The Best BJJ Escapes DVD and Digital Instructionals

The best bjj escapes dvds and digital instructionals
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At one point or another in your BJJ journey, you will have to go through a phase where you explore escapes. They might not seem as attractive or fancy as attacks, or transitions, nor can you do flying variations of them. Yet, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as getting out of someone’s signature, go-to move unfazed, and continuing to dismantle them while they’re re-thinking their entire existence. That said, you’ll fail miserably most of the time until you really figure out some of the sweet spots and principles that make escapes work. Well, you can cut that time significantly short by picking and choosing from the best list of BJJ escapes DVD instructional ever put together. It is right here. 

It took me reaching brown belt to really get into the groove of enjoying escapes, and all the suffering that comes with them. BJJ escapes can be really fun, especially after you get the first one or two workings. One of the reasons why it is so hard to figure them out is that there are too many of them out there. Moreover, not all of them will work with the same level of effectiveness against all types of the opponent. In fact, the same escape won’t work against different people that execute the same attacks because of individual preferences. Learning the principles that make all escapes possible, on the other hand, is universally applicable. So, read the reviews of ALL the best BJJ escapes DVD instructionals, make your picks, and begin to annoy the submission hunters in your academy.

The Best BJJ Escapes DVD Instructionals Collection

The formula for learning escapes in BJJ usually starts with you developing an interest in the defensive side of the sport, and an affinity towards suffering. If one thing is for certain, you will suffer a lot in BJJ, especially when trying to figure escapes out. Next up, you’ll look at which escape methods fit you best and eventually, try to fit them into a system. Finally, you figure out the BJJ escapes DVD instructionals that will help you learn and develop such a system.

The above sounds like a solid formula, in theory, at least. In reality, however, things are not that simple. When it comes to actually escape people’s attacks you’ll have to spend a lot of time, and I really mean a lot, failing. This is particularly true for submission escapes. IN that regard, escapes do not apply only to submissions. Defensive BJJ works across the board, from preventing a sweep or a pass so that you can set up attacks, all the way to getting out of ht tightest possible heel hook that seems like a done deal. That is exactly the gap you will need to bridge and the BJJ escapes DVD instructional we have in store for you are your building blocks.

There’s also the question of what next. Escapes are quite a tricky business, as oftentimes they will let you out of a grappling tight spot, but won’t necessarily get you in a position of dominance. That means that you’ll need to always have a way to get to a better position, or simply, a top position after you finish an escape. In combination with picking escapes that fit your goals and abilities, and combining them into an attack-defense system, you’ll build a BJJ game that is very hard to match!

The Top 10 

Kicking things off are the top 10 picks in the domain of BJJ escapes DVD instructionals that have been proven to work for people of all sizes, ranks, and abilities. They are very diverse and offer the secrets to several different complete escape systems. Each and any one of them will do wonders for your BJJ Houdini act, but all of them together will make you untouchable.

1. Escapes from Everywhere by Bernardo Faria

Bernardo Faria DVD Escapes From Everywhere

Bernardo Faria has one of the best instructional in the entire sport of BJJ in this one. He has developed an incredibly simple, methodological, and easy to implement a system of escaping anything opponents throw at him. It takes him four long volumes to go through every bit of it, but he really spares no details as he will explain how to deal with BJJ’s most common positional and terminal attacks in the Gi. Very highly recommended.

2. Exit The System by Garry Tonon

Exit The System Gary Tonon DVD CoverThe polar opposite of Bernardo Faria’s BJJ escapes DVD, at least in terms of attire. Tonon offers much of ht same – a way out of literally everything, but he does it in No-Gi, quite understandably. This instructional is 8 volumes long, and in more than 10 hours running time Tonon explores many interesting and some quite unusual-looking ways of developing into a true escape artist. It is sufficient to say that they all work like charm.

3. The Running Man & The Baby Bridge: Essential Postures To Keep You Safe by Priit Mihkelson

The-Running-Man-The-Baby-Bridge-Essential-Postures-To-Keep-You-Safe-by-Priit-MihkelsonI’d argue that Priit MIhkelson is to BJJ escapes what Danaher is to leg locks. You might not agree with that, but what everyone will agree upon is that Priit has elevated BJJ escapes to a whole new level. Moreover, he has some very unconventional ways of setting them up. Most incredibly of all, he offers systems and concepts that seem to work universally for everyone and will be effective even against seasoned grapplers. The “running man” and “babybridge” concepts are great examples and just a fraction of the entire system Priit is developing.

