Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD Review [2024]

Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD Review
Key Takeaways
  • A four-part No-Gi DVD teaching the principles of wrestling mat returns and rides.  
  • Features different ways to keep top control by breaking down the turtle.  
  • Contains plenty of wrestling rides, cutdowns, ties, prys, chops, and a system that organizes them. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 8.5 out of 10.


Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD Preview
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Why wrestling instructional for BJJ? If I have to answer that, please check out our guides for white belts. For those who understand the value of wrestling moves other than takedowns for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you’re definitely thinking about improving your game with a great resource.

In my humble opinion, Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD is one of the rare instructionals out there that offers great information in the realm of mat returns. It also contains rides and other breakdowns, but the biggest value for BJJ athletes is in the means it provides for staying on top for as long as you want. On to the review!

Wrestling Rides 

Wrestling has a great way of teaching people how to be heavy on top as they look for a pin, without requiring them to have PhDs in physics and biomechanics. They use a simple solution called riding to ensure the bottom person can’t escape, and more importantly, they stay on the bottom.

These techniques are called rides. For a successful ride in wrestling, you need to know how to achieve two things: how to attach yourself to the opponent using your arms, legs, body, or all of the above, and which part of the opponent’s body you’re going to ride.

For example, you can ride the legs, arms, neck, or hips of the bottom person using different parts of your body to attach. The claw ride has you attaching with our arms as you ride a shoulder. A Turk has you attaching to the thigh using your legs, as you ride the hip.

Some of the above examples feature in the highly useful Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD which provides great ride-based ideas on how to keep top position in grappling.

Wrestling Superstar Trent Hidlay 

Grapplers who predominantly do BJJ are always impressed by the pedigrees of wrestling athletes. Well, even wrestlers are impressed with what Trent Hidlay has been able to achieve on the mats in his incredible All-American career.

Since 2018 Trent has won all there is in wrestling, redshirting the 2018/19 season with a record of 24-2 in six competitions. From 202 onward, he managed to rank in the top four All-American each year, getting to the US World Team for the U23 World Championship and conquering an entire collection of trophies and accolades in collegiate wrestling.

His knowledge and experience are already past that of many other older grapplers, and it seems that the young grappling star also has a knack for teaching. If the Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD is anything to judge him on, we’re in for real treats from Hidlay in pro grappling down the road.

Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD Review

The Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD contains four volumes, each covering a different aspect of wrestling moves that help you stay on top, and break down turtled opponents. The material is very well organized and presented, obviously, in No-Gi. The entire DVD lasts just over an hour.

Part 1 – Staying on Top 

The first part of the Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD explores the essential wrestling concept of keeping the top position until you get a pin. The entire installation focuses on how to make the bottom person carry your weight as you ride towards a pin.

Trent begins with his overall philosophy of breaking down turtled opponents, something we desperately need in BJJ. He begins by presenting weight distribution concepts before moving on to explore actual breakdowns, such as thigh prys and elbow chops. Nothing new in wrestling, I guess, but definitely ultra useful for BJJ!

Part 2 – Claw Rides

One of my favorite wrestling moves to deal with turtled and turning opponents is the claw ride. I discovered this wrestling move more than 5 years ago and I’ve never looked back. In this part of the Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD, this move gets lots of attention, to the point where even I picked up a few tips on using it better.

Trent demonstrates the claw, which is essentially a very deep underhook from the back that ends up wrapped around the neck, from the perspective of riding. He pairs it up perfectly with thigh prys (covered in the previous volume) to break down anyone who is in an all-fours position.

There are a lot of methodologies used here, as Hidlay utilizes the cla in various directions, depending on the opponent’s reactions – staying on top remains the primary concern. As the bottom person moves, Trent’s tilts, cutbacks, and scoots ensure you end up pinning.

Perhaps the most valuable part of this entire instructional is the section that covers how to deal with sit-outs. Trent’s solutions feature wrestling staples but sprinkled in with some innovative details that really make them useful for Jiu-Jitsu. Pay particular attention to the cradle chapter.

Part 3 – Mat Returns

The one aspect of wrestling that needs to be integrated into every Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu curriculum all around the world is mat returns. No wonder stuff like Craig Jones’ “Just Stand Up” works so easily in BJJ – people have no idea how to get someone back to the mats before they fight back up to their feet.

Trnet’s take on it involves a combination of lifting and dragging people, which ends up messing up their bearings, keeping you in top position, and eventually, granting you full control by pinning. The hip crackdown, another wrestling staple, is what really caught my eye here.

This part of the Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD also mixes in some of the contents from before, such as claw rides and hooks to initiate mat return maneuvers.

Part 4 – Tactical Ties & Cuts

As we reach the final part of the Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD it is time for tips and tricks. Finishing in great style, just like in his matches, Hidlay offers a few fancy, yet effective moves to ensure you cut down a highly resisting opponent. His directions aim to provide scoring opportunities for wrestlers, but the same principles apply to BJJ scoring purposes as well.

Lots of cut-based techniques feature here, built to work off of some classic ties, such as the Russian tie and the Inside tie. The goal here is to take away your opponent’s posts or cut them out from beneath them, crumbling them to the mats and establishing a pin.

The Value of Staying on Top

I’ve quoted Chris Haueter in articles on BJJ world countless times, and I’ll do it again. His legendary mantra of “Be on top, stay on top” used to hang on the wall in my old gym – just haven’t gotten around to displaying it in the new space.

If you want to win in BJJ, stay on top. It actually remains just as valuable in wrestling, Judo, MMA, self-defense, etc. If you’re on top you’re likely to swing, regardless of how, then if you’re on the bottom.

Just think about it – how many bottom positions award you points? Yes, none. The only point you get from the bottom is if you somehow manage to get on top (sweep). So, once you get the top position, doesn’t it make lots of sense to keep it?

The problem is that this is anything but an easy task to achieve. In that regard, turning to help from wrestlers is your best bet – and the Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD delivers exactly the help you need, without any fuss.

Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD Free Sample
FREE TECHNIQUE: Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD


Dominate the Top!

Dominate the top position and you’ll easily dominate the match! It is as easy as that, at least in theory. The Mastering Control From Top Position Trent Hidlay DVD offers plenty of different ride-based ways to turn this theory into practice using proven and easy-to-master wrestling techniques. Keep your mind on to useful information from other grappling martial arts and you’ll BJJ is going to be better than ever!

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