2024 BJJ Trendsetters: Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD Review

2024 BJJ Trendsetters: Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD Review
Free John Danaher Instructional BJJ DVD

People in BJJ are getting really good at busting out of the box and introducing different approaches to what we have accepted as standards in the BJJ game. From the way training is organized to the way competitors prepare, innovation and science are pouring into BJJ like never before.

One such innovative attempt, which I think is a success, is the BJJ Trendsetters Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD. Courageously named, this resource introduces the chaos of wrestling exchanges to the guard vs pass battle in BJ that we’ve always seen as chess more than a wrestling match. It is time to think again!

Key Takeaways

  • A 3-volume No-Gi BJJ instructional with one and a half hours of material.
  • Delivers a blueprint for passing No-Gi guards by relying on wrestling tactics.     
  • Methodical organization and an effective passing system by a very promising young BJJ coach on the rise.
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 8 out of 10.


TRAILER: 2024 BJJ Trendsetters: Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD Review
TRAILER: 2024 BJJ Trendsetters: Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD

Passing Confusion

Passing the guard in grappling is going to be confusing, tough, and almost never work out the way you want it to. Welcome to BJJ.

The more experience the bottom person has with playing guard in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the worse off you’ll be trying to pass, even though it seems like being on top gives you an edge. Good guard players are patient, drawing you into traps without being obvious and leaving you confused as to why your passing is stalling.

Once you’re asking yourself what’s gone wrong, the guard player is free to launch attacks of their own, completely disrupting your flow and beginning to dominate the exchange. Smart guard players will also try to avoid getting trapped in guards and not spend a lot of time trying elaborate passing systems.

If there’s one thing that works in BJJ, it is simplicity, and one way of introducing simplicity is by way of chaos. Well, controlled chaos, to be precise, just like the one you can find in the Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD.

BJJ Trendsetter Coach Dima Murovanni 

The name Dima Murovanni is spreading like wildfire through the BJJ World, mostly a sa result of the stardom of Jozef Chen. Young Chen is a grappling phenom now representing the B-team and is probably the best brown belt in the world at the moment.

Chen spent a lot of years training at the BJJ Akademie in Berlin, where Dima is one of the head coaches. Murovanni discovered BJJ in 2017, signing up at the popular BJJ Akademie with the goal of competing at, and potentially winning the ADCC. A bunch of serious injuries change his trajectory, sidelining him from competition.

Dima found a new role in the gym as a coach, given his methodical mindset and Danaher-like obsession with everything grappling, despite having only about 7 years of experience so far. Murovanni also made a connection with the B-team, allowing his student Chen to train there, while providing a much bigger team for Dima to coach.

Currently a brown belt under head BJJ Akademie coach Robert Nestor, Dima is now ready to showcase his teaching style and approach with the BJJ world, through his first-ever Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD.

BJJ Trendsetters: Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni Detailed DVD Review

The Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD is a three-part No-Gi BJJ instructional that presents an innovative passing system by an up-and-coming BJJ coach who might just rival Danaher in his grappling brilliance:

Part 1 – Presenting Rubmle Passing

As the Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD opens, Dima talks about his inspiration for this style of passing which he draws from wrestling. He begins by comparing how wrestlers and BJJ grapplers engage and outline exactly where wrestling can help improve Jiu-Jitsu guard passes.

In a very German-like fashion, Murovanni builds a clear methodology, starting with te goals of rumble passing and then presenting a series of rules to abide by if you want the system to work. They all make sense, as they define hand placement, head positioning, stance, and key concepts you already know, like protecting inside space.

A very informative section on managing range a sa passer brings the first volume to an end. All in all, a very good start from Dima.

Part 2 – Grips and Motion

The second part of the instructional goes deeper into the tactics that make Dima’s rumble passing so successful and quick to master. This part is all about grips, focusing on how to break grips before placing different grips of your own onto the guarded opponent.

Murovanni ties in stance, motion, and range management beautifully with the grip fighting tactics, using a wrestling mindset in terms of aggression and the constant progress of grip fighting. He ploys methods such as fake grips and mercy grips to ensure he creates the key openings for risk-free passing.

The second part of this Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD ends with several chapters covering knee cut passing, through exploiting the use of split squat stance and the principle of leg stapling.

Part 3 – Jumping With a Purpose

Finally, as the Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD reaches the final volume, the passes materialize completely. The super methodical buildup opened the door for safe jumping (a sentence rarely used in BJJ) that gets you past guards based on a system rather than athleticism and luck.

Depending on the grips, Dima shares different directions and ways to literally jump over the guard and get a pin, even without the chest-to-chest connection. He also manages to bunch up seated and supine guards into a few short chapters by sharing strategies that force the bottom person to play whichever guard suits him best.

Finishing the instructional in style, Dima Murovanni shares his thoughts on training intensity, an aspect of his coaching skillset that made him really popular among top-level athletes, like Brianna Ste-Marie, Jason Rau, Owen Jones, and Margot Ciccarelli.

Pass Like a Wrestler

If there is one thing BJJ guys hate more than anything it is a wrestler who also understands Jiu-Jitsu. The Hail Mary to deal with an athletic and knowledgeable wrestler in BJJ is to accept he’s going to dominate takedowns and that trying to sweep one is probably a waste of effort.

One thing wrestlers never really do too much is pass effectively, since they’re afraid to lose the pin, and often get stuck in subs. Well, Dima’s approach shows you how you can utilize everything wrestlers do, without wrestling a day in your life, and actually get past most BJJ guards, at least without the Gi.

Passing is confusing enough with all the guard variations that exist, and one way to simplify it is to transfer all the chaos to the bottom person. Using weight distribution, motion, grips, and perfectly timed jumps you can cause havoc in any guard player’s game and cruise past their legs.

Such an approach to passing helps shorten the learning curve significantly. Andrew Wiltze demonstrated something similar with his take on passing, and Dima’s system has already taken young grapplers such as Jozef Chen and Linus von Schenck to victories against much more experienced, world-class black belts. The blueprint is in the Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD.

Free Sample: Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD
Free Technique: Knee Cut Passing Dima Murovanni DVD


Let’s Rumble Pass! 

Joining the BJJ Trendsetters club that Dima is leading at the moment starts by picking up the Rumble Passing Dima Murovanni DVD. Somehow, Murovanni has managed to bring the best of wrestling for BJJ passing to the sport, without asking people to learn wrestling or dedicate years to only honing their passing skills. This, somewhat of a cheat passing DVD, is a great way to improve anyone’s passing game, regardless of belt, age, or experience.

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