Harry Grech – Kimura Logic DVD/Digital Instructional Review

Kimura Logic DVD
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So it is one more Kimura DVD in a long line of video instructionals that aim to bring something new o a subject that has been beaten to death. These were my exact thoughts when I picked up the Kimura Logic DVD for a review. Suffice to say, I had to swallow every word. The reason I’m opening like this is that most of you out there are probably going to think the same. However, just like me, you’ll find yourself surprised with this one. Harry Grech definitely has different Kimura logic compared to the rest of the grappling world. And, with everyone thinking they know all about the Kimura, this DVD is the perfect resource to help you develop a new high-precision weapon.

Harry Grech – Kimura Logic (DVD/DIGITAL)
Kimura Logic DVDHarry Grach is known to most of the BJJ world as much as the Kimura is known to people that train karate. However, the Judoka and MMA fighter is a grappling mastermind, to say the least. The Kimura Logic DVD proves that in a big way. This DVD really takes a leap in a new direction when Kimuras are in question. Everyone who is a fan of it is going to benefit hugely from this amazing instructional. Moreover, it works against everyone. Of course, given the Kimuras mechanics, everything in the instructional has value for both Gi and No-Gi Jiu-Jitsu.

Who Is Harry Grech

Harry GrechHarry Grech is a 29-year-old Australian grappler from Sydney. The MMA fighter has a rich background in grappling, though, coming from a mixture of high-level Judo and catch wrestling. With Judo his main focus for the better part of a decade, he came by BJJ in quite an interesting manner. namely, a 2011 foot injury made him start Jiu-Jitsu because groundwork spared his foot. ti is safe to say that he got hooked.

The Melbourne Grappling Industries winner is quite familiar with the big stage of grappling competitions. He has plenty of medals in international Judo tournaments and is only at the start of a promising BJJ career. Although he favors No-Gi much more than Gi, he does like to train in both. COmpetition wise, he is all No Gi, though. Harry currently teaches grappling at Igor MMA in Sydney.

The Kimura logic DVD is actually a representation of what Grech likes to do more than anything in grappling – Kimuras. so much so, in fact, that his nickname is “Kimura”.  IT is a move Grech liked even as a Judoka and has now gone to new heights with it in No-Gi Grappling. After all, Sakuraba is his main idol, and we all know how much he likes his Kimuras!

Kimura Logic DVD: What’s Inside? 

if you’re looking for some elaborate system to teach you how to catch Kimuras with your legs, or using only one arm, this is not the instructional for you. this instructional is all about the simplest ways of using a grappling classic – the Kimura. The logic behind the Kimura Logic DVD is that you can build a complete grappling game around one move only. And that includes both a bottom and a top game.

Kimura Logic DVD Review harry grech The Kimura Logic DVD has 15 chapters and each is a step on the ladder to devising a complete and scary effective Kimura game. After the mandatory introduction, Grech takes us through the theory behind the Kimura grips. He talks a lot about how to grip, why you should grip in that particular manner, and even how to grip fight so that you set the Kimura up form the very beginning. in short, everything you need to know about setting up a Kimura position and staying there. He then uses the top side control Kimura to go over all the fine mechanical details. Grech also covers two more immensely important concepts – dealing with strong and/or with flexible opponents. Both are going to improve your Kimura game multifold!

The best part of this DVD, for me, was the way Harry likes to regain control of the wrist whenever he loses it. He then moves on to specific attacks from literally everywhere. Since you already have the Kimura in place, you learn how to finish from the closed guard, butterfly guard, Kesa Gatame and even the wrestling cradle. Each chapter comes with plenty of details and variations. Since the Kimura is what connects them all, retaining it means you can use all attack as a threat at all times. The most impressive thing – it is painfully simple.

How тo Use The DVD

The Kimura logic DVD has another huge quality, apart from awesome contents. Namely, it is an instructional that literally, everyone can use. On top of it, catch wrestlers, MMA fighters and even Judokas can all benefit a lot as well. By everyone, I, mean people of all ranks and experience levels in BJJ.  The information inside means everyone can find something they need to improve their Kimuras. But the Kimura is not the only thing you’ll improve.

Harry Grech’s Kimura system is a blend of grappling styles. It has elements of BJJ, Judo, catch wrestling and modern No-Gi grappling. The position Grech thrives in just so happens to be the Kimura. So, now it becomes position zero. Whether you’re standing or on the ground, once you get it, it’s game over. it may happen right there or a few steps down the road. the beauty is that you learn a complete BJJ game through one simple position.

To all you black belts out there that know everything about the Kimura, a word of advice. Do not skip this particular volume, as it will open your eyes to things you do not know. I don’t doubt that many people know a lot about Kimura. However, nobody knows it in the way that Grech does. Now, you can use his secrets to improve as well!

Harry Grech – Kimura Logic (DVD/DIGITAL)
Kimura Logic DVD

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review-kimura-logic-dvd-harry-grechSo it is one more Kimura DVD in a long line of video instructionals that aim to bring something new o a subject that has been beaten to death. These were my exact thoughts when I picked up the Kimura Logic DVD for a...