Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman DVD Review [2025]

Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman DVD Review
Mat Force Fightwear

Key Takeaways

  • A No-Gi BJJ DVD that dissects the Outside Ashi Garami leg-locking position. 
  • Goes over entries to the Outside Ashi, maintenance principles, and finishing mechanics for different leg locks. 
  • Features the signature Pear Trap calf slicer system, and a whole volume of rolling footage. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 8.5 out of 10. 


Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman DVD Preview
SEE FULL TRAILER: Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman DVD

At this point in BJJ, we are getting leg lock instructionals that target just one Ashi position or just a single finish and go into crazy detail throughout the material. The Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman DVD is one such instructional, with the Outside Ashi as the main subject of interest.

Unlike other DVDs that contain lots of fluff or overcomplicate things just for the sake of providing more material, this BJJ DVD goes straight to the point. Taylor delivers live rolling to provide context to his instructions, rather than trying to cover each possible scenario. Well put together and very much worth a look. Read on to learn more.

Legal and Effective: The Outside Ashi 

If you go on YouTube and try to find the oldest dated John Danaher leg locks clip, you’ll notice that he shows the Outside Ashi as part of a flow that he deemed is the ultimate fallback flow to finish a heel hook.

Granted, Danaher’s demonstration goes through 4 or 5 different Ashi Garami positions until it ends up with a super-strong finish in the Outside Ashi. However, you don’t always have to take that route to the position, as the outside ashi is often readily available.

A couple of huge benefits from becoming an expert at controlling and finishing from the outside Ashi are the fact that it is fully legal at all belt levels and under all rulesets and that it offers several different finishing options that extend past just hell hooks. Moreover it provides a reliable entry point to top tier Ashi positions such as the Honeyhole.

The Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman DVD offers an in-depth look at the Outside Ashi Garami, targeting key strengths and weaknesses, including some aspects that were previously thought impossible to achieve from the position.

Submission Artist Taylor Pearman

Not many people get to be called an artist in what is essentially a combat sport, but Taylor Pearman definitely deserves the praise. he is more than just a submission hunter, with a unique flair to his movements that seems almost as if he is demonstrating a technique rather than fighting a resisting opponent.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with his work on the mats, Taylor is a 28-year-old black belt from the UK who is an expert leg locker. He won the 2024 ADCC European, African, and Middle Eastern trials with a 100% record, submitting 6 opponents in a row.

Originally from London, Pearman lost in his first ADCC Worlds to Elder Cruz, but I doubt we’ve seen the last of Tayklor on that stage. The -88kg grappler represents ZeRadiola’s Team, and we expect to see great things from him on the mats. Until he gets a chance to showcase more of his competitive artistry, we take a look at his Taylor Pearman Leg Lock DVD.

Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman DVD Review 

The Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman DVD is an Outside Ashi insturctional that contains just under 2 hours of martial, spread out over the course of four different volumes, that last of which contains only rolling footage:

Part 1 – Getting and Maintaining Outside Ashi

There is a graceful simplicity to this Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman DVD, reminiscent of his performances in the ADCC trials. The focus is the Outside Ashi Garami, a position I feel goes largely under the radar of modern-day leg lockers.

Taylor’s introduction to the position begins with different guards, which include the likes of the X-guard, K-guard, and shin-to-shin, explaining what you need to do to get to a strong leg-locking position. The entries are simple and practical, rather than the overly complex, spinning stuff we’re used to seeing these days.

In the second half of the first volume, Pearman moves on to covering how to stay in the Outside Ashi Garami. I feel this would fare better if it preceded the entries, but overall, the sequence of presenting the material works just fine as it is.

Taylor addresses the elephant in the room first, showcasing how to prevent back takes from the Outside Ashi using frames, interesting hip position variations, and recovering the Ashi if you start to lose it. He ends with a solid set of instructions on causing off-balancing (Kuzushi) in a standing opponent using the position.

Part 2 – Submitting Standing Opponents

The second part of the Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman DVD covers finishing mechanics against standing opponents. Many people still claim that leg locks don’t work effectively against a standing partner, but Taylor delivers clear evidence to the contrary.

He uses reaping variations to ensure he can pull off an outside heel hook, the best leg lock attack from the Outside Ashi. He offers several variations of it, topping it off with a few ankle lock ideas, one of which is a very powerful and sneaky Aoki Lock.

Part 3 – Double-Seated Leg Lock Finishes

Part three of the Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman DVD resembles what most people consider to be the standard for leg-locking instructional. Jokes aside, it does deliver some very useful information on combining different leg locks form one strong position in the Outside Ashi Garami.

ON top of the quintessential outside heel hook and the always dangerous ankle lock, Taylor adds his Pear Trap to the mix, a take on a classic calf slicer trap that leg lockers use to still get a tap after losing the knee line. A set of directions on linking the outside Ashi to other positions offering lots of finishing options brings the technical part of the instruction to an end.

Part 4 – Rolling Footage

I really appreciate that Taylor opted to end the Taylor Pearman Leg Lock DVD with rolling footage. I find that this is the best way to end a DVD, especially when the instructor makes it a point to stick to using everything outlined in the technical portions of the instructional.

Pearman does an excellent job at providing multiple scenarios that add context to everything he showed in the preceding chapters.

The Path Of Least Resistance

I know that you like the Inside Senkaku for finishing leg locks, but what do you do when you can’t get to it? I like attacking from ultimate control positions such has the Honeyhole and the Sambo Knot as much as the next leg locker, but getting to them these days is can be a real nightmare.

I’ve always loved to use another position, one that is readily available from just about anywhere – the Outside Ashi. IF you like to start hunting for leg locks I recommend you begin exploring the Outside Ashi before anything else.

First of all, it requires flawless positioning if you want to maintain the position long enough to create exposure and breaking opportunities. The Leg Locks Taylor Pearman DVD covers this in a lot of detail. Another hugely important lesson is that people will try to get your back from the Outside Ashi, and developing awareness and counters to that pressure is what you need to evolve into a world-class leg locker.

Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman DVD Free Sample
WATCH FREE DVD SAMPLE: Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman


The Elite Leg Lockers’ Club

Want to become part of the elite leg locker’s club like Taylor Peraman? Then do what needs to be done and begin to focus your attention on mastering each Ashi Garami position, one at a time.

The Leg Lock Stock And Barrel Taylor Pearman DVD has everything you need to become a legitimate threat to anyone from the Outside Ashi Garami. Even if you want to keep things legal and roll mostly with the Gi, this DVD is going to elevate your game in just weeks!

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