Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD Review [2025]

Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD Review

Key Takeaways

  • A Gi BJJ DVD that has Roger Gracie explaining what he thinks and does when passing guard. 
  • Features pressure passing scenarios based on concepts that relate to realistic scenarios.  
  • Includes examples of passing the knee shield, half guard, and closed guard. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 10 out of 10.


Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD Preview
FULL TRAILER: Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD

There is no point in watching Roger Gracie pass guards, with or without the Gi, if you don’t have any context as to what he is doing. Okay, you understand the basics of BJJ positions and can figure out what passing is and what guards are. But what is Roger doing?

I think the more important thing is what is Roger thinking, and that’s something you can’t analyze using footage – you have to go to the source. In this case, the best source to figure it out said from asking Roger himself, is to get your hands on the Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD. You have the chance to do it – will you grab it?

Pass Like Roger Gracie

Yeah, you wish. But you’re welcome to try! The cold hard truth is that you’ll never be able to pass like Roger unless you’re Roger. You can, however, learn from everything Roger has done in his lifetime of training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

With passing on the menu today, we get to revisit the craziness that is the Roger Gracie closed guard pass, and his unbeatable strategy when it comes to destroying people’s guards. In fact, they managed to, seemingly easily, breeze past the guards of some of the best grapplers ever, both with and without the Gi. Very, very few people have been able to replicate that.

The Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD is not a full depiction of Roger’s system. Thank God! Instead, he shares his approach to passing, explaining how he likes to use pressure to deal with any type of guard scenario. This one is one of the ‘new breeds’ of instructionals that transcend techniques and actually aim to teach grapplers something.

Roger Gracie’s BJJ Legacy

Whenever people mention Roger Gracie, a few things spring to mind. The most well-behaved and calm Gracie member for one, and probably the most humble. Super technical Jiu-Jitsu. A bad run in the UFC. Cross collar chokes. Pressure passing. GOAT.

I could go on, but for those few Gen Z readers who have no idea who Roer is, I think you get the point. Roger is by far one of the best that ever stepped on the mats, both as a competitor and a coach.

His legacy of submitting all of his opponents with the same submission in the IBJJF Worlds has never been matched. Also, very few have managed to submit al their opponents on the road to ADCC gold, as Roger did back in 2005. That’s a flawless, Mortal Kombat-type of performance if ever there was one.

Another thing everyone visiting London does Is hop over to Roger’s (he actually has a few academies around town) to try and learn from the GOAT. Do you know what happens if you run into him during class? You get to roll with him as he spars with everyone when he is in the gym.

Until you can figure out how to get to London and hope that Roger is on the mats when you visit, take a look at the Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD. It’s one of his ‘signature move’ areas and you’ll pick up stuff you’ll use on the mats until you decide to hang up your Gi for good.

Guard Passing System Roger Gracie DVD Review

One look at the Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD and you can see it’s not the same as most instructionals these days. It has three volumes, but each only contains a few chapters, even though they’re all over 30 minutes long. The full instructional lasts just under 2 hours and features Roger demonstrating guard passes with the Gi:

Part 1 – What is Pressure Passing?

So, pressure passing isn’t really what you thought. I know that for me, this Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD changed my complete perception of pressure passing. As early as the very first chapter, Roger explains exactly what pressure is in terms of passing, and crucially, pinning during passing.

He shares some incredible concepts in this part of the DVD, that both explain your body positioning relative to the opponent, and exactly which points of the opponent’s body you need to pressure.

A very astute example follows in the form of a knee shield solution that doesn’t take you into a pass, as most instructionals show. Instead, Roger demonstrates how to get past the knee shield and into half guard. He addresses the half guard next, constantly ensuring the bottom person does not recover their knee shield.

Part 2 – Leg Pins

When I figured out this concept, it completely changed not just my passing approach, but also my sweeps. It wasn’t Roger who pointed me to it, but I more than enjoyed Roger Gracie’s take on the subject, which is the main focus in the second part of this Roger Gracie Passing DVD.

Gracie picks the leg weave position to portray how pinning the legs and creating a bottom leh aids your passing efforts. Still using the half guard as an example, he covers pressure mechanics, optimal direction, and how to deal with common recovery attempts.

The end destination of Roger’s pressure weave pass is the mount, of course, and we all know what happens to the bottom person from there once Roger conquers it. An alternative smash pass option against the knee shield wraps up this volume.

Part 3 – Pressure Passing the Closed Guard

About 12 years ago I think, was the first time I heard of the Roger Gracie closed guard pass There was nothing on YouTube, and the only way to figure it out was to learn from someone who has trained at Rogers and figured out the details for himself.

I personally loved it, as butchered of a version as I got during my blue belt days. Well, the move has been pretty much dissected by now on multiple occasions, but it is always a pleasure to see Roger demonstrate it.

The final part of the Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD guides you through pressure passing the closed guard, from opening using a knee in between the legs to torturing the bottom person with Roger’s spine-twisting pass. Just to cover all bases, Roger also offers a standing passing version at the tail end of the DVD.

The Goal of Guard Passing in BJJ

Why do most guard passes fail? The answer is surprisingly easy and super obvious, but people tend to miss it all the time. It all comes down to one thing – can you keep the bottom person from getting back to guard once you pass?

A big part of the blame here lies with BJJ coaches. They focus on so many needless details for arm placement, angles, etc, that they miss the actual main point. We pass guard not for the process of passing, but for the effect of getting past the legs. Read that again.

Now, hopefully, triggered to think, take a look at some top matches. Doesn’t matter if it is Roger Gracie, Gordon Ryan, Marcel,o or yourself featuring. Even better, watch random purple belts from competition footage on YouTube and try to see what they do, after they pass, to ensure they stay past the legs.

As your eyes open to the fact that people worry more about how they move their legs while passing than they worry about staying past the legs, you’ll want solutions. The Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD has a bunch of them, all pressure-based and delivered by the real GOAT of BJJ. 

Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD Free Sample
WATCH A FREE SAMPLE: Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD


Pass With Pressure! 

Time to unleash that old-school pressure that won’t crush your opponents, but rather pin them. If you play your cards right and stick to the instructions in the Roger Gracie Guard Passing System DVD, you’ll also unlock the ability to use pressure in a way that makes the bottom person experience it worse the more they struggle to get out. Passing like Roger, right?

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