Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu DVD Review [2024]

Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu DVD Review
FREE Gordon Ryan Instructional
Key Takeaways
  • A four-part Gi BJJ DVD that shows how you can use Judo footsweeps in BJJ.  
  • Offers basics mechanics, plenty of timing drills, and advanced foot sweep combinations. 
  • Contains analysis of live matches and sparring rounds with an emphasis on foot sweeps. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating:8 out of 10.


Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu DVD Preview
WATCH TRAILER: Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu DVD

Everyone has their own answer on how to best take the math to the mats. Guard pulls aside, leg takedowns and upper body throws seem to be dominating most BJJ standing exchanges. That’s typical for BJJ, ignoring huge aspects of the body to focus only on what is modern.

Once you see someone fly in the air as a result of a well-timed foot sweep, you’ll understand that there’s way more to Judo for BJJ than you think. The Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu Foot Sweep DVD is one resource that can shed some much-needed light on this department.

The Hardest Easy Standing Attack

Ah, foot sweeps. Where do I start with them? I have a love-hate relationship with foot sweeps. I used to train Judo before BJJ, and, as usual, was one of the smallest people in the room. That meant I had to be sneaky and could only rely on a few moves to deal with the big guys.

That meant lots of work on sacrifice throws (Tomoe Nage/Sumi Gaeshi-style throws) and footsweeps. I went for the former in my early days, banking on athleticism to pull them off as I spent many hours perfecting foot sweeps. That was the hate part of the relationship.

The love part came when I figured timing out. Then, people went flying, until they started figuring out my setups. That brought me back to the drawing board and I had to learn different entries and how to combine footsweeps. Back to hating them again.

This story outlines the natural progression of anyone who tries to make footsweeps a part of their grappling game. At the end of the day, they’re more than worth it. They won’t become easier, though, as they’ll always remain the most difficult, yet simple and easy-looking standing techniques in grappling.

Can the Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu Foot Sweep DVD help you improve? Let’s take a closer look at the man behind it and the content before we deliver that verdict.

Canada’s Dainis Nguyen-Huu

A very formidable and versatile grappling competitor you might not have heard of comes from Canada. I won’t even start with Canada jokes, but you probably already catch my drift.

What is serious here is Dainis Nguyen-Huu’s grappling pedigree. The second-degree black belt has spent a lifetime in grappling, or more precisely, grappling competition. That includes not just Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, but also Judo and Sambo, something he still does regularly.

Nguyen-Huu is also a Judo black belt, which is the art that introduced him to grappling at 7 years of age. he stuck with Judo for the next ten years, discovering BJJ just before he turned 18 in a quest to improve his Judo so he could win the Canadian Judo Nationals, which were his white whale.

As with many Judokas, BJJ ended up luring Dainins full-time, and he never stopped competing after his first competition as a white belt. With more medals than I can list, the Candian is still going strong, representing Team DNA, where he also teaches.

Some of his blended Judo and BJJ work appears in the Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu Foot Sweep DVD. I was not convinced at first, but then I got to do this review. Read on to see what I found inside.

Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu DVD Review

Over the course of four very detail-oriented volumes, the Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu Foot Sweep DVD delivers a great system to understand foot sweeps, master the basics, think in advanced combination directions, and see them done live. The entire instructional lasts around an hour and a half.

Part 1 – The Role of Upper Body in Foot Sweeps

The Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu Foot Sweep DVD begins with an introduction to the subject of foot sweeps. Dainis focuses on those Judo-derived foot sweep moves that work perfectly in BJJ. He places lots of focus on the upper body and how it affects the success of foot sweeps in this opening portion.

As a former Judoka, I recognize this as the biggest oversight most BJJ athletes make when trying their hand at footsteps. The upper body plays a much more important role than the legs, as it is the source of Kuzushi, or off-balancing that allows foot sweeps to work.

Dainais covers all the essentials here, from forcing opponents to hop on one leg, to finishing using different methods, such as Sasae, Makikomi, and ankle picks. All techniques feature a detailed breakdown of the key mechanics that make them efficient as well as context on how to use them in BJJ.

Part 2 – Drills and Setups

Part two of the Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu Foot Sweep DVD is where most of the magic happens. If you’ve never done footsweeps before, or you can’t seem to make them work, this is the part of the instructions to really focus on.

Here, Nguyen-Huu shares different ways to set up foot sweeps, which, in true Judo fashion, means you need to put in the time to drill. The good news is that you have both solo and partner drills to pick from in this portion that will teach you the key aspect fo foot sweeps – when to attack the leg.

While drilling timing takes time, you can go straight ahead with the instructional and see what comes next, as Nguyen-Huu offers different sweep variations. I enjoyed the circle sweep more than any other, which doesn’t mean the other variations (Ouchi, side shuffle, crossed) won’t fit your needs better. It’ll all come down to how much you master timing using the drills, though.

Part 3 – Foot Sweep Combos

For those who understand foot sweeps a bit better, this third volume offers interesting ways how to combine them in a system that is optimized for use in Jiu-Jitsu. Without getting the timing right though, you should keep this one on ice if you’re new to foot sweeps.

The method Dainis picks to explore in this portion of the Dainis Nguyen-Huu Foot Sweep DVD is block finishing. He uses different entries to launch classic combos, such as the Osoto-Ouchi Gari chain, as well as Sasae alternatives. For me, the part about dealing with stiff opponents was very informative.

Part 4 – Live Sparring Analysis

The final volume in the Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu Foot Sweep DVD provides live footage of Dainis doing foot sweeps, mostly in sparring. He analyzes the applications shared in the previous volumes as they happen in a live setting, which is super helpful to understand how the moves look when you try them against resistance, as opposed to only drilling them.

It’s All About Balance 

At the end of the day, standing exchanges come down to one thing – who loses balance first? If you can make your opponent lean, you can make them fall (most likely). The thing about balance is that you can do again it with very little effort, which may allow you to turn the tables and attack the attacker. It also means you can end up on the ground if you initiate something too.

Wrestling, Judo, Sambo, and to a certain extent BJJ, all focus on this key aspect during standing exchanges. There are plenty of ways to go about it, but if you want to stay safe from counter takedowns, reversals, and submission threats up to a certain point, then foot sweeps are your best bet as a BJJ grappler.

The main drawback with them is that they require a careful and meticulous understanding of timing and weight shifting, which takes time to figure out. It is well worth the investment though, as once you master a couple of footsweeps you can connect in a mini system, disrupting balance will become fun rather than tedious work.

That is where the Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu Foot Sweep DVD can help you. If you’re just starting out, you can use the drills to get you going, if you know what you’re doing, you can better understand the mechanics and learn how to combine different FOOT sweeps. If you’re world-class at sweeping, you’ll learn how to analyze footage and pick up on the little details that can’t be taught in a technical triangle.

Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu DVD Free Sample
FREE FOOT SWEEP SETUP: Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu DVD


Go Low!

As you look for creative ways to get the fight to the mats, why not try to focus on the feet more? Sweep, ankle pick, trip, and explore how you can take people’s base away starting at the roots! The Foot Sweep the World Dainis Nguyen-Huu DVD will help you handle the sweeping options very effectively, although it will take time to pick up on the timing!

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