Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD Review [2024]

Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD Review
Free John Danaher Instructional BJJ DVD

Key Takeaways

  • A No-Gi instructional covering a completely back attack system aimed at finishing various submissions. 
  • Features escape prevention, control points, rear naked choke, and auxiliary attack details. 
  • The DVD follows a specific pattern of progression making back attacks easy. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 8 out of 10.


Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD Preview
WATCH THE TRAILER HERE: Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD

How good are you at finishing people from the back? Most of you are now probably counting rear naked strangles and bow and arrow chokes but that’s not what I mean. Finishing from the back includes a lot more than just choking with your arms, and if you’re not aware of this the Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD is exactly what you need.

The Hardest Task From Back Control

What is the most difficult aspect of the back mount for you? Different people will probably give different answers, but the fact remains that nothing is more difficult than finishing someone from the back. Espceially with a choke.

Submissions become harder and harder to finish as you attempt them on people who are higher up the belt system, even when they are fully locked in. If you’ve ever tried to finish someone with a fully locked rear naked choke and failed, you know exactly what I mean. If you haven’t, then you’ve probably never grappled anyone who really knows BJJ.

What you want at the end of the day is to finish from the back, but that doesn’t have to be by way of chokes only. Spreading your attacks to include arm bars and different strangles, such as triangles, and even leg locks is a great way of ensuring the finish. You’ll either get one of the ‘support’ submissions or create enough space to fall back to the rear naked and get a strangle.

This is exactly the way that the Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD is set up, offering an easy-to-follow system that you don’t have to spend six months figuring out.

B-Team Co-Founder Ethan Crelinsten 

If there is one person in the B-team who doesn’t get the attention he deserves, it has to be Ethan Crellinsten. While we are still waiting for him to win something of note, he has developed into one of the best coaches in the team, and perhaps BJJ. I personally know plenty of people who make it a point to go and train with Ethan every chance they get.

The John Danaher black belt, who spent lots of time training with Firas Zahabi as well is one of the best round grapplers in the game, although he has not had too much luck at the highest levels of competition. To be fair, Ethan has a couple of ADCC trial wins behind him, as well as the odd super fight victory, but has failed to deliver lately, Prehaprs he’ll be a late bloomer when it comes to competition.

As a coach, though, the 30-year-old Canadian has an exceptional track record, delivering information in a way that can make both Zahabi and Danher jealous. Seriously, he is that good, and if you haven’t seen him in class or seminar to date, check out his instructional, such as the Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD is a great way of directly experiencing what I am talking about.

Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD Review

Ethan offers over 4 hours of ultra-high-quality material on finishing submissions form back control. Ther are four different volumes in the Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD, each focusing on specific subjects and following a progressive pattern, so the best way of learning from this DVD is to watch the parts in order.

Part 1 – Back Escapes & Retention

As this Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD opens, it immediately becomes clear that this is not your run-of-the-mill BJJ DVD. Ethan does not begin by saying “You start with hooks” but rather spends the better time of an hour exploring back escapes.

This really sets the tone for what he delivers later, as you get the idea of what the opponent is trying to accomplish so that you can easily prevent them and eventually set up unstoppable finishing moves. Crelinsten starts with shoulder escapes, moving on to turning motions and ending with hook clearances and turtling.

Immediately after covering the escapes, he delivers the best ways to stay on the back following the same order – blocking shoulder escapes, dealing with opponents turning towards you, and solving their attempts to beat your hooks.

Part 2 – The Rear Naked Choke

As we get to part two, Ethan begins deconstructing the rear naked choke, using lots of similarities to Danaher’s way of doing it. he does, however, introduce some original aspects to it, such as creating more length for the choking arm and a few quick and surprising (for your opponent) ways of switching up choking sides.

Also featuring a lot in this portion of the Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD are belly-down finishes, which have been very rarely explained in other instructionals. A few not-so-friendly alternative finishes also feature, such as mandible chokes and one-arm finishes.

Part 3 – Follow-Up Submissions

The third portion of the Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD moves on to discover other submission options from the back when the rear naked choke does not work for you. Once again this progress is similar to Danaher’s but the details are where the differences lie.

Dubbing them Auxiliary systems, Ethan explains how to best combine triangle attacks from the back, both in the form of rear and reverse triangle chokes. He also goes over armbar combinations that fit into the triangle positioning, as well as some slick Americanas and alternative strangles.

Part 4 – Mixing It Up With Armlocks

The final part of the Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD focuses almost exclusively on armlocks, mainly featuring the straight armbar and the Kimura lock. As far as I am concerned, there is no better position to set up armbars than the back mount. Ethan’s take is similar, with several armbar and crucifix combos offered in this part of the instructional.

The Kimura wraps up this Ethan Crelinsten DVD, offering trap-based combo attacks that offer even more armbar finishing options as well as some interesting strangle variations. In true B-team fashion, Ethan ends everything with a totally random story, but one that you definitely want to hear!

Improving Your Attacks Through Submission-Hunting

All the information that you get from the Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD is not just going to help you become a better finisher from the back. The simple act of stringing submissions together turns you into a submission hunter, which is a trait you simply have to develop if you’re serious about BJJ.

Instead of waiting until you are the purple belt and above to figure it out, let me explain something now – the more you threaten with submissions, the better everything else you do is going to be. Think about it – how many people escape your side control when you just try to pin them? How about when you’re trying to do an Americana?

The point here is that you shouldn’t gauge the success of your game simply based on the move you’re performing at the moment. A rear naked choke might not work, but if it keeps you on the back, you’re most likely cruising to victory, Not to mention that it will definitely open up other avenues of attacks such as triangles and armlocks.

Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD Free Sample
FREE DVD TECHNIQUE: Preventing Escapes Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD


Nap Time! 

There’s not much left to say except that if you need help becoming a more efficient finisher from the back mount, then the Finish on the Back Ethan Crelinsten DVD is probably one of the best things you should consider. Granted, it is a No-Gi DVD, so if you’re after collar chokes you’re better off looking somewhere else, but for those without prejudice, it is probably the one resource to watch before you opt for Gordon’s or Danaher’s stuff.

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