Andrew Wiltse Shocks With Alarming Accusations and Threats Against Gordon Ryan

Andrew Wiltse Shocks With Alarming Accusations and Threats Against Gordon Ryan
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The Jiu-Jitsu world is currently facing a controversy involving Gordon Ryan, his brother Nicky, and Nathalie Santoro. While the truth behind these claims cannot be confirmed, multiple sources are making these allegations.

This time, it’s Andrew Wiltse speaking out in a series of Instagram stories. You can find them HERE.

This situation, along with the escalation of personal attacks, has left many in the Jiu-Jitsu community shocked and worried about the reputation of the sport, especially since some of its most influential figures are involved.

In his Instagram stories, Andrew Wiltse, in a manner that alarms many, has made serious accusations against Gordon Ryan and Nathalie Santoro.

“Listen, Gordon Ryan had his wife rape Nicky Ryan. Nicky deserved it for not speaking about it publicly.”

The gravity of this accusation is immense, as it not only accuses Gordon Ryan and Nathalie of a crime but also implies that Nicky Ryan is complicit by allegedly staying silent about the event.

Following this, Andrew Wiltse also accused Craig Jones of remaining silent and stated that both he and Nicky are responsible for Gordon Ryan’s prominence in the Jiu-Jitsu world.

“I blame Nicky Ryan and Craig Jones for the attention Gordon Ryan gets in Jiu-Jitsu. He should be in jail.”

It’s important to note that these accusations are not backed by any evidence, making what Wiltse is trying to achieve questionably, considering the potential damage to the reputations and lives of those involved.

Violent Threats: “I’ll Kill Him on Sight”

Wiltse’s outburst took an even darker turn when he directly threatened Gordon Ryan, Craig Jones, and Nicky Ryan with physical violence. Wiltse stated, “If I see Gordon Ryan, I’ll kill him on sight.”

This statement, openly advocating violence and murder, has caused significant concern, as it crosses well beyond the typical trash-talking seen among rivals in sports.

He also threatened to beat both Craig Jones and Nicky Ryan at their gym. “I’m coming.” Wiltse’s threats are aimed at Nicky, whom he called a coward for allegedly staying silent about what, in Wiltse’s words, happened to him. Meanwhile, he described Craig Jones as “trash who profits from the situation and doesn’t speak out about it.”

Wiltse’s Justifications and Defiance

Wiltse attempted to justify his threats by positioning himself as a fighter for what he perceives as “right.” He claims to be battling those he sees as morally corrupt. He expressed frustration toward those he believes are complicit in their silence, saying:
“Do you cowards understand that bad people get away with it because you do nothing?”

Despite the severity of his statements, which border on and even cross legal boundaries, Wiltse remained defiant, calling on others to sue him or call the police.
“Sue me, call the cops, nothing will work. I have no money,” he said, clearly dismissing any potential consequences of his words and actions. He even went as far as to say that he’s ready to go to jail for his beliefs:
“I’ll go to jail if I have to, I don’t care.”

Not only did Wiltse remain defiant, but he also seemed to be encouraging others to take action.
“People who aren’t doing the right thing are my enemies,” he declared.

Wiltse’s Evidence for His Claims

Throughout his rants, Wiltse presented no evidence other than a few memes where he claimed Nicky Ryan had confided in him that he had slept with Nathalie Santoro. He also created a meme with Gordon Ryan’s picture, where he sarcastically claimed that Gordon Ryan had told him this story in confidence, treating the situation as though it were some kind of joke.

Andrew Wiltse accuses Gordon Ryan of Making Nathalie rape his brother nickyAndrew Wiltse accuses Nicky Ryan

Legal and Professional Consequences

Wiltse’s statements could have serious legal consequences. Publicly stating an intent to harm someone — especially to the point of saying he would kill Gordon Ryan — can be considered a criminal threat, potentially leading to charges from those threatened.

Additionally, it seems Wiltse’s career in Jiu-Jitsu is diverging from the path he once followed. Sports organizations, sponsors, and anyone who has ever supported Wiltse may now reconsider their decisions.

Moreover, his threats toward Craig Jones and Nicky Ryan, stating that he will assault them at their gym, could lead to professional isolation, given that all the individuals involved are highly influential, and Wiltse’s behavior, unfortunately, is far from exemplary.

Wiltse’s Mental Health?

Many are now beginning to question whether Andrew Wiltse is mentally well, considering that his statements are often accompanied by screams and followed by hysterical laughter — signs that some might interpret as indicative of psychological issues.

It’s also worth noting that in his stories, Wiltse uses unusual ways of addressing the public, even involving his girlfriend Grace, who at one point hands him a knife with which he claims he will harm people.


Andrew Wiltse’s shocking accusations will undoubtedly leave some impact on the Jiu-Jitsu world, given that those involved are highly influential figures.

Wiltse’s behavior has crossed all lines of decency and the acceptable ways athletes and competitors can interact, showing no respect or responsibility required in any sport — let alone in professional and public communication.

It remains to be seen whether Wiltse will face legal or disciplinary consequences for his actions.

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