Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle Review [2024]

Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle Review

Key Takeaways

  • A three-instructional bundle containing Gi and No-GI DVDs on the deep half.
  • Jeff covers a complete game plan, offering offense, defense, setups, entries, and follow-ups from the deep half gaurd.
  • There is a unique use of a whiteboard during demonstrations to help guide focus. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 10 out of 10.


Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle Cover

Struggling to make sense of the deep half guard? I’ve been there, so I know what you’re going through, IN fact, it was Jeff Glover’s work that got me out of my deep half rut, so naturally, I’d recommend his instructionals for anyone trying to learn the intricacies of this effective guard position.

That said, which instructional is the best, to begin with? That’s now taken care of with the Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle that offers everything you’ll ever need to know about the position. All of Jeff’s best DVDs, featuring both Gi and No-Gi guidelines feature in this must-have BJJ bundle for any guard player.

Jeff Glover, the Man With No (Game) Plan

Jeff Glover built an entire BJJ legacy around his unique style, which he best describes as similar to what a monkey does. Not many people would enjoy such an association, but that’s exactly what gave Jeff his distinctive presence in the BJJ world.

Taking lots of pride in the fact that he never took BJJ matches seriously, Glover was always ready to sacrifice a victory for the sake of entertainment, aiming to avoid putting on boring matches. This worked out for him as he ended up winning lots of huge matches and tournaments while staying true to his monkey style of grappling.

Glover’s own Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu journey started without a plan as well, as he stumbled into neighbor Franjinha’s house as a 16-year-old, saw UFC tapes, and got hooked. He was lucky that Franjinha offered to train him, and ended up producing one of the most versatile world champions in the history of the sport.

While his style is a result of Jeff’s mentality and overall approach to BJJ, there are certain aspects you can pick up on, especially his effective guard style. The Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle delivers a great insight into how a master of the position sets up the deep half.

Full Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle Review

What can you expect to learn from the Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle? This collection has three different instructionals, each containing three volumes that target different aspects of the deep half guard, including both Gi and No-Gi material. Check out our full Jeff Glover DVD Bundle Review:

Deep Half Evolution DVD – DOWNLOAD HERE

Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle Review Deep Half Evolution DVD

Subject Matter: As we open our inspection of the Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle the first title is his take on the deep half guard with the Gi, focusing on an offensive-minded game.

Key Points Covered: Throughout this instructional, Jeff Glover covers a few crucial aspects of holding the deep half, and spends a lot of time deconstructing why and how the most effective attacks work. Given the position’s nature, he sticks to sweeps and back takes, but follows them up with brutally painful and unorthodox submission holds.

Glover also goes over the entries he likes to use, including ways of safely pulling the deep half guard from standing. He also ties in direct passes after the sweeps, which makes this DVD perfect for competitors.

Technical DVD specifications: This Gi BJJ DVD by Jeff Glover offers well-organized and simple-to-follow material, spread out over three different volumes. The total running time of the instructional is just under two hours.

No-Gi Deep Half 2.0 DVD – GET IT HERE

Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle Review No-Gi Deep Half DVD

Subject Matter: The second DVD in this Jeff Glover DVD bundle switches the attire for the deep half position, exploring the essential No-Gi game that the human monkey likes to set up and play.

Key Points Covered: This No-Gi member of the Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle is actually Jeff’s second instructional on the subject, hence the 2.0 destination in the title. It offers an improved and polished take on Glvoer’s favorite No-Gi deep half guard moves, which include every aspect of the game.

He covers entries, setups, follow-ups as well as a very studious breakdown of how to tie the deep half to other positions, both offensively and defensively. A unique aspect of this DVD is that Jeff has a whiteboard behind him with the main points of each chapter written on it. This really helps to get a hang of what he’s doing during the demonstrations.

Technical DVD specifications: Another three-part instructional by Jeff Glover, this time without the Gi. The addition of the whiteboard makes it very unique and extremely helpful. The material in all three volumes amounts to about an hour and a half.

Deep Half – I Rest My Case DVD – FULL DOWNLOAD

Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle Review Dep Half Guard DVD

Subject Matter: The final part of this bundle is another No-Gi iteration of the deep half by Jeff, this time looking at more advanced, which in Glvoer’s terms means more unorthodox and crazy, techniques and tactics.

Key Points Covered: The focus in this one is on sweeping from the deep half guard without the use of lapels and Gi grips, and combining the position with other guards. The 50/50 and X-guard feature heavily as natural neighbors of the deep half guard but so do some unusual connections, like a combination with the Dela Riva.

A highly valuable addition in this deep half guard DVD by Jeff Glover are the many counters to common reactions he demonstrates. From the top person jumping over the head to their attempts at using underhooks, Jeff offers an effective answer to all. He wraps everything up with a section on how to pass the deep half.

Technical DVD specifications: This final part of the highly entertaining and informative Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle lasts a total of an hour and a half, and contains three different volumes. Jeff demonstrates everything without a Gi.

The Value of A ‘Lazy’ BJJ Guard Game

The deep half guard is seen by most people in the sport as an ‘old man’s’ guard, and often as a guard best suited for Gi BJJ. While the Gi helps in terms of grips and handles, the guard is anything but the last resort for older grapplers to keep rolling in Jiu-Jitsu.

It is baffling, really, how most people involved in BJJ take guards for granted. For example, people getting into a guard position expect to sweep and submit solely because they managed to get to the position. They rarely factor in that the top person will move, try to pass and counter, and end up thinking guards don’t work.

Guards work when you hold them, and the deep half is one of those guards that is easy to maintain without too much effort, which is the primary goal of any guard. Once you get the top person stuck, you can easily attack using their movement as they try to free up their body. You can see the value of such a low-energy requirement guard in a competitive setting.

This Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle offers nothing but the most effective aspects of playing the deep half. True, ti does offer some crazy moves that’ll probably work once, but overall, the information in it is more than capable of being your main guide to the deep half guard position in BJJ, in both Gi and No-Gi.

Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle Cover


Go Deep With Jeff!

If you have the option to train with Jeff in person, even if it is the occasional seminar, you probably don’t need this DVD bundle. For all those not lucky enough to have access to Glover, the Jeff Glover Deep Half Revolution DVD Bundle is an essential tool for developing a world-class half guard game. Even if you skip some of his other instructional, this one (along with the one on Darces) should feature in your collection.

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