John Danaher’s Rashguards Part 2 – Female Attention Could Change Your Mind

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There are some things about rashguards that could change your mind about wearing it every day, all day. If someone tells you that you’ll get attention from all the females around would you wear it?

Rash guards – Part 2: Now it’s time for a rash guard story that may change the minds of some of the vast numbers of rash guard doubters out there…I am an admirer of the great MMA fighter Jose Aldo – any time he fights, I’m watching. The night he fought Uriah Faber, I wanted to see it.

I don’t own a television, so I suggested to a bunch of my students that we go to a sports bar on the upper east side of Manhattan and watch it live and watch the great man at work. As always, I was running a little late and came in wearing my usual attire and began looking around for our table. Now my students and I actively seek out every opportunity to prank/ridicule/make fun of each other, my general weirdness gives them lots of raw material to work with! The entire group of them had dressed in rash guards and Fanny packs!

As I sat down there was a noticeable look from pretty much the entire bar as they all simultaneously asked the question, “who the f**k are these dorks and why are they dressed in those gimp outfits?” We all started laughing and started to watch the show.

Out of nowhere groups of women started coming up to our table and asking who we were and why were we dressed like that? Were we a sports team? Cyclists? Triathletes? Lunatics? Morons? Suddenly our table was neck deep in curious babes and hotties and the Jose Aldo fight was completely forgotten ??Every single one of my students got multiple phone numbers and action out of that escapade! (I was the only failure ????).

The dudes at the bar were furious and could not understand how a bunch of dorks in wetsuits who looked like they had beamed down from the deck of the starship Enterprise had gotten all the female attention ?? So, who knows…maybe you doubters ought to give it a try…my rash guard system worked as well for my students as my leg lock system…perhaps it can work for you too! ??

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