonstrating the efficiency of the material. Glover also covers follow-ups and entries by exploring the relation of the back mount with side control, the Kimura trap, and open guards. Lots of rolling back takes feature as well, as you’d expect from a Jeff Glover DVD.

Technical DVD specifications: Another three-volume Jeff Glover DVD instructional that lasts just under 2 hours. This one is demonstrated in No-Gi.

The Glover-Tine DVD – GET IT HERE

Jeff Glover DVD Bundle Review: Glover-Tine DVD

Subject Matter: A true masterpiece in this bundle is Glvoer’s variation of the guillotine, containing everything in the range from simple and effective to completely crazy, and perhaps-it-will-work-once.

Key Points Covered: As you’d expect, most of the focus is on front headlock chokes, spearheaded by the guillotine. Jeff starts standing, showcasing his crazy standing guillotine variations which seem like they’d never work, but somehow they do when you try them out.

He goes over to guarded guillotine applications next, offering open and closed guard options through a series of bait-based setups that will catch even black belts unprepared. He also covers some crazy setups like guillotines from the bottom half, before adding related follow-ups such as the Monoplata and crucifix.

Technical DVD specifications: This information-packed DVD, which is the third part of his Jeff Glover DVD Bundle about chokes, lasts around an hour and a half. The material is spread over three volumes, and everything is shown without the Gi.


Jeff Glover DVD Bundle Review: Don't Be A Square DVD

Subject Matter: The final DVD in the  Jeff Glover Chokes DVD Bundle is the one covering triangel chokes, another especially of Glover’s. This instructional features triangles from top and bottom, many different finishing variations, and some innovative setups.

Key Points Covered: Over the course of four volumes Jeff covers several triangel applications that famous grapplers have repeatedly pulled off at the highest level. These include variations by Ryan Hall, Terere, Jacare, and, of course, Jeff himself.

Your usual suspects such as closed and open guard setups and mounted triangles feature throughout, as do some unconventional methods such as bottom half guard and front choke entries and inverted setups.  Jeff also covers several different finishing mechanics.

Technical DVD specifications: This insturctional is another No-Gi DVD by Glover, lasting around 2 hours and contains four different volumes

Diversifying Your Strangle Attacks

How can this Jeff Glover DVD Bundle help you become e better at choking submissions? Well, for starters, it can make you a specialist in several strangle holds, such as triangles, guillotines, and/or rear naked chokes.

Since you’ll most likely pick one, the rest of the information in the bundle contains everything you’ll ever need to connect it to not just the other two chokes that are broken down completely in it, but also other submissions. Jeff shows a bunch of different chokes to begin with, leaving you with a toolbox filled with creative ways of putting people to sleep.

Having a submission-oriented game is always an advantage as it makes positional JIu-Jitsu and transitions a lot easier. However, when you pick a submission like chokes, which nobody can withstand or power out of, you take things to a completely new level. Now you’re more than just a menace – you’re a real threat from everywhere, especially when you start connecting the dots represented by various BJJ chokes.

Jeff Glover DVD Bundle Review: Chokin' Around With Uncle Jeff Cover


Choke With Uncle Jeff!

I’ve already seen each and every DVD in this Jeff Glover DVD Bundle before they were on offer in a collection such as this. Grabbing the entire set definitely helps, as I got them over the course of a couple of years. My favorite of the Chokin’ Around With Uncle Jeff bunch is the one on triangles and it has helped me make connections in BJJ, that I was not aware of before. I am certain every part of this bundle will help you in a similar way. Highly recommended!

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