Review: Introduction To BJJ DVD by Bernardo Faria

Introduction To BJJ DVD by Bernardo Faria
FREE Gordon Ryan Instructional

One of the hardest things in Jiu-Jisu is to introduce someone to the sport in the right way. There are just so many moving parts and variables, that people get completely lost. Luckily, there’s that addictive side of the sport, so people tend to push through the toughest periods. Still, having something that you can use, particularly outside of the gym, to help people get a proper introduction to Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu would be ideal. Luckily, such a thing is now available, in the form of Bernardo Faria’s “Introduction To BJJ DVD”. In yet another masterful instructional, Faria tackles one of the hardest subjects in Jiu-Jitsu. Read on to see if he is successful at it.

Bernardo Faria – Introduction to BJJ

Introduction to BJJ DVD by Bernardo Faria
Techniques List

Bernardo Faria is the man that changed the BJJ landscape just as much, if not more than Danaher and Gordon Ryan. He did not go deep into digging up lost techniques and turning them into powerful weapons. Instead, he focused on issuing instructionals in which he teaches his own, world – level game. It seems that at one point he decided he couldn’t fil enough of them, so he started focusing pon getting everyone to film. So, all the access to BJJ DVD instructionals we have today is down to Faria only. At the same time, he is relentless in issuing new ones himself. His latest one, the “Introduction to BJ DVD” is a real treat!

The Perfect Introduction to BJJ

Imagine how easy it is when you can actually recommend people to get a DVD that’ll explain everything that JIu-Jitsu is about! It is not that instructors can’t or won’t do it, it is just that outside of the mats, beginners can focus on learning from a world champion while not having to worry about what is going on around them. Something like this is exactly what the BJJ world has been lacking, and I’m surprised nobody saw the need for a DVD like this one earlier. Still, better late than never, and of course, all the gratitude goes to Bernardo Faria.

Getting to know what Jiu-Jitsu is about is hard, given the rich and complicated history and even richer and more complicated present of the sport. Jiu-JItsu encompasses a lot, from self-defense toa sport where people can train both recreationally, compete as amateurs or even be full-blown professionals. Moreover, Jiu-Jitsu works in just about every plane of motion, bringing together standing techniques with those that are the real mark of the art – ground fighting

In terms of ground fighting, BJJ is so vast nobody can hope to ever master it completely. That’s part of the challenge and the fun of it. Bernardo does a great job of reducing the clutter as much as possible to paint a picture that’s very easy to understand for complete beginners of the sport. IN fac,t even some older students will find the “Introduction to BJJ DVD” useful and highly informative. Faria doesn’t just stop at history and techniques but also covers creatin aspects of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training that are often a source of confusion for those involved. Particularly beginners.

Bernardo Faria: Introduction To BJJ DVD Review

Once again, Faria delivers the perfect Brazilian Jiu-JItsu instructional. He does not step away from his favorite format of spreading the material over four volumes. In fact, most people that issue instructional are following in his footsteps, bringing us more content than ever before. This time around, though, the instructional is a bit different in terms of content. The “Introduction To BJJ DVD’ covers very unique subjects in a highly original manner.

Opening up is an entire first volume of introductory lessons to the very essence of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Here, Bernardo covers what Jiu-Jitsu is, and the differences between sports and self-defense BJJ. There’s also an introduction to the standing aspects of Jiu-Jitsu. Part two goes on to attacks and defenses, before looking at the essential movements and some key advice in part three. The final portion goes into the BJJ lifestyle, offering integral information on the most common questions BJJ beginners ask.

Part 1 – The Bare Essentials

Kicking the “Introduction T BJJ DVD” off is, well, an introduction. Here, Faria talks about what he is about to talk about and demonstrate in this one-of-a-kind BJJ instructional. Right after that mandatory introductory part, he starts talking about BJJ in terms of elf-defense. He goes into the roots of the sport, the Vale Tudo Days and even covers the state of self-defense BJJ nowadays. Right after, he paints the perfect picture for the sport of BJJ covering everything. Form competition information, to training essentials and everything that’s going on, nothing escapes Faria.

About halfway through, Bernardo’s attention shifts to the opening parts of any Jiu-Jitsu exchange – the standing moves and techniques. He goes over the concepts of standing battles in BJJ as well as covering the basics of the guard position from top and bottom as an introduction to the next volume.

Part 2 – Basic Attacks And Escapes

Part two keeps going with the ins and outs of Jiu-Jitsu from a positional standpoint. Here, he covers all the basic attacks to begin with – mount, back and submission attacks form those key Jiu-Jitsu positions. Moreover, there’s a huge section on here on escapes. However, instead of sharing escape patterns, Faria talks about how to start thinking about escapes. It is the perfect way to understand what the point of escapes is and build on that later on.

Keeping true to his style of organizing instructionals, once again Faria starts the introduction to the next part in the final few chapters of this volume. The Subjects here are basic BJJ solo movements and, as expected he starts with back and front rolls.

Part 3 – Essential Movement Patterns

Needless to say, the “Introduction to BJJ DVD” keeps going from where the last one left off. Solo drills, that are actually essential BJJ movements, make up the bulk of this volume. Faria explains both the technical aspects of doing sprawls, bridges, hip escapes, and technical stand up. Moreover, he covers the idea behind all of them, and how they will be with you every step of the way on your JIu-JItsu journey.

Announcing the final portion of this DVD is a portion of some key BJЈ аdvice for beginners. Examples include what some basic things mean, like bowing and saying “Oss”. Wrapping up is an awesome portion of tying your belt and setting up your Gi.

Part 4 – The BJJ Lifestyle

This is by far the most interesting part of the “Introduction To BJJ DVD” by Bernardo Faria. It focuses on the everyday aspects of Jiu-Jitsu we take for granted. However, if you take a look back at your own beginning, you’ll remember that most of this stuff confused you too. A lot. The final portion covers advice on finding the Bst JIu-Jitsu school for you, based on Bernardo’s experience and criteria. Moreover, he examines the stripes and belt system in detail, covering every possible frequently asked question.

Wrapping up is information on BJJ classes, essential tips on beginning rolling, injuries and the overall Jiu-Jitsu lifestyle. An unusual and really needed BJJ DVD instructional.

In Summary

Bernardo Faria has always impressed me with his DVD instructionals. However, the “Introduction to BJJ DVD” surpasses all fo the previous ones. It is different, in that it does not contain technical information, particularly not info intended for high-level competitors. It is a goldmine though, for coaches, and that’s where my focus lies at the moment.So this is not just an instructional for beginners, but also for anyone who coaches beginners, both kids, and adults.

Bernardo Faria – Introduction to BJJ

Introduction to BJJ DVD by Bernardo Faria
Techniques List
FREE Gordon Ryan Instructional
Wiltse Free Instructional
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