BJJ Black Belt Chases Down Suspect in front of his Academy

Dan Camarillo is a second degree black belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and 4th degree black belt in Judo. He ran his academy at Bakersfield, CA and his academy is well known for producing champions. And it’s not the best spot to be spotted if you’re a suspect.

On Wednesday Night on May 19, 2016 he heard some crashing noise in front of his academy, he went out to investigate what happened and witnesses told him the suspect had slammed into a truck, and was running away. Dan Camarillo decided to chase him down.

Camarillo told local ABC affiliate News 23:

“I decided to chase him down, He ran out of gas at the corner of the block, I put him in a hold but he started kind of resisting.”

“I grabbed him here and hold this arm tight, and he started to say, no no no.”

“He rolled and I put my weight on him, and i just sat on him pulling his arm tight,” said Camarillio.”

This guy was lucky he wasn’t chased by some expert in some striking martial art as this would end up much worse the suspect. This way no one was harmed.

Camarillo offered some wise words about martial arts.

“I always tell everybody you never know when your going to need it”

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