Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD Review [2025]

Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD Review
FREE Gordon Ryan Instructional
Key Takeaways
  • A 4-part No-Gi BJJ DVD instructional offering effective Judo hip throws for BJJ. 
  • Covers the O Goshi, Uchi Mata, Harai Goshi, and pinch headlock in dedicated volumes. 
  • Features the perfect balance of wrestling and Judo setups to make hip throws work for BJJ goals. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 8 out of 10.


Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD Preview
SEE THE TRAILER: Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD

Not many people in BJJ think of hip throws as a legitimate threat during standing exchanges. Just this notion is more than enough to get you interested in mastering these moves, and catching most people by surprise as you send them flying through the air.

The one issue you’ll inevitably run into is the time it takes to make hip throws work and integrate them into your BJJ game. Looking to shorten this timeline, I’d recommend two things. First, focus on hip throws in No-Gi, rather than Gi Jiu-Jitsu. Secondly, pick up the Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD. It will help more than signing up for Judo classes.

Do Hip Throws Work in BJJ? 

The jury is still out on this one, even though I have a Judo background and 15 years of experience in BJJ. In fact, if I had to decide right now, I’d say that hip throws in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu are a lot more reliable and realistic in No-Gi than in Gi, despite the apparent Gi connection to Judo.

Even in Judo, hip throws are a sketchy part of the game, If you ask me. They tend to be high-risk moves that don’t offer a big reward, especially in BJJ where inertia-based reversals often end up leaving you stuck at the bottom.

Moreover, there is the constant threat of back attacks when you initiate most hip throws, and my personal counter, foot sweeps that an opponent who understands balance can use to take you down 9 times out of 10. That leaves hip throws in somewhat of a precarious position if you want to use them as your primary method of takedowns.

Of course, masking them with other threats changes the situation completely, but that leads to the next issue I have with hip throws – the learning curve. Learning and Uchi Mata, for example, require years of dedicated practice, and masking it with other moves just prologes that time frame. Not quite the best fit for impatient BJJ practitioners.

Plenty of instructional have covered hip throws so far, but not many deliver anything actionable in my opinion. The Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD gets an edge, first because it covers the No-Gi application of hip throws, and secondly, because Ozbek is an expert in both grappling arts.

UK Judo Champ Christian Ozbek

If you want to learn Judo for the purposes of BJJ, then seek out someone who is an expert at both. Not many people like that are out there though, as getting a black belt in both these competitive grappling martial arts is an exceptional feat. Christian Ozbek is one of those select few.

Ozbek has a stellar Judo career, with 13 years of experience in the sport to date, and we’re talking about a 26-year-old grappler here! He also has just under a decade of BJJ under his belt, which he turned to as a means of escaping the ever-changing competitive Judo rules. Not sure how that worked out for him given BJJ’s struggles with rule sets, but he did stick around.

these days, the Progress Jiu-Jitsu sponsored athlete is based out of London where he teaches at the London Shootfighters/Submission Grappling Club, competing at every chance he gets. He is also active in the digital realm, with his latest instructional, Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD looking into a very interesting subject for BJJ athletes.

Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD Review

The Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD is a No-Gi insturctional perfectly merging Judo and BJJ in over two hours of material. It contains four volumes, each looking into a different throw, starting with basics and moving toward more advanced moves and setups as he presents the material.

Part 1 – The O Goshi

The first volume of the Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD kicks off with Judo basics, going over one of the very first things you’ll learn in a Judo gym in regard to hip throws.

After covering some basic mechanics that are the foundation of any hip throw, Ozbek goes on to break down the O Goshi throw in a way that makes it super easy to understand and pick up. His take on making the move BJJ-specific is using baits and twitches to set it up, offering a mixed system of setups from the start.

He builds on those setups by hiding the O goshi hip throw behind other takedown threats, such as the Sasae and Kosoto Gari. As a whole, this first volume offers a great system covering the easiest Judo hip throw that is also the most difficult to master. Once it clicks, though, you can build on it with plenty of fun moves, like the ones that follow.

Part 2 – Headlocks & Hip Throws

For me, the second part of the Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD was the most interesting, but that’s because I have a Judo background and happen to love headlocks from standing positions. Blending the two is a great way to dominate the standing exchanges in BJJ, especially when you use hip throws to follow up on headlock escapes, and vice versa.

Ozbek does an exceptional job of demonstrating how the floating hip throw works, and how you can use this ‘shortened’ version of an O goshi in a Jiu-Jitsu setting. The pinch headlock is Christian’s method of choice, with variable arm controls offering different throw setups.

Part 3 – Uchi Mata Masterclass

Dubbed the most difficult throw in Judo by some (I tend to agree) the Uchi Mata gets a dedicated volume in the Christian Ozbek Hip Throws DVD. The longest part of this DVD series contains a masterclass on the Uchi Mata that covers everything, from the origin and basic mechanics to creating submission openings using this staple Judo throw.

Ozbek starts by covering balance, using hopping drills to present the foundational goals of the throw. He also talks about using the Uchi Mata as a counter-throw, providing those with a defensive standing style a reliable hip throw option.

Towards the end of this part, Ozbek starts connecting the Uchi Mata to BJJ-specific moves, from the obvious connection to the single leg takedown, to uncovering the hidden relationship between the Uchi Mata and the triangle choke.

Part 4 – Harai Details

Another staple move that looks a lot easier to execute than it is is the Harai, which is the last aspect of hip throws you’ll learn about from the Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD.

Once again, Christian starts by covering the basic mechanics of the move, as well as some Judo-inspired setups, albeit without the Gi, before moving on to combine what he has already taught with the Harai. Uchi Mata and pinch headlock setups are only a couple of examples.

This final part of the instructional also contains lots of wrestling-based controls and entries, with duck unders, passbys, and snap downs creating openings for hip throw attacks that lead to successful Harai Goshi finishes. If I had to pick a favorite, the ankle pick setup would be my immediate choice.

It’s All About the Clinch

Nothing is going to work in the standing portions of BJJ as much as clinching, which is why I find sports like Judo and Greco-Roman wrestling to be superior to freestyle wrestling and Sambo. To put it simply, clinching offers a way out if you fail with your initial attacks by allowing you to pull guard at any point.

Having this safety net allows you to make braver decisions in terms of taking risks when looking to take the match to the mats, which provides you with more options than you’d have if you played it safe. My personal preference was chain wrestling from body locks, but I can’t leave out the potential for Judo hip throws from underhooks, headlocks, and arm drags.

At the end of the day, clinching instead of shooting or looking for Judo-style entries is a much smarter, albeit more demanding approach to developing a highly effective standing game. While you’ll struggle with getting the clinic initially, the time you put into mastering this is a very smart investment. Especially since you can cut it down using instructionals such as the Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD.

Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD Free Sample
WATCH A FREE DVD SAMPLE: Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD


Creating Highlight Throws!

Getting a highlight reel of hip throws for your Instagram is going to take time, but once you manage, you’ll not only have a really cool video to post, but also a heap of experience in creating hip throwing opportunities, and more importantly, taking them. The Highlight Hip Throws Christian Ozbek DVD is a great guide to help you achieve exactly this in the shortest amount of time possible! 

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