4. Submission Escapes by Tom DeBlass

Tom DeBlass is one of the people that are most difficult to submit, as some of the best black belts in the world can attest to. While most of that is due to his aggressive and submission hunting-based system of grappling, there is also the defensive aspect of his BJJ that we have to consider. When it comes to resisting submissions, Tom is at the very top and he has a very simple way of approaching submission defenses. This instructional will teach you all about it.

5. General Introduction to Mirroring Principle by Wim Deputter

General-Introduction-to-Mirroring-Principle-by-Wim-DeputterWim Depputer is another very high-level BJJ black belt from Europe that has an incredible system of his own. His Mirroring principle works both defensively and offensively. IN terms of escapes, though, it is nothing short of incredible, and it does tie in great with Priit’s innovative BJJ escapes. If you want to take that “lazier” approach to escape, this is a BJJ escapes DVD you simply have to own.

6. Worry Free Escapes by Dean Lister

Worry Free Escapes Dean Lister DVD InstructionalLister is known as the submissions guy. He loves to tap people out, but that also means that he is extremely good at escapes. DO you know why? It is because he attacks so much that he understands what people are trying to accomplish when they’re looking to set attacks up. His “worry Free Escapes” system is based on understanding and recognizing attacks before they even take place. And it works. It is awesome!

7. Ultimate Choke Escapes by Henry Akins

Ultimate-Choke-Escapes-by-Henry-AkinsOne of the best instructors in the world, a black belt by one of the legends of Jiu-Jitsu Rickson Gracie, has a very effective formula to dealing with any choke attacks that come your way. Henry Akins’ choke escapes will help you fend off any strangle attempts, whether they are with the Gi, or without it. It is a four-part BJJ escapes DVD that leaves no storm unturned in the realm of Jiu-Jitsu choke defense.

8. Escapes: Old School Evolution by Fabio Gurgel

Escapes-Old-School-Evolution-by-Fabio-GurgelGurgel is one of those charismatic old-school BJJ professors that have an extreme understanding of Gentle Art. He asl happens to have a great delivery system, bringing things into perspective really quickly. As expected, his system of escapes is highly technical and based on old school BJJ. that man that everything he domesticates has been tested over and over again for decades. What you get is ta the latest, polished up and updated version of all the BJJ escapes that have proven to be real “classics”.

9. Get Off Me Fool by Jeff Glover

Get-Off-Me-Fool-by-Jeff-GloverIf you have a flair for the unorthodox, and perhaps even dramatic, this is instructional for you. While that is true for any Jeff Glover DVD, this one is particularly “out there”. It works though, especially given that people won’t expect any o the directions or moves that Jeff demonstrates here. Don’t worry about being able to perform them, though, this instructional is geared towards everyone, and you won’t need to know handstands or crazy flips to be able to get the hang of things.

10. Leg Lock Defense & Counter Attacks by Chase Davis

Leg-Lock-Defense-Counter-Attacks-by-Chase-DavisThe final top ten entry in our list covers a subject that many people have been looking for lately – leg lock escapes. While you can take Dean Lister’s or Tonon’s route and do them so much that you can recognize them anywhere, it will take time. If you’re looking for a “quick fix” way of mastering leg lock defense, this BJJ escapes DVD is precisely what you need.

List Of Every BJJ Escapes DVD Instructional Out There

The world of BJJ escapes is vast, and it definitely doesn’t end with the top ten BJJ escapes DVD instructional. Other instructionals offer more in the sense of either highly specialized escapes, or general systems that will help you stay safe, and never get into trouble in the first place. You’ll find each and every one of those that makes sens listed and reviewed below:

1. Pin Escapes & Turtle Escapes: BJJ Fundamentals – Go Further Faster by John Danaher

GO Further Faster Pin Escapes And Turtle Escapes John Danaher Gi DVD Instructional FULL ReviewJohn Danaher’s take on escapes with the Gi centers around the turtle position, and dealing with pins. As expected, you’ll find a wealth of information inside, ranging from simple to quite complex, spread across 8 volumes.

