Key Takeaways
- A No-Gi BJJ DVD that shows how to set up a complete lockdown system in just a few weeks of practice.
- Offers a breakdown of the inside and outside lockdown position, complete with entries, attacks, and combinations.
- Features passing counters as well as a proven passing strategy against the lockdown.
- BJJ World Expert Rating: 8.5 out of 10.
If you’re wondering whether the lockdown is something worth exploring, it means you’ve never tried it before. My advice would be to stop reading this article, leave it open in a browser tab, and go try out the position on the next open mat.
Once you do this, you can keep reading to figure out exactly how and why the Lockdown Quickstart Guide Cameron Mellott DVD is going to make your bottom (and top) half guard the stuff of nightmares for your opponents. Or, you can go ahead and just get the instructional directly. It’s definitely worth it!
Lockdown 101
The lockdown is one of the most useful half guard variations in BJJ, but also one of the most underrated. There is no point in talking at length about how effective it is since everyone that gets flattened out in half guard and has an understanding of it uses it anyway.
However, while great at preventing people from passing the guard, the one tactical fallacy people make with it is hoping it will somehow force the top person into a sweep or disengagement. What they get instead is pressure that eventually breaks open even the powerful lockdown position.
If there is one lesson on the lockdown I’d like to share as a fundamental, it is to use it to attack and not just to keep someone on top of you. The position can yield sweep, direct submissions, or, most often, a way back to another more comfortable guard.
The Lockdown Quickstart Guide Cameron Mellott DVD also throws in some interesting back attacks to the attacking toolset of the position, all explained very precisely by Mellott.
Featherweight Champ Cameron Mellott
When 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu moves, such as the lockdown featured in instructional videos, the mind immediately jumps to an instructor from the system that delivers the information. However, the lockdown has become such a staple of half guard in BJJ that it has transcended the 10P system and is now both used and taught by grapplers from all kinds of gyms and affiliations.
One such grappler is featherweight standout Cameron Mellott, a black belt under Tom DeBlass. He has been competing for a while with great results, such as winning Pan Ams, winning ADCC trials, and the Man of War grappling title at 135. Overall, he is a solid competitor who knows his stuff and is actively competing as a pro.
Given the Tom DeBlass association, it is no wonder that Cameron’s top position is the half guard. The position makes even more sense considering his size and the fact that he grapplers bigger opponents whenever he can. All this expertise comes together beautifully into the Lockdown Quickstart Guide Cameron Mellott DVD.
Lockdown Quickstart Guide Cameron Mellott DVD Review
The Lockdown Quickstart Guide Cameron Mellott DVD is a four-part No-Gi BJJ instructional that covers top and bottom tactics from the lockdown half guard. The material, delivered by a Tom DeBalss black belt, lasts just over two and a half hours:
Part 1 – Lockdown Crash Course
Overall, Cameron delivers a solid insturctional, which starts off with a real treat – a 10-minute crash course in the lockdown. This chapter features the entire strategy Cameron uses and is perfect for recalling it once you’ve gone through the full Lockdown Quickstart Guide Cameron Mellott DVD.
Apart from the innovative way of summing everything up in the first chapter, Mellott also covers some basic lockdown positioning in this part, as well as a couple of back attacks. He focuses on the outside lockdown here, utilizing sweep threats with the knee lever and arm drags to create back exposure.
Part 2 – Inside/Outside Lockdown & Leg Attacks
In the second portion of the Lockdown Quickstart Guide Cameron Mellott DVD, the system becomes more complex, with the inside lockdown making an appearance. As you probably assume, this refers to whether you lock your feet in between the opponent’s legs or on the outside.
Following several interesting combinations of the inside and outside lockdown to deal with top half guard pressure, Mellott goes into a flurry of leg attacks using the lockdown, which range from calf slicers to toe holds and heel hooks.
Part 3 – Countering Pressure
Most people that end up using the lockdown, especially those that use it because they must rather than because they want to, will find this part of the Cameron Mellott Lockdown DVD particularly useful.
Most small grapplers swear by the lockdown to prevent pressure passing, and this volume shows exactly why that is a smart strategy. Cameron covers hip switches, underhooks, and cross-face solutions using both the inside and outside versions of the lockdown.
Part 4 – Passing the Lockdown
The final portion of the Lockdown Quickstart Guide Cameron Mellott DVD looks at your role as the top person in the lockdown, offering ways to deal with this problematic half guard. Cameron begins with defensive tactics that help kill the bottom person’s attacks before expanding into passing.
Passing itself is offered by way of submission threats, with the pull-back calf slicer the top option. This is followed by pressure passing and upper body submission combos to divide the attention of the bottom person, factoring in common reactions and counters.
Setting the Pace in BJJ
Gordon Ryan is the perfect example of how setting the pace can wear out any opponent, and it doesn’t have to involve constant movement or aggression. Pacing means figuring out the speed at which you want the match to take place, forcing the opponent to work at that speed, and having a gameplan that fits these tactics.
The lockdown is the perfect example of slowing down the pace of a match, breaking the opponent’s rhythm, and imposing your game. Since the lockdown slows people down, it can be seen as stalling, but stalling does not mean you’re immediately getting penalties.
Stalling is a tactic used widely by pro grapplers around the world and is perfect if you’re the smaller grappler of the two involved in a match. Getting people trapped is only going to be a negative stalling tactic if you do nothing from the position, which, if you’re using the lockdown guide by Cameron Mellott is not going to be a problem.
Quickstart Lockdown Success!
IF there is one position that is as close as possible to a cheat code in BJJ, it has to be the lockdown. No other position is that easy to get to, offers so much control, and provides so many attacking opportunities! The Lockdown Quickstart Guide Cameron Mellott DVD covers every aspect of getting to, holding, and attacking from the lockdown perfectly. It even offers two variations to ensure everyone can fit it into their game.