The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle Review

The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle Review
FREE Gordon Ryan Instructional

Craig Jones might be the best in the world at conquering silver medals and the second place everyone despises, but when it comes to BJJ DVD instructionals, the Aussie is among the champions. He has released a bunch of different instructionals so far, which means he can now organize them into cohesive bundles.

The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle is a collection of three Craig Jones DVD instructionals, understandable, No-Gi, that outline what he finds to be the most important aspects of having a solid top game for BJJ. Is this bundle worth picking up if you’re not a black belt or prefer to roll and compete with the Gi? Stick with our review to find out.

Key Takeaways

  • A three-part bundle containing 3 different Craig Jones top game DVDs.
  • Includes the entire B-team passing game, spiced up with some typical Craig Jones magic. 
  • 10 hours of highly useful details on passing, pining, and submitting from the top.
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 8 out of 10.


Review The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle
The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle Cover

The Second Best Grappler in the World

There is no real need to introduce Craig Jones, especially with the Craig Jones Invitational clearly achieving what it set out to do and overtaking ADCC in its first-ever edition. Craig elevated trolling to an artform during the build-up, and the event itself, providing the BJ Jworld with some much-needed entertainment, both in terms of laughter and high-level Jiu-Jitsu.

Let’s not forget that as crazy as Craig has become over the past few years he is still one of the very best grapplers in the world. The Aussie had a bunch of titles to his name,e prior to taking up the mantle of the best second-placed grappler in the world. So far he has won the Polaris belt three times in two different divisions and has a bunch of world titles as a purple and brown belt.

In terms of his instructionals, he has not been really consistent, though. He has some that are real gems that every grappler should own, and others that you probably won’t even finish on account of how useless they are. Is The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle a collection of Craig’s top-notch DVDs or a set of flops? Read on.

What is Inside The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle

The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle contains three different Craig Jones instructionals, each with a different number of volumes and a different running time. This collection si going to help you figure out how to set up and integrate your passing, pinning, and submissions as you approach opponents playing different guards in No-Gi BJJ.

Power Ride Pinning DVD – AVAILABLE HERE!

Review The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle - Power Ride DVD

Subject Matter: The first title in The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle is his DVD on pinning that revolves around ride techniques extracted from wrestling to stop your opponents from escaping your pins.

Key Points Covered: This instructional covers a somewhat unusual aspect of pinning, at least for BJJ, by exploring how to use power rides. Craig presents everything from a BJJ standpoint, covering how pinning points work and how wrestling can make a difference.

Throughout the instructional, Jones covers lower and upper body rides to force people back to the mats, as well as effectively deal with the modern-day defensive turtle. A bunch of submissions enforces the efficiency of these rides, which Craig ties into common BJJ control points such as mount, back, side control, and knee on belly.

Technical DVD specifications: The instructional has 6 volumes, each lasting a different length, from 30 minutes to an hour. The complete running length of the instructional is just under 4 hours and everything is demonstrated in No-Gi.


Review The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle - B-Team Top Game DVD

Subject Matter: Arguably the most useful DVD in this collection is Craig’s six-part instructional outlining the top game that the B-team uses in their high-level grappling performances on the competitive stage.

Key Points Covered: Craig goes over different approaches to passing and pinning seated and supine guard players in this part of The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle. The instructional contains a good balance of concepts general approaches and technical instructions to cover everything you’ll need to know about grappling from the top.

Some standout aspects of this Craig Jones DVD include forcing errors from your opponent, managing distance, passing both loose and tight, and defending common guard threats such as leg locks and sweeps.

Technical DVD specifications: Contains six volumes, with a total length of almost 5 hours, and a very precise and progressive organization of the material presented by Craig.

How To Pass Guards Quickly & Easily DVD – GET IT HERE

Review The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle - Passing and Leg Locks DVD

Subject Matter: The final member of this Craig Jones DVD bundle is one of his earlier instructional and one of the best ones he has ever released. It covers how passing and leg locks work together as opposed to being antagonists.

Key Points Covered: This short instructional covers Craig’s take on bleeding leg locks and guard passing to create dilemmas that end up giving you one or the other, all but guaranteeing success.

In the opening volume, he outlines a bunch of common passes, such as the knee slice, smash pass, and leg weave, and how you can integrate Ashi Garami attacks and flash finishes to make them a lot more efficient.

The second part builds on this information, providing instructions on knee pummeling, and wrestling-based passes such as the Khabib wrist-ride.

Technical DVD specifications: The final part of The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle is the shortest of the bunch, with only two volumes and a running time limited to just over an hour.

How Craig’s Game Can Help You

It’s really simple – Craig offers lots of options in the Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle. As he only focuses on playing the top aspects of grappling, this translates to something for everyone, regardless of preferences or level of experience.

This collection of Craig Jones DVDs offers lots of variety, particularly in terms of passing. He covers all passing sequences that work in No-Gi, fortifying them with the threat of leg locks, and offering a lot of unusual follow-ups in utilizing wrestling rides to pin the bottom person once you pass, and sometimes even before it.

At the end of the day, you’ll find something you can immediately integrate into your game from this Craig Jones bundle. The best part is that you don’t have to follow it to a “T”, you can pick and choose what to use and what to leave for the future as you build your own unstoppable top game.

Review The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle


Get on Top, Stay on Top!

As we draw this Craig Jones DVD Bundle Review to a close, the verdict is reached – it features only gems released by Craig, and none of the mumbo-jumbo trolling DVDs. This collection is a great resource to help you either set up a top game from scratch or polish your existing passes, pins, and submissions from the top.

The Down Under Top Game Craig Jones DVD Bundle is one that I expect will make grapplers’ lives easier, as it helps arm you not just to attack guards, but also how not to get trapped into and pulled into the web of different bottom positions threats. A real hit, this one!

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