2. Go Further Faster Bundle by John Danaher

Danaher-Go-FurtherIf you’d like to explore the full JOh Danaher Gi system, including many escape systems and concepts, go for the ‘Go Further Faster” bundle that contains all of his Gi instructional DVDs.

3. Enter The System Bundle by John Danaher

Enter-The-System-Bundle-by-John-DanaherThe No-Gi system of John Danaher consists of 6 parts, and you can find them put together ina neat bundle that will teach you about escapes along with showing you how to break people’s limbs and strangle them unconscious.

4. Side Control Escapes: Basics To Advanced Concepts by Andre Galvao


Galvao is an easily recognizable name in BJJ – he is one of the top competitors ever, and the man that runs arguably the most successful competitors gyms in the BJJ world. In this BJJ escapes DVD, Galvao shares with us his system for escaping side control. It is a Gi instructional.

6. Fundamentals of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Escapes Gi & No Gi by Lachlan Giles

Lachlan Giles DVD Review: Fundamentals Of BJJ Escapes Gi And No-GiLachlan Giles. One of the top and instructors in the world and just as high level of a competitor. In other words, he knows what he is talking about, as his concepts have been tested against some of the best in the world. His experiences are now available in this 8-part BJJ escapes DVD instructional.

7. Back Escapes: Introducing The Hidden Posture by Priit Mihkelson

Back-Escapes-Introducing-The-Hidden-Posture-by-Priit-MihkelsonAnother innovative release by Priit, this time covering back escapes and some very unusual ways of approaching the turtle position. They work perfectly for me, and everyone else I’ve shown them to, so you can only gain by getting this DVD.

8. Ultimate Armlock Escapes by Henry Akins

Henry Akins DVD Review: Ultimate Armlock EscapesA companion to Henry’s choke escapes this instructional covers armbar defense and escapes in a similar fashion. The same four-part instructional with the same professional system and the same quality of presented material.

9. Getting Un-Stuck by Luiz Panza

Getting-Un-Stuck-by-Luiz-PanzaLuis Panza’s BJ escapes DVD is perhaps the best named one out there – “Getting Un-Stuck”. Once again, the standard four-volume format, with a very interesting approach to positional escapes, mainly intended for No-Gi.

10. The Mirroring Principle: Back Defense & Being Offensive by Wim Deputter

The-Mirroring-Principle-Back-Defense-Being-Offensive-by-Wim-DeputterAs I mentioned, the mirroring principles system by Wim Depputer has plenty of different applications. One example is the back, where you can use the system to both defend, escape, and attack from the position.

11. No-Gi BJJ Position Escaping System by Troy Manning

No-Gi-BJJ-Position-Escaping-System-by-TroyManningTroy Manning has a very good instructional that is perfect for people that are complete beginners to start and grasp BJJ escapes a little better.

12. No Gi Jiu-Jitsu Back Attacks and Escaping System by Troy Manning

No-Gi-Jiu-Jitsu-Back-Attacks-and-Escaping-System-by-Troy-ManningAlso by Troy Manning a very simple back escape system based on core Brazilia Jiu-Jisu fundamentals. Some attacks blended in there just make this BJJ DVD that more appealing.

13. Principles of Guillotine Defense by Nicolas Renier

Principles-of-Guillotine-Defense-by-Nicolas RenierThe guillotine choke is something you have either tapped to or will in the near future. It is likely that both are true if you’ve been involved in BJJ for a while. If you don’t want to make a bit out of tapping out to guillotines, get this BJJ escapes DVD. it will latch you how to deal with them once and for all, no matter who is hunting for your neck.

14. No-Gi Defense & Escapes by Kyle Boehm

No-Gi-Defense-Escapes-by-Kyle-BoehmThis is a more general-based approach to BJJ escapes, highly specialized for people that love to train without the Gi.

15. The Pillars Escapes by Stephen Whittier

The-Pillars-Escapes-by-Stephen-WhittierStephen Whittier is a representative of the SBG system which is a highly conceptual and effective one. Stephen, in turn, is an “escape expert” if such a thing exists, Simply put, if you get this one, you’ll quickly become an expert yourself.


40-PLUS-BJJ-SUCCESS-VOL-1-MASTERING-ESCAPESA huge instructional for everyone that’s over 35. As the title suggests, you’ll master BJJ escapes, in the sneakiest and least energy-demanding way possible. If you’re younger and smart, you will also benefit greatly from this escape system.

17. Killer Counter Attacks by Jake Mackenzie

Jake mackenzie Killer Counter Attacks DVD reviewJake Mackenzie is a great competitor and one that understands what it takes to mount a sucesfullBJJ defense. His take on spaces is to counter attacks sot ha you don’t just get out, but you also get a win along the way.

18. Systematic Armlock Defenses by Ante Dzolic

Systematic-Armlock-Defenses-by-Ante-DzolicArmlocks in BJJ come in various shapes and sizes, so escapes have to follow. In this BJJ escapes DVD, you’ll get a myriad of different ways to deal with armlocks organized in a very efficient system.

19. Escaping From Side Control and Knee on Belly by Ante Dzolic

Escaping-From-Side-Control-and-Knee-on-Belly-by-Ante-DzolicSide Control escapes were already covered before, but it won’t hurt to have more options on the subject. What will definitely hurt is not knowing how to escape the knee on belly position, which exactly the issue this instructional tackles.


ANTE-DZOLIC-SURVIVING-SIDE-CONTROL On the subject of side control, escapes will only work if there’s no way for the person to submit you or transition. Surviving comes first, and that is precisely where the focus of this DVD lies.


THE-SIT-UP-ESCAPE-SYSTEM-JEFF-ROCKWELLWhile not often considered a reliable means of escape sitting up (or standing up, for that matter) is a great way of getting out of many things in BJJ. Jeff Rockwell’s system will help you figure the sitting up part of that particular puzzle.


IGORGRACIE-ESCAPEMASTERYOld school, proven, and taught by Igor Gracie – this escape mastery course is exactly what you need if you’re looking to develop effective BJJ escapes in a pinch.


PRISON-ESCAPES-LEG-LOCK-ESCAPES-AND-COUNTERSThis is not just another instructional on leg lock defense. it comes straight from the depths of Sambo, the original grappling material art that glorified leg locks before BJJ took over.


MARCELLO-MONTEIRO-ADVANCED-ESCAPESA bit on the advanced side, but still useful for everyone. This instructional is a Gi-specific one and is a great option for competitors.

25. Gustavo Machado’s Great Escapes & Counters DVD Jiu Jitsu Gracie BJJ

Gustavo-Machado-Great-Escapes-Counters-DVD-Jiu-Jitsu -Gracie

If you see that name Machado, you can bet you’re in for some awesome old-school Jiu-Jitsu. with this BJJ escapes DVD, you get exactly that – great escapes and counters by one of BJJ’s most knowledgable professors Gustavo Machado.

26. Gracie Jiu-jitsu Submissions, Escapes & Self Defense DVD with Robin Gracie

Gracie Jiu-jitsu Submissions-Escapes-Self-Defense-DVD-Robin-GracieAnother Gracie DVD on BJ Jescapes, this time expanding towards self-defense a well.


ADEM-REDZOVIC-BASICALLY-ESCAPING-SIDE-MOUNTAdem Redzovic’s solutions for dealing with side control, and in particular, heavy pressure sid control, are all you’ll ever need to easily wiggle out from the bottom and start playing your own attacking game.

In Conclusion

If you’re being attacked and dominated in BJJ, you won’t ever be able to develop an attacking game of your own. IN other words, you\’ll need to know how to escape, because people are too often too happy to just hold you in place until a round is over. having ways out means you initiate action, even if you’re on the defensive. Whether you’re looking for a complete system or just highly specific escape and defense solutions, the BJJ escapes DVD instructionals reviewed above hold all the answers you seek.

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the-best-bjj-escapes-dvd-and-digital-instructionalsAt one point or another in your BJJ journey, you will have to go through a phase where you explore escapes. They might not seem as attractive or fancy as attacks, or transitions, nor can you do flying variations of them. Yet, there's nothing...