Advantage Over Time Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD Review [2025]

Advantage Over Time Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD Review

Key Takeaways

  • A No-Gi BJJ instructional focusing on passing to the outside using tripod passing. 
  • Features essential positioning, movement, pinning and preventing guard attacks from different angles. 
  • Contains specific rounds at the end of every volume, designed to help organize live practice. 
  • BJJ World Expert Rating: 8.5 out of 10. 


Advantage Over Time Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD Preview
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How well can you pass using tripods? Are you as good as Jozef Chen, or as creative and adaptable as Craig Jones? If the answer is neither, you’re at least honest with yourself, and you know you need assistance.

Who better to offer it than one of the two people mentioned above? The Advantage Over Time Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD is arguably Jozef Chen’s best work so far in the realm of BJJ instructionals. It is his first as a black belt, but the belt has nothing to do with it – Jozef has just grown into his next form, and the best thing is that he is not being selfish with his knowledge along the way. So make the most out of it!

‘Things I Didn’t Show To Craig Jones’

The banter between B-team members is a thing of beauty. Most gyms have their own ‘locker room banter’ an there is no successful gym or competition team without one. That said, there might just be a subtle sting behind Jozef’s naming of the Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD, in light of his friend, mentor, and ultimate BJJ troll, Craig Jones.

Jozef Chen is the grappler that popularized what we refer to as tripod passing now, which is just head-down-butt-up passing, with a bit of a modern twist to it. It is beyond a doubt that it works, and people have been jumping on board since they figured out what Jozef was doing in his matches.

In fact, it appears to work so well that Craig issued his own instructional on the subject, inspired by his student’s innovation. So, whether it is building on the banter-based image of the B-team, or truly trying to ensure his systems stay his own, CHen’s latest passing instructional now claims to exclusively contain ‘Things I Didn’t Show To Craig Jones’. Go figure.

Superstar on the Rise – Jozef Chen

Josef Chen is certainly carving a path of legacy in the BJJ world. On top of his immense technical ability, Josef is also an interesting character who doesn’t bank too much on the trash-talking aspects of BJJ. His competitive performances are very impressive, and will only get better as he breaks that fresh new black belt in.

So far, Jozef Chen has beaten huge names such as Oliver Taza, Tommy Langaker, Andy Varela, and Mateusz Szczecinski before he became a black belt. Granted, he has a few losses here and there to superstars such as PJ Barch and Tye Ruotolo, but I doubt they’ll remain unrevenged for long.

Outside of the competitive circuit, the B-Team representative has his own brand of passing, and his standing system that he is relentlessly working on. As part of Chen’s tripod system, which got assimilated by Craig Jones for being so good, the young black belt now provides even more material in the Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD. Apparently, Craig doesn’t know this stuff.

Advantage Over Time Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD Review

The five-part Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD is a No-Gi instructional (does the B-team have any Gi instructional at all?) that contains jsut over two hours of impeccably put together and organized material on methodical guard passing:

Part 1 – Seated to Supine

The first part of the Advantage Over Time Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD offers a skill, not many people think about a lot, which is how to make the guard player less mobile. The answer is fairly simple and you probably know it already, but Chen makes sure you’ll never forget it.

The entirety of the first 20-minute-long volume is dedicated to getting people who are on seated guard to lie down. Seems easy when written, but Jozef explains where it gets tricky, offering direct and indirect means to help you achieve your goal.

Among the direct ones, he demonstrates how to push, step, and shove strategically, so that you achieve a supine position. Indirectly, he goes over body positioning and mentions angles for the first time, using the inside step to capture his point.

Part 2 – Outisde Angles 

Angles are exactly what’s central in the second part of Jozef’s instructional, as he immediately goes over some specific motions to land ou optimal angles. Chen manages to explain feinting in regard to outside passing, a concept I always thought was very difficult for a coach to convey.

He also talks about alternating tensing up and loosening your muscles as you move either (or both) yourself and your opponent) eventually practically explaining angles in a way nobody has ever approached them before.

As this portion of the Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD comes to an end, Chen offers specific grip instructions and round ideas to help you make the most out of the material in your own gym.

Part 3 – Keeping the Flank

The key aspect of Chen’s entire outside passing system is staying around your opponent. something I first heard about from Ryan Hall, even though that was in a submission-hunting context. Still, it is a skill that is not easy to figure out, and this part of the Jozef Chen Outside Passing DVD dedicates a lot of attention to helping you develop it.

Jozef literally goes joint by joint when portraying how to optimally position yourself relative to the opponent and what ‘landmarks’ of connection you’re looking for on their body to help keep yourself on their flank. These include foot traps, knee drops, hip switching, etc. involving applications on both the near and the far leg.

A set of upper body connection instructions provides even more context to Chen’s flanking concepts, most of them featuring his preferred collar tie grip.

Part 4 – Finishing Passes

Wrapping up actual passing with pins appears first in the fourth part of the Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD, which is very Danaher-esque. Jokes aside, I do think Chen picked the optimal way to present his material, leading to a complete understanding of why and how his outside passes work.

The tripod position is the foundation for most of his passing, which he presents here through weight distribution, the leading edge concept, and a very useful idea on how and when to change directions. The portion on dealing with frames is what I believe everyone will find useful, along with his methods of breaking down reactive posts by the guard player.

More specific rounds at the end will make even hardcore Eco guys happy about the content, and those who prefer a cerebral approach get treated with Jozef’s 4D thinking concept.

Part 5 – Troubleshooting 

As we get to the final part of the Jozef Chen Outside Passing DVD, it is time for the B-team standout to provide some troubleshooting tips and tricks. First up, dealing with the far leg getting in between which he does by lassoing. Exactly how, you’ll learn in the DVD.

Other common reactions that get people stuck include the K guard, RDLR, and half guard, all positions that can stall a passer and crate many attacking opportunities for the bottom person. Jozef bases his tactics on campaigning in the guards while making them useless until all the other aspects already covered above start to appear, leading to a pass. He ends with more specific rounds.

Maintaining an Advantage Over Time

The concept of never losing an advantage in BJJ is as old as Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. it was Rickson, I think, who preached that you should never revert back to a position of lower score once you conquer something. It wasn’t put like that, but hopefully, you get what I am trying to say.

While not getting out of the mount and going back into side control is an example of a one-way ticket to messing up, there is a point to be found here, just at a much more precise level. It has more to do with advantages, and not the ones ‘scored’ by the IBJJF than it does with clear, high-scoring positions.

These advantages are the small things, such as getting over one knee when you’re passing an open guard. You haven’t passed yet, but you did get closer to it, and giving that up is just going to put you further from your goal. Another example is getting a crossface or double underhooks from the top half guard.

The Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD offers a much more in-depth analysis of this concept, as Chen bases his entire system around ‘camping’ as you aim to flank your opponent at all times. It is a very interesting and useful resource to figure out passing.

Advantage Over Time Outside Passing Jozef Chen Free DVD Sample
WATCH A FREE SNIPPER: Advantage Over Time Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD


Timeless Tactics 

Terms like ‘modern’ and ‘old school’ often get thrown around when we’re looking at BJJ techniques. Very often we refer to something as ‘timeless’ or ‘evergreen’ but I think that the Advantage Over Time Outside Passing Jozef Chen DVD is one of those rare instructionals that are the timeless outliers.

It provides a movement-based system that will stay true as long as guard and passing are a part of BJJ. In other words, you need it, and it will make you a better guard passer.

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