Rolling With A Brand New Jiu-Jitsu Tattoo

Rolling With A New Jiu-Jitsu Tattoo
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So, you’re thinking about getting a Jiu-Jitsu tattoo? We’ll talk more about your choices later on. For now, if it is your first tattoo, make sure you know all the implications that come from it. And I’m not talking about the social aspects of getting a tattoo. I think we’re all way past that nonsense. What I mean is the health aspect of trying to roll with a brand new Jiu-Jitsu Tattoo. You can see straight away how that is one of the worst ideas you can get. However, people often try to get back to training with fresh ink, and not just mess up their new art, but also end up getting in trouble healthwise.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu folks are usually extremely laid back. Moreover, they like to have fun, and they like to clearly display how much they love Jiu-Jitsu. IN that sense, anything, from badges and patches to Jiu-Jitsu tattoos is used to achieve this goal. In that sense, tattoos seem to be a more common choice among grapplers compare to piercings or other body modifications. I guess this is understandable, as removing a ton of metal before you train and having to get I tall back in at the end is not something you’d want to do every day. I know I wouldn’t. A tattoo, on the other hand, or a bunch of them requires no effort whatsoever. Apart from when they’re fresh. That’s when you need to be really careful.

Getting Some New Ink

Why would you get a new tattoo? Why not, they’re awesome! Once you get your first one, whether it is a JIu-Jitsu tattoo or not, you’ll be hooked. IN fact, getting tattoos is a lot like training BJJ. It is really addicting and you’ll probably never stop. That said, getting a new tattoo needs to be something you carefully plan when you also train Brazilian Jiu-JItsu.

In terms of what you get, you have all the freedom ou want. That also goes true for where you place a tattoo, or how big of a tattoo you decide to go for. Just know one thing if you’ve never had a tattoo done before – the bigger they are the more time they require. And by time, I mean repeated sessions with your artist once the stuff done at a previous session dries up and peels off. In other words, repeat visits every 7-10 days, with at least as much recovery time afterward. In other words, the bigger your piece of art, the more time away from the mats you need to schedule.

Which brings us to the gist of this article – the dangers of getting a tattoo. I’m not going to be talking about the usual stuff here because keeping a tattoo form turning tin trouble is very easy – listen to the advice you get. In terms of using ointments and what not after getting it, most people are pretty compliant. However, the one thing grapplers are notorious for, si trying to get back on the mats a soon as possible. You won’t believe the trouble you can cause, both to your new Jiu-Jitsu tattoo, and your health by doing so. When you come to think about it, a tattoo is a fresh wound, just one that happens to have color on it. You wouldn’t go train (probably) with an open wound over your entire forearm, would you> Wo why try and rush a comeback after getting a tattoo?

Going Back To Rollin With Your New Jiu-Jitsu Tattoo

After you get a new tattoo, the simplest thing you can do is listen to the advice you get form your artist. Moreover, do not just listen, but follow it blindly. Unwrap when they say, wash as they say, and sue any ointment or another topical agent they recommend. Do this for the allotted period of time and you’ll be back to rolling before you know it.

When should you go back? A tattoo needs to “peel” before it is safe to do stuff you’re usually doing in your day. And that includes BJJ. For most people, it takes anywhere between 7 and 12 days for this to happen. However, when you’re getting back to rolling you need to know that you should take extra care of your new ink, even if it is all peeled and done. To that extent, a very easy and practical option is to wash it thoroughly with any antibacterial soap you might be using anyways as a grappler. Moreover, make sure when you come back, you wear a rashguard, regardless if you’re training Gi or No-Gi. This combination of soap and a layer of protection will ensure you skip over an infection when you come back. Moreover, wash the tattoo thoroughly after training, as well.

In terms of getting back, be smart about it. A wound takes about a month to 6 weeks to heal. So, when you go back, make sure you start off slowly. Drill a lot, do some position sparring or work on your technique more. Progress to flow rolling and getting a feel for things before you get back to full-blown high-intensity sparring. If you feel any pain, stinging or discomfort, it means you’re not healed up yet. Be smart about your new JIu-Jitsu tattoo, or you’ll lose it before you have the chance to show it off.

If you try and get back sooner, you might or might not get an infection to go with your comeback. However, one thing is for certain, you’ll mess up your tattoo if you go rolling with a fresh one.

A Few Jiu-Jitsu Tattoo Ideas

Before we wrap things up, let’s talk about selecting your Jiu-Jitsu tattoo. Fo course, it should be something that’s meaningful to you, and something you’re prepared to have on you for all times. Think about it, because laser removal is not nearly as fun as getting a tattoo in the first place. That said, the one thing to remember is to skip the clichés. Be original about your art, just like you are about the way you play your BJJ game. Give “tap Out” and academy affiliation tattoos a pass, and go for something that’s worth taking extended time off the mats.

To that extent, let us help. Below are some of the best possible Jiu-Jitu tattoos in the world. You do not need to copy them, but you might just get original and unique ideas out of them. Moreover, we made sure to include both top male and female BJJ tattoos. Have your pick!

JIu-Jitsu Tattoo
JIu-Jitsu Tattoo
JIu-Jitsu Tattoo
JIu-Jitsu Tattoo
JIu-Jitsu Tattoo
JIu-Jitsu Tattoo
JIu-Jitsu Tattoo
JIu-Jitsu Tattoo
JIu-Jitsu Tattoo
JIu-Jitsu Tattoo
JIu-Jitsu Tattoo
JIu-Jitsu Tattoo
JIu-Jitsu Tattoo

You can also check out an immense gallery of BJJ tattoos HERE

In Summary

Be smart about getting a new Jiu-Jitsu tattoo. Plan ahead, consider how big it is and how many sessions you’ll need. moreover, plan your comeback and make sure you organize training partners that know what you need and will help you stay safe and healthy, and keep your new piece of art intact. It doesn’t take much to do things right, but it takes even less to ruin everything. Oss.